00:00:07:28 - 00:00:08:24
Congratulations on
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completing the Storefront
Rapid Build Guide Series.
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You now have the fundamental
knowledge needed to begin
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your journey of creating storefronts
for your customers.
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But you might be wondering,
what comes next?
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Whilst you've made a great start,
you've only really scratched
00:00:23:25 - 00:00:28:10
the surface of Infigo's vast array
of capabilities in the web-to-print Space
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Your Infigo
Academy account is your gateway
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to continuing the expansion
of your Infigo knowledge
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and getting the very best of your Infigo
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We highly recommend that you take a look
at some of our more detailed learning
00:00:42:17 - 00:00:47:25
pathways focusing on the different primary
areas of Infigo in much greater detail.
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So these include the storefront
build guide,
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Template Builder: MegaEdit
where we go into the MegaEdit
00:00:57:08 - 00:01:01:02
editor in much greater detail
and then Template Builder: Invent.
00:01:01:02 - 00:01:04:20
where we will have a more in-depth
look at
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Infigo Invent for InDesign.
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Each of these will walk you
through their more advanced configuration
00:01:13:20 - 00:01:18:10
capabilities with a combination of video
tutorials and step by step guides.
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Whilst we recommend walking through
all of the tutorials in these pathways.
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You're more than welcome to pick
and choose the topics that appeal
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to you.
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Stepping away from the learning
pathways, your Infigo Academy account
00:01:33:18 - 00:01:37:06
also gives you access
to hundreds of standalone tutorials.
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You can use the search tutorials feature
on the home page of your Infigo Academy
00:01:42:15 - 00:01:48:02
account to find exactly the content
that you're looking for.
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So in terms of your future interaction
with the Infigo team,
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there's a few departments
I want to bring your attention to
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starting off with Infigo Customer Success.
00:01:59:04 - 00:02:02:10
So you have been assigned
a Infigo customer success manager.
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Their goal is to help you get your first
storefront live and receiving orders.
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Your customer success manager
will be your main point of contact
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within Infigo
during your onboarding process.
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You can take a look in your onboarding
guide to find out your customer
00:02:18:13 - 00:02:23:04
success manager.
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So additional Infigo training.
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Whilst the Infigo Academy is designed
to provide quick and easy
00:02:28:24 - 00:02:31:14
to Infigos, vast array of capabilities,
00:02:31:25 - 00:02:36:09
there will always be questions which are
specific to your scenario and set up.
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During your onboarding process,
your customer success manager
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will direct you towards appropriate
learning resources.
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If these aren't available,
they will initiate a training session
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with our Academy team
to go through your queries.
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If you haven't done so already,
we highly recommend
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booking an introductory
call with our head of customer support.
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Hannah Wares. She'll introduce you
to our customer support processes
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and show you how to submit tickets
which allow our team
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to respond quickly and efficiently.
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You can find a link to book your meeting
with Hannah
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in your onboarding guide.
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And then lastly, did you know that
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we have a team of experts
to assist you with your projects?
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Our professional services
team are on hand to take on the projects
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that you may not have, the resource
or the expertize to deliver yourselves.
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Some examples of projects
our team can help you with include
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storefront skinning,
product builds or pricing
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scripts, and that's it.
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Thank you very much for taking the time
to view the Rapids Storefront Build
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Guide Series
and we look forward to seeing what you do
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with the Infigo software.