Picture of Connect: CERM | Working with Products | CI_CERM_011

Connect: CERM | Working with Products | CI_CERM_011

(CERM) Products are generally the equivalent of (Infigo) Jobs. They are a static piece of work, and are associated with the (CERM) Estimate from which they were created. Another way to think of (CERM) Products is as the equivalent of an (Infigo) Stock Product. It is an orderable entry where there are no variable elements to the work. (CERM) Products are created from (CERM) Estimates, the specification of a piece of work, but with variable artwork. Each (CERM) Estimate must be attached to a (CERM) Contact, an individual user. As a result (CERM) Products are also associated with that individual user. The Connect: CERM integration gives users the ability to explore (CERM) Products assigned to their (CERM) Contact entry. From here, they can perform additional actions such as re-ordering, deleting and viewing the order history. (CERM) Products can be re-ordered multiple times, with each being registered as an order which is then associated with the (CERM) Product.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:08:09 - 00:00:09:14
CERM products

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are generally the equivalent of Infigo

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They're a static piece of work
and are associated

00:00:15:08 - 00:00:18:17
with the CERM estimates
from which they were created.

00:00:19:06 - 00:00:22:16
Another way to think of CERM products
is as the equivalent

00:00:22:16 - 00:00:25:07
of an Infigo stock product.

00:00:26:01 - 00:00:29:10
It is an orderable entry
where there are no variable

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elements to the work.

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So CERM products are created from CERM
estimates, the specification

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of a piece of work, but with variable
artwork, each CERM estimates

00:00:42:26 - 00:00:46:29
must be attached to a CERM contact,
which is an individual user.

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As a result, CERM
products are also associated

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with that individual user.

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The Connect integration
gives users the ability to explore

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CERM products
assigned to their contact entry.

00:01:02:03 - 00:01:04:13
From here,
they can perform additional actions

00:01:04:13 - 00:01:08:00
such as reordering,
deleting or viewing the order history.

00:01:09:02 - 00:01:10:06
CERM products can be

00:01:10:06 - 00:01:14:07
reordered multiple times,
with each being registered as an order

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which is then associated with that
CERM product.

00:01:19:09 - 00:01:19:24

00:01:19:24 - 00:01:24:00
So to take a look at the capabilities
we've got around products in that respect,

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we're going to first navigate to my orders

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So products can be viewed from the

00:01:32:11 - 00:01:35:15
My Orders page
when viewing the storefront frontend

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and this is available to your Infigo customers,

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we're then going to click on the products
tab which is at the top of the screen.

00:01:44:21 - 00:01:48:22
So when the Connect CERM plugin is active
users will have access

00:01:48:22 - 00:01:52:23
to additional tabs on the my account page
than they would normally have.

00:01:53:21 - 00:01:56:14
So estimate products and orders

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sign up for the top left here

00:02:00:08 - 00:02:01:24
are available.

00:02:01:24 - 00:02:04:15
These have an active link
with your CERM system

00:02:04:15 - 00:02:08:00
and will display up to date information.

00:02:08:00 - 00:02:12:04
As we're interfacing between CERM and Infigo, it's important to distinguish

00:02:12:04 - 00:02:16:01
between the different terminology
used by both pieces of software.

00:02:16:21 - 00:02:20:00
So what we're seeing here is CERM

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CERMestimates, products and orders.

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So for a bit of context on what they are,

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CERM estimates closely
relate to a Infigo quotes.

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So a specification
of a currently unplaced place piece of work,

00:02:32:04 - 00:02:38:03
they have a fixed specification
but variable artwork.

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Then we have CERM products which is more
or less the equivalent of any Infigo job,

00:02:43:04 - 00:02:47:10
a piece of work with a fixed specification
and a fixed piece of artwork

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generated from the specification

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of the estimate.

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And then we have the orders.

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So this is an instance
where a CERM product has been purchased

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and those orders are associated
with the products they were created

00:03:02:18 - 00:03:05:19

00:03:05:19 - 00:03:13:06
In this tutorial, we're going to be
focusing on the products tab.

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00:03:13:19 - 00:03:17:03
So by default, all CERM products available

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to the currently logged in
user will be displayed.

00:03:20:07 - 00:03:23:27
Now the page we can see here is Paginated,
meaning that

00:03:24:01 - 00:03:27:23
we have certain number of CERM products
are displayed at any one time

00:03:28:12 - 00:03:32:12
this ensures that we can maintain
a high speed link between the two systems

00:03:32:20 - 00:03:36:04
as only a limited dataset
is being requested at any one time.

00:03:37:01 - 00:03:40:06
Bear in mind that we can change the amount
we're carrying per page

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if you wish to do so
and if you want to view different pages

00:03:43:09 - 00:03:48:23
in the Paginated set, you can do that
at the bottom of the screen.

00:03:48:23 - 00:03:52:10
So CERM products are created
when a CERM estimate

00:03:52:10 - 00:03:55:14
is taken through the checkout
and ordering process.

00:03:55:28 - 00:03:58:21
So the CERM estimate will still exist,

00:03:58:21 - 00:04:02:11
but we'll have the newly created
products associated with it.

00:04:04:00 - 00:04:05:29
So we covered this in a previous tutorial.

00:04:05:29 - 00:04:10:18
Just to give you context,
if I go to my estimates tab,

00:04:11:09 - 00:04:14:18
you'll see that
I've got within each of those estimates

00:04:14:18 - 00:04:17:11
a product's column,
and we can see the products

00:04:17:11 - 00:04:20:17
that are associated it
with a particular estimate.

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Clicking on that value
will give me a refined list

00:04:24:21 - 00:04:30:24
of the products
associated only with that estimate.

00:04:30:24 - 00:04:31:12

00:04:32:05 - 00:04:35:10
So bear in mind that these out of these
columns are searchable.

00:04:35:21 - 00:04:41:00
So if you did during the ordering process
put in product descriptions or product

00:04:41:00 - 00:04:44:22
IDs, those will be detailed in here
so you can search for those.

00:04:45:08 - 00:04:48:00
You've also got a project
ID which you can search via

00:04:48:22 - 00:04:55:29
and a general ID of the product.

00:04:55:29 - 00:04:58:23
Now what we also have in
here is a file status.

00:04:59:04 - 00:05:02:26
So CERM products can be created
from CERM estimates

00:05:02:26 - 00:05:06:13
without artwork
being provided at the initial stage.

00:05:06:28 - 00:05:10:06
So this process also works Infigo
with orders

00:05:10:06 - 00:05:14:12
able to be placed and Infigo
jobs created without an artwork file.

00:05:15:11 - 00:05:16:02
So the

00:05:16:02 - 00:05:19:13
status column will show
whether there is an outstanding file

00:05:19:13 - 00:05:23:16
for each of those products,
if not currently provided.

00:05:23:16 - 00:05:26:22
Users can utilize this column
to upload that required artwork.

00:05:27:14 - 00:05:30:06
So you can see here, for example,
I've got two entries

00:05:30:06 - 00:05:33:15
which are training one and training two.

00:05:33:15 - 00:05:35:23
One of them is saying
files have been received

00:05:38:20 - 00:05:39:10
and the other one

00:05:39:10 - 00:05:44:02
is saying that it requires artwork to be
uploaded so it doesn't have any artwork

00:05:44:02 - 00:05:49:17
associated with it at the moment,
although it has been created as a product.

00:05:50:05 - 00:05:53:02
So if I go to upload your artwork,
just click on that link.

00:05:53:13 - 00:05:56:21
It will then take me to a separate page
where I can load

00:05:56:21 - 00:05:59:26
the necessary artwork.

00:06:02:03 - 00:06:04:04
Now what happens when you click on upload?

00:06:04:04 - 00:06:11:02
Your artwork will depend on, well,
you'll get two possible interfaces.

00:06:11:17 - 00:06:14:15
So if this product was created
from within,

00:06:14:15 - 00:06:18:01
Infigo itself,
the user will be taken to the artwork

00:06:18:01 - 00:06:21:20
upload page
seen Infigo multipart products.

00:06:21:26 - 00:06:24:11
So that's what we saw in this case
when we clicked

00:06:25:07 - 00:06:30:11
on that particular link,
if the product was created from within.

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So the user will instead be shown a pop up

00:06:33:27 - 00:06:37:13
where the artwork can be uploaded
directly to the CERM system.

00:06:37:13 - 00:06:38:27
So they'll both do the same thing.

00:06:38:27 - 00:06:41:14
You'll both
you'll be able to upload artwork in both.

00:06:41:23 - 00:06:49:20
You just might see a slightly different
interface in different scenarios.

00:06:49:20 - 00:06:55:05
Also available here, we have a number
of additional actions that we can perform.

00:06:55:22 - 00:06:58:08
So under some scenarios
the user will be able

00:06:58:08 - 00:07:01:09
to delete the CERM product
and hide it from view.

00:07:03:06 - 00:07:04:18
We then have the order

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so this navigates to the orders tap.

00:07:08:11 - 00:07:11:20
So the next one along
I just click that as an example

00:07:12:02 - 00:07:16:16
to see the orders that have been placed
from that particular product.

00:07:17:00 - 00:07:19:28
So we can see in this case
that only order number two

00:07:19:28 - 00:07:22:10
has been specified, not order number one,

00:07:22:10 - 00:07:25:18
So product number
one doesn't have the artwork required

00:07:25:18 - 00:07:29:19
in order
to finalize the order from that product.

00:07:29:19 - 00:07:31:26
Next we have documents.

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So it's empty in this particular case,
but this provides access to documents

00:07:35:27 - 00:07:40:19
associated with this particular CERM product
within this CERM system.

00:07:41:05 - 00:07:44:19
So this information is drawn from CERM
you can't upload additional

00:07:44:19 - 00:07:46:16
documentation via Infigo.

00:07:48:01 - 00:07:50:29
So these documents
can cover a range of associated items.

00:07:50:29 - 00:07:55:20
Could be order notes, additional
thumbnails, preflight reports,

00:07:56:07 - 00:07:58:26
so many other options
that you might want to upload via

00:07:58:26 - 00:08:04:09
your CERM system.

00:08:04:09 - 00:08:04:19

00:08:04:19 - 00:08:07:29
And the last thing we have here
is add to basket which might be renamed

00:08:07:29 - 00:08:12:04
as reorder or something
similar in the near future.

00:08:12:04 - 00:08:16:23
The basket icon on the products
page allows for products to be reordered

00:08:17:24 - 00:08:22:18
and CERM orders
registered from that particular product.

00:08:23:07 - 00:08:28:06
So users would reorder from these products
in situations where the specification

00:08:28:15 - 00:08:31:12
and artwork of a piece of work
are identical.

00:08:32:02 - 00:08:35:03
So users will not be able
to change the specification

00:08:36:04 - 00:08:38:21
or artwork
associated with the CERM product

00:08:38:21 - 00:08:41:11
and will only be able
to change the quantity being ordered.

00:08:42:00 - 00:08:44:08
So if I go an add to basket here,
for example,

00:08:45:05 - 00:08:47:24
it will take me to a product landing page.

00:08:49:18 - 00:08:51:10
However, I've got no ability

00:08:51:10 - 00:08:56:13
to change anything apart
from the quantity.

00:08:56:13 - 00:09:00:16
So I could change the quantity.

00:09:00:16 - 00:09:03:03
It'll give me an update price

00:09:03:03 - 00:09:07:02
and then all I can do
is directly add that to basket the artwork

00:09:07:02 - 00:09:10:09
associated with the existing product

00:09:10:18 - 00:09:21:14
will be reused.

00:09:21:14 - 00:09:25:27
Please note the reordering from a CERM
product will result in the utilization

00:09:25:27 - 00:09:29:07
of one of those master underscore Infigo

00:09:29:07 - 00:09:32:06
product templates
that we discussed in previous tutorials.

00:09:32:24 - 00:09:35:29
This allows the CERM products
to be utilized in the context

00:09:35:29 - 00:09:40:12
of an Infigo stock product
as the specification is static.

00:09:40:19 - 00:09:43:05
The Infigo stock product template

00:09:43:24 - 00:09:46:18
is the applicable one to be utilized

00:09:48:25 - 00:09:53:07
uses then at the CERM product to
their basket as an Infigo stock product.

00:09:53:15 - 00:09:59:01
And then we then proceed
through the checkout process as normal.

00:09:59:01 - 00:10:03:18
Once the order has been placed,
the CERM product will still be available

00:10:05:20 - 00:10:07:22
with the same options that it had before.

00:10:07:22 - 00:10:11:29
However, a new order
will be associated with it now.

00:10:11:29 - 00:10:16:04
This is because the new order
has been created from this product

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and associated with it.

00:10:18:16 - 00:10:21:19
So for example,
if I go to my basket where we just added

00:10:21:29 - 00:10:24:25
a product,

00:10:24:25 - 00:10:28:20
I'll go through the checkout process.

00:10:29:18 - 00:10:30:19
My orders have been placed.

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I'm not going to go back to my
my order screen

00:10:36:23 - 00:10:42:20
back to products.

00:10:42:20 - 00:10:45:29
Then if I go to my order history
associated with that product,

00:10:45:29 - 00:10:47:28
we just utilize

00:10:47:28 - 00:10:50:09
we would see another order associated with

00:10:57:15 - 00:11:00:27
so additional product details

00:11:01:10 - 00:11:05:17
can be accessed with the Arrow
icon that's next to a particular product.

00:11:06:16 - 00:11:09:07
And that's additional details
on the specification

00:11:09:16 - 00:11:11:21
of that particular CERM product.

00:11:11:21 - 00:11:14:03
So you can see, for example,
the details that have been pulled

00:11:14:03 - 00:11:15:17
through or associated with it,

00:11:16:18 - 00:11:18:10
as well as how many what to do with it,

00:11:18:10 - 00:11:20:09
for example.

