00:00:05:15 - 00:00:07:13
In the previous tutorial,
00:00:07:13 - 00:00:12:04
we learned how to use Infigo data
within Metabase to create a question
00:00:12:07 - 00:00:16:04
and obtain some data in a format
that we desire.
00:00:16:06 - 00:00:19:06
This tutorial covers
a very similar process.
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However, instead of the final data
displaying either a table of values
00:00:24:13 - 00:00:27:20
or a single value were instead
see how we can
00:00:27:20 - 00:00:32:14
choose between a range of different
visualization types such as pie charts,
00:00:32:17 - 00:00:35:12
bar graphs, line graphs, and other
00:00:35:12 - 00:00:38:12
things like that.
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So we'll start off
by creating a new question
00:00:41:10 - 00:00:44:24
and formatting the data
we want within that question.
00:00:44:26 - 00:00:50:19
Okay, new question.
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As with before,
00:00:51:20 - 00:00:57:15
we need to choose the datasets
that we want to utilize to formulate
00:00:57:16 - 00:00:58:19
this question.
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We've got previous saved questions, so
if you want to reference previous datasets
00:01:04:14 - 00:01:09:27
that you've already formatted, or
we can just go directly for our raw data
00:01:09:29 - 00:01:11:10
that will take us to a list
00:01:11:10 - 00:01:15:06
of data tables
that we have available from our database.
00:01:15:09 - 00:01:18:16
And then we're just going to select
the relevant entry, which in my case,
00:01:18:16 - 00:01:21:16
as we're still making something
to do with order data,
00:01:21:19 - 00:01:28:09
will just be the order table.
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As in the previous tutorial,
we're going to refine the dataset
00:01:31:08 - 00:01:35:03
to only display data
from one storefront on our platform.
00:01:35:05 - 00:01:38:22
So I'm going to go ahead
and click on Add Filters, search
00:01:38:22 - 00:01:43:18
for my relevant field I want to filter
by which in my case is storefront ID
00:01:43:20 - 00:01:46:19
and then enter the relevant
filtering data.
00:01:46:19 - 00:01:50:08
So with the current configuration,
the question will potentially return
00:01:50:14 - 00:01:52:20
quite a lot of order data.
00:01:52:20 - 00:01:56:01
So we see we've got a lot of the different
columns, a few different orders.
00:01:56:08 - 00:01:59:08
We could potentially have hundreds
or thousands of entries in here,
00:01:59:15 - 00:02:03:12
which may be way
more data than we require.
00:02:03:15 - 00:02:04:23
But summarize feature
00:02:04:23 - 00:02:07:23
allows us to simplify provided data
00:02:07:23 - 00:02:10:20
and view it in a much more user
friendly way.
00:02:10:20 - 00:02:16:05
So we now case will take the total column
data from the order data table
00:02:16:07 - 00:02:21:03
and we'll ask it to merge the total of
any orders that were done on the same day.
00:02:21:06 - 00:02:28:27
But just to clarify what that is.
00:02:29:00 - 00:02:29:18
I can scroll
00:02:29:18 - 00:02:33:06
across to be created dates
and what we wanted to do is to merge these
00:02:33:06 - 00:02:36:12
so that it's summing
all of the order totals
00:02:36:18 - 00:02:45:25
that occurred in the same day.
00:02:45:28 - 00:02:48:05
so I'm going to go and summarize
00:02:48:05 - 00:02:51:05
sum of Total,
00:02:51:06 - 00:02:52:23
which is our relevant column.
00:02:52:23 - 00:02:55:10
Now, if you left it like this,
it would likely give us a result
00:02:55:10 - 00:02:59:09
of a single value, the same as we saw
in the previous tutorial.
00:02:59:11 - 00:03:00:19
However, we don't want to do that.
00:03:00:19 - 00:03:04:23
As we said, we want to filter it by day
and group than by day.
00:03:04:25 - 00:03:08:08
So we can do this with this second section
here, which is to pick a column
00:03:08:08 - 00:03:09:26
to group by.
00:03:09:28 - 00:03:13:21
If I go through that and search
for created
00:03:13:21 - 00:03:18:04
date, it's
automatically merged it by week.
00:03:18:07 - 00:03:20:23
But we can merge it by a different time
00:03:20:23 - 00:03:24:06
as it recognizes
it as a date and time input.
00:03:24:08 - 00:03:28:23
So it could be minutes, hour,
day, quarter year, whatever you wanted.
00:03:28:25 - 00:03:32:05
In this case, I'll do day.
00:03:32:07 - 00:03:35:28
Now what we'll find if I click Visualize,
00:03:36:00 - 00:03:39:00
it's still using
that same refined dataset,
00:03:39:07 - 00:03:43:00
but because it's refined it down
to a particular level
00:03:43:03 - 00:03:46:10
where Metabase things, it's suitable
for displaying on a graph.
00:03:46:13 - 00:03:51:06
It's automatically showing
us that in a graph or a plot format,
00:03:51:08 - 00:03:55:16
if you do want still see
the data as a table, you can get to this
00:03:55:18 - 00:03:59:22
by clicking these toggle icons
at the bottom of your screen.
00:03:59:24 - 00:04:00:07
There we go.
00:04:00:07 - 00:04:04:19
We can see the relevant data created date
and sum of total.
00:04:04:19 - 00:04:08:26
The Metabase system will display the data
in the way it deems most useful,
00:04:08:29 - 00:04:10:09
and this could be as a table.
00:04:10:09 - 00:04:13:25
A graph or other Visualization means.
00:04:13:27 - 00:04:18:12
Our example question has resulted in
the data being displayed as a line chart,
00:04:18:15 - 00:04:22:11
and this is showing us
a sum of total on the y axis
00:04:22:14 - 00:04:26:27
for each of the days
that an order was taken.
00:04:26:29 - 00:04:29:15
And this is a very useful dataset
00:04:29:15 - 00:04:32:23
given our chosen data
that we want The display,
00:04:32:25 - 00:04:35:25
it is possible to change the visualization
being used
00:04:35:29 - 00:04:39:28
with a range of plots
available for selection.
00:04:40:00 - 00:04:43:18
We get to these by clicking
on visualization down at the bottom left
00:04:43:21 - 00:04:46:15
that will show as a panel
on the Metabase screen
00:04:46:15 - 00:04:50:05
where the visualization
type can be changed.
00:04:50:08 - 00:04:51:05
Now, whilst you can
00:04:51:05 - 00:04:54:05
select any type within here,
00:04:54:10 - 00:04:57:10
all invalid chart types
based on the current data
00:04:57:12 - 00:05:01:12
all grayed out as you can see here,
and then all of the active ones,
00:05:01:12 - 00:05:05:12
it will be able to display in some shape
or form.
00:05:05:14 - 00:05:08:14
So let's try out a couple of alternative
visualizations here.
00:05:08:17 - 00:05:11:14
I could do it as a bar chart
00:05:11:14 - 00:05:15:08
the same data in a different format.
00:05:15:10 - 00:05:16:21
I could do it as a pie chart
00:05:16:21 - 00:05:20:06
for the sake of our example
and the way we want to display this data.
00:05:20:08 - 00:05:25:17
I'm going to leave it as a bar chart.
00:05:25:19 - 00:05:29:20
Now, each visualization
type has different display settings.
00:05:29:22 - 00:05:33:11
You could control the appearance
of that particular plot.
00:05:33:13 - 00:05:35:27
Whilst these are different
for each type of plots,
00:05:35:27 - 00:05:39:19
they operate in a very similar
and very user friendly way.
00:05:39:21 - 00:05:41:13
So altering the display settings
00:05:41:13 - 00:05:45:16
will be demonstrated on the bar plots
that we're showing here.
00:05:45:18 - 00:05:49:04
And whilst this provides almost the exact
formatted data we require,
00:05:49:11 - 00:05:56:14
we can tidy this plot up somewhat
if we want to do so.
00:05:56:17 - 00:05:59:09
So to actually modify
the appearance of this plot,
00:05:59:09 - 00:06:03:01
I'm just going to go to settings
at the bottom of our screen
00:06:03:04 - 00:06:05:18
that will open up a tab on the left
hand side
00:06:05:18 - 00:06:09:07
where we will have
various relevant tabs available.
00:06:09:09 - 00:06:12:24
The one is allowing us to change the data
that's being utilized on this plot.
00:06:12:24 - 00:06:14:04
We have display options.
00:06:14:04 - 00:06:17:09
So that allows us
to put things like trend lines.
00:06:17:12 - 00:06:22:00
We can put values on there as well
if we wish to do so.
00:06:22:02 - 00:06:23:24
And we've got an axes section.
00:06:23:24 - 00:06:27:16
So if we want to change the labeling,
if we want to make the text
00:06:27:16 - 00:06:30:16
that's been utilized a bit more compact
or user friendly,
00:06:30:19 - 00:06:34:00
those kind of options
might be on the axis screen.
00:06:34:03 - 00:06:37:16
So if, for example,
if I want to change the name of the Y axis
00:06:37:18 - 00:06:41:20
and locate the Y axis section
00:06:41:22 - 00:06:46:03
and just change the name
00:06:46:06 - 00:06:49:13
on the x axis,
I might not want a date title.
00:06:49:15 - 00:06:50:11
I can do that.
00:06:50:11 - 00:06:52:25
And then within the data section
where we can choose the data,
00:06:52:25 - 00:06:54:02
we want to utilize,
00:06:54:02 - 00:06:58:08
we can also modify how the data
we've chosen is being displayed.
00:06:58:10 - 00:06:59:06
So you see at the moment
00:06:59:06 - 00:07:02:28
that we've got our green bars up here,
a very limited data set.
00:07:03:00 - 00:07:06:02
However, we can change the color
that's been utilized.
00:07:06:02 - 00:07:12:29
For example,
00:07:13:01 - 00:07:16:14
we've got various different bits
of formatting or styling information
00:07:16:14 - 00:07:19:19
just to change how that particular plot
00:07:19:19 - 00:07:20:26
Okay, Once we're finished
00:07:20:26 - 00:07:26:12
modifying the visuals of our charts,
we can click on Done.
00:07:26:14 - 00:07:30:06
Data displayed on these charts
can be altered in numerous ways
00:07:30:06 - 00:07:37:08
without necessarily having to go back
to the question specification screen.
00:07:37:10 - 00:07:39:13
So for
example, at the bottom of the screen here,
00:07:39:13 - 00:07:43:15
you can see that based on what we chose
in the initial filtering, it's showing me
00:07:43:15 - 00:07:48:07
data from all time and it's showing it
by day.
00:07:48:10 - 00:07:51:10
can also change
00:07:51:11 - 00:07:53:10
the scale of the x axis.
00:07:53:10 - 00:07:56:04
So let's say a week, for example,
00:07:56:04 - 00:08:00:03
for any larger scale data changes,
you may need to hit the run button
00:08:00:03 - 00:08:11:06
to refresh the data
that's being displayed.
00:08:11:08 - 00:08:14:02
Once you have the correct data
in your desired format,
00:08:14:02 - 00:08:17:02
we can save this question for later use
just with the save button
00:08:17:02 - 00:08:19:07
from the top right
00:08:19:07 - 00:08:21:02
into the relevant data.
00:08:21:02 - 00:08:24:11
Select the Collection
in which you want to save
00:08:24:11 - 00:08:29:01
this particular question
00:08:29:04 - 00:08:31:14
and then click Save.
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As we saw in the previous tutorial,
00:08:33:03 - 00:08:36:03
you do have the ability
to add immediately to a dashboard,
00:08:36:04 - 00:08:38:05
but this will be controlled
in a later tutorial.