1. Navigate to Order Settings
2. Check Skip billing address step when one is available
This option checks whether the customer already has a billing address associated with their account, and will skip the billing address selection during checkout if so.
If a billing address does not exist, a default address will be created using the customer's information. If the resulting address is valid, it will be used as the billing address. Otherwise, the user will be required to input a valid billing address.
3. Check Hide billing address
This setting only works if a default billing address is available.
Enable this setting to always hide the billing address step. If no default address is set by the user, a predefined admin-configured address will be used (as seen in the following steps).
4. Click on Add address
This allows the definition of a predefined admin-configured address, for use if no default address has been set by the customer.
5. Click on Save
6. Navigate to the front end
7. Add a product to the basket and navigate through the Checkout
8. You will initially be taken to the delivery address selection
9. Next, if a billing address is available, your customer is taken directly to the delivery method selection
10. The selected billing address can be seen as part of the order