Picture of Placing orders without artwork | GT_PR_012

Placing orders without artwork | GT_PR_012

This tutorial introduces the functionality allowing orders for products to be placed, without the initial specification of artwork. This applies to products which traditionally require artwork to be provided, such as Multi Part products. This functionality allows you to proceed through the ordering process and place the order. The order will be registered but will not proceed through the Infigo system until the user uploads the artwork for that job from their My Orders page.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:08:18 - 00:00:10:03
This tutorial introduces the

00:00:10:03 - 00:00:13:18
allowing orders for products to be placed

00:00:13:24 - 00:00:16:04
without the initial specification
of artwork.

00:00:16:26 - 00:00:19:26
This applies to products
which traditionally require artwork

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to be provided,
such as multi-part products.

00:00:24:10 - 00:00:26:04
This functionality allows you to proceed

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through the ordering process
and place an order.

00:00:29:17 - 00:00:32:13
The order will then be registered
but will not proceed through the

00:00:32:14 - 00:00:37:19
Infigo system until the user uploads
the artwork to that job or for that job.

00:00:37:26 - 00:00:42:04
From there, my orders page.

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So the first thing we're going to do
to show this is navigate to your Infigo

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00:00:54:13 - 00:00:56:25
Now, right at the bottom of that page,

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we have an option here
which is allow ordering without artwork.

00:01:01:25 - 00:01:05:20
So this setting allows you
to define the scope of this functionality

00:01:06:09 - 00:01:09:18
so it can be disabled completely
if you don't wish to allow this option

00:01:09:18 - 00:01:11:06
to be possible.

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It can be applied globally,
so it happens to all relevant products

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or it can be defined
on a per product basis.

00:01:18:26 - 00:01:21:23
In our example, I'm
going to set this to a per product basis.

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This will mean some additional
configuration for each product.

00:01:24:29 - 00:01:28:23
We wish to apply this to,
and it's going to go to the top

00:01:28:23 - 00:01:32:16
of the page and save it.

00:01:34:29 - 00:01:35:29
Next, I'm going to navigate

00:01:35:29 - 00:01:42:21
to our product management,
and I'm either going to locate

00:01:42:21 - 00:01:47:24
or create a relevant product
such as a multipart product.

00:01:48:06 - 00:01:49:28
So I've got an example here,

00:01:49:28 - 00:01:53:07
and I'm going to navigate to its product
variant settings.

00:01:53:19 - 00:01:56:27
So you can do that either by clicking on
the plus icon and going to edit,

00:01:57:15 - 00:01:59:22
or if you go and edit the main product,

00:02:00:25 - 00:02:02:28
you can also get to it through the product

00:02:02:28 - 00:02:13:08
tap here.

00:02:13:08 - 00:02:17:28
Scroll down on the info tab
until you find a relevant option.

00:02:17:29 - 00:02:20:16
So we've got allow ordering
without artwork.

00:02:20:28 - 00:02:25:19
If you want to enable the functionality,
make sure that's checked.

00:02:25:25 - 00:02:34:03
Go to the top of the page and save it.

00:02:34:03 - 00:02:35:14
And that's all we really need to do.

00:02:35:14 - 00:02:38:19
So I'm going to demonstrate
what this functionality does now.

00:02:38:20 - 00:02:40:09
So I'm just going to go ahead and

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impersonates one

00:02:42:19 - 00:02:45:05
of the customers that I have
on this particular storefront

00:02:45:21 - 00:02:55:28
and go and place
an order for that particular product.

00:02:56:21 - 00:03:01:03
Now what you'll see if we have the option
activated as well as the usual start

00:03:01:03 - 00:03:05:22
button, which will take us immediately
to a page to upload the relevant

00:03:05:22 - 00:03:09:23
pdf the artwork for that particular order
we want to place.

00:03:10:10 - 00:03:13:03
We also have this add to basket
button now as well.

00:03:13:09 - 00:03:16:08
So this will allow us to bypass
the uploading of that artwork

00:03:16:16 - 00:03:24:20
and add this product straight to basket.

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And then just going to proceed
through my check out and place that order.

00:03:44:00 - 00:03:46:04
So with the order placed,
I'm just going to go to the

00:03:46:04 - 00:03:49:23
My Orders section that your end users
would also be able to see

00:03:50:20 - 00:03:53:20
the recently placed
orders can be seen within this page.

00:03:54:03 - 00:03:57:21
However, if I go and view that order
in a bit more detail,

00:03:57:21 - 00:04:02:02
which still says processing for the time
being, you'll see that we have

00:04:02:02 - 00:04:06:07
this additional button which is suggesting
the product requires finalization.

00:04:06:16 - 00:04:09:13
And this is because we've not got
the required artwork in order

00:04:09:13 - 00:04:12:27
to finalize
pushing this through the Infigo system,

00:04:14:18 - 00:04:15:15
click on finalize.

00:04:15:15 - 00:04:17:21
It will take you to the artwork
upload page

00:04:18:29 - 00:04:21:01
and then just select the artwork
you wish to include.

00:04:22:10 - 00:04:23:20

00:04:24:07 - 00:04:32:09
and then save.

00:04:32:23 - 00:04:35:16
If I go back to my orders
and review that again,

00:04:35:23 - 00:04:38:10
you'll see that
that finalized button has now disappeared

00:04:38:21 - 00:04:41:12
and we can now see the artwork
that's been uploaded.

00:04:41:12 - 00:04:53:17
So we know that's now been successful.

00:04:53:17 - 00:04:55:02
So we'll take a look at

00:04:55:02 - 00:04:58:21
the changes in the order status
after we've completed this process.

00:04:59:01 - 00:05:03:18
So we're going to have a look on our admin
area at shared print operations

00:05:03:18 - 00:05:07:09
and we'll just see how it's progressed
as we've performed those operations.

00:05:08:01 - 00:05:09:25
So I'm just going to locate that
particular job.

00:05:09:25 - 00:05:11:05
So it's a multipart product.

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You can see at the

00:05:13:05 - 00:05:15:29
moment this is the recent one
I've put in the product with artwork

00:05:16:09 - 00:05:20:15
and we can see that it's
now triggered as output creation pending.

00:05:20:15 - 00:05:23:28
So it has triggered
once we've loaded that artwork

00:05:24:06 - 00:05:26:23
and it's going through the process
of actually producing that

00:05:27:02 - 00:05:30:18
for our print operations
to actually utilize.

00:05:31:17 - 00:05:34:16
If you want to see the different stages
that it's gone through in terms

00:05:34:16 - 00:05:38:21
of changing order status,
expand the job, click on show

00:05:38:21 - 00:05:43:04
all next to status history
and you can see how that's been changing.

00:05:43:04 - 00:05:45:11
So the order was initially placed

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and you can see that since we uploaded
the artwork, it's been recreated

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and then the actual output
is going to be created as well.

