00:00:06:17 - 00:00:08:14
Now, the next thing we're going to do
is to have a look
00:00:08:14 - 00:00:10:28
at some of the export tools
that we have available.
00:00:11:21 - 00:00:15:18
Address is added to your Address
Books can be exported from Infigo
00:00:15:18 - 00:00:20:02
using this export button that we have here
within one of the actual Address Books.
00:00:20:20 - 00:00:25:11
This will provide you with details of
entered addresses, along with a template
00:00:25:18 - 00:00:29:04
from which you can add further addresses
and re-import the CSV.
00:00:30:06 - 00:00:33:04
If I take a look at what we've downloaded
00:00:33:04 - 00:00:35:11
It's not this one. There we go.
00:00:35:11 - 00:00:37:12
You can see we've got
00:00:37:13 - 00:00:40:03
a few column headings
that have been created for us.
00:00:40:12 - 00:00:43:29
And then the one entry
that we've inputting here manually now
00:00:43:29 - 00:00:48:17
has its own entry within this CSV.
00:00:53:19 - 00:00:54:16
So next we'll take a look
00:00:54:16 - 00:00:57:12
at what we can export from
the Address Books themselves.
00:00:57:22 - 00:00:59:26
So if I go back to Address Books
00:01:02:11 - 00:01:04:18
and I'll click export Address Books.
00:01:05:16 - 00:01:08:18
So in addition to the individual addresses
that we've just seen,
00:01:09:00 - 00:01:14:02
the list of Address
Books can also be exported.
00:01:14:22 - 00:01:17:05
You can see here, for example,
we've only got one address book
00:01:19:11 - 00:01:20:27
which we've created
00:01:20:27 - 00:01:26:03
and we've now got an entry
within that downloadable CSV.
00:01:26:23 - 00:01:29:14
So let's take a look at these CVS
that we've just downloaded.
00:01:29:28 - 00:01:33:11
The CSV file I've got listed here
00:01:34:04 - 00:01:37:00
is an example of the downloaded address
book CSV.
00:01:37:12 - 00:01:42:02
The downloaded CSV provides information
on current Address Books that we have,
00:01:42:02 - 00:01:43:18
but in addition, it provides you
00:01:43:18 - 00:01:47:09
with a CSV template
in which you can add further entries
00:01:47:15 - 00:01:52:10
and then re-import the CSV into Infigo
to create additional Address Books.
00:01:53:05 - 00:01:56:13
So in our example here,
additional rows have been added
00:01:56:21 - 00:02:00:05
detailing Address Books
ready to re-import into Infigo
00:02:01:13 - 00:02:04:22
And we'll do that in a moment.
00:02:05:13 - 00:02:07:22
This other CSV that I've got open here.
00:02:08:06 - 00:02:13:10
So here we have an example
of the downloaded addresses, CSV.
00:02:14:02 - 00:02:17:25
So the downloaded CSV provides
information on current addresses,
00:02:18:02 - 00:02:20:25
and these are the addresses
within all of the Address Books.
00:02:21:21 - 00:02:25:18
So in addition, it provides you with a CSV
template out in which you can add
00:02:25:18 - 00:02:28:29
further entries
and then re-import CSV to Infigo
00:02:29:06 - 00:02:33:07
to create additional addresses.
00:02:33:12 - 00:02:37:00
So in our example, additional rows
have been added detailing
00:02:37:00 - 00:02:41:04
additional addresses, and these are ready
to re-import into Infigo
00:02:42:04 - 00:02:46:05
The downloaded CSV also contains
two identifying columns.
00:02:46:20 - 00:02:49:27
If I just switch back
to the one that we actually
00:02:49:27 - 00:02:59:13
download it,
you'll see that I have two columns.
00:02:59:14 - 00:03:04:03
One of them is the address book ID
and one of them is the address book name.
00:03:05:08 - 00:03:06:04
Only one of
00:03:06:04 - 00:03:09:21
these is required to add new addresses
to the Infigo system.
00:03:10:06 - 00:03:12:29
In my example, I've opted to place each
00:03:12:29 - 00:03:16:07
individual address
using the address book name column.
00:03:16:19 - 00:03:19:16
As a result, I've deleted the ID column.
00:03:20:14 - 00:03:22:22
As you can see here.
00:03:22:22 - 00:03:24:14
So we still have the address ID.
00:03:24:14 - 00:03:25:01
That's fine.
00:03:25:01 - 00:03:27:03
And I've left all the new entries blank.
00:03:27:10 - 00:03:32:11
we haven't got the address book ID.
00:03:32:11 - 00:03:34:29
Please know that
when you're formulating addresses in here,
00:03:34:29 - 00:03:37:23
they cannot not contain a comma symbol
within them.
00:03:38:10 - 00:03:41:29
The CSV we upload is comma delimited,
so having commas
00:03:41:29 - 00:03:47:01
within the addresses
themselves will skew the input.
00:03:48:17 - 00:03:50:06
So let's get this bit of information
00:03:50:06 - 00:03:54:11
within our address book system in Infigo
00:03:54:29 - 00:03:58:27
I'm going to start off by importing
the actual Address Books using the import
00:03:58:27 - 00:04:01:17
Address Books item up here.
00:04:02:08 - 00:04:03:11
We can see there that new
00:04:03:11 - 00:04:06:27
Address Books have been created
based on that information.
00:04:07:06 - 00:04:10:29
We can also see that it's imported,
but it's got an error.
00:04:11:14 - 00:04:15:11
And when we do have an error
in any of these import processes,
00:04:15:17 - 00:04:19:15
we all given an additional CSV document
which shows us what has failed.
00:04:20:02 - 00:04:22:18
So if I go ahead and open that,
what we can see there is it's saying
00:04:22:18 - 00:04:24:14
So if I go ahead and open that,
what we can see there is it's saying
00:04:24:14 - 00:04:28:12
that one of those Address Books
already exists, which is absolutely fine.
00:04:28:19 - 00:04:32:07
So we tried to import the general address
book again,
00:04:32:16 - 00:04:35:22
but it already existed within our system,
so it's just informing us of that.
00:04:36:02 - 00:04:43:06
The other Address Books have been created
as expected, so the next them are going
00:04:43:06 - 00:04:47:21
to do is to import the actual addresses
to sit within those Address Books.
00:04:48:10 - 00:04:50:13
Now, just as a reminder
of the format of this,
00:04:50:13 - 00:04:53:07
before we do import,
then I've got all of the addresses
00:04:53:07 - 00:04:57:07
for all of the dress
books within this one. CSV
00:05:00:04 - 00:05:03:04
and we've got the address book name, which
is where they're going to be assigned.
00:05:03:22 - 00:05:06:12
We could put the same address
in multiple Address Books.
00:05:06:19 - 00:05:12:10
All we need to do is give it
multiple rows within the CSV.
00:05:12:10 - 00:05:15:00
So I'll go ahead and import those.
00:05:15:24 - 00:05:17:24
And then once that import has completed,
00:05:17:24 - 00:05:20:11
we can go ahead and view
that address information.
00:05:20:29 - 00:05:22:13
So if I go into one of my Address
00:05:22:13 - 00:05:25:24
Books and click
and it goes back to my address list
00:05:25:26 - 00:05:30:21
and we can see all of those new entries
have now been created.