Picture of Adding Blogs to your Storefront | BG_049

Adding Blogs to your Storefront | BG_049

It's easy to activate blog functionality on your Storefronts, allowing you to create informative, SEO ready articles for your user base. Here, we'll show you how to activate the blog feature and get a sample blog created. In addition, we'll see how to add the Blogs module to our Storefront pages.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:08:20
It's easy to activate blog functionality
on your storefronts,

00:00:08:21 - 00:00:14:00
allowing you to create informative
SEO ready articles for your user base.

00:00:14:03 - 00:00:17:00
Here, we'll show you
how to activate the blog feature

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and to get a sample blog created.

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In addition, we'll see how to add
the blogs module to our storefront pages

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so that we can see featured blogs
from any of our pages.

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So there's a few sections
within the Infigo

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admin which are dedicated
to the blog functionality.

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So if I just start searching blog,
you'll see a few of them there

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and I'm going to start off with my blog

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By default,
blogs are disabled on your storefront.

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This functionality is activated
by clicking the blog enabled checkbox

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and making sure that you hit safe.

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00:00:55:19 - 00:00:58:24
note this does not mean that bugs will now
be automatically visible

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on your storefront pages, but
we will cover this in a few minutes time.

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So these additional settings,

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covering all blogs are also present
on this page, such as, for example,

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specifying whether or registered readers
can leave comments.

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You can control whether you get blog
comment notifications

00:01:21:04 - 00:01:23:25
and you've got various
visual settings in here as well,

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such as the use of blog, featured images

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and the number of posts
which are shown per page.

00:01:31:01 - 00:01:34:04
So there's some very generic settings
to do with the display of blogs

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on your storefront.

00:01:39:20 - 00:01:41:20
Next I’m
going to navigate to a separate section

00:01:41:20 - 00:01:46:02
called blog posts.

00:01:46:04 - 00:01:47:03
And here we'll take a look

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at creating a new blog post to begin with.

00:01:50:04 - 00:01:54:29
So details on all of the existing blog
posts are displayed here.

00:01:55:01 - 00:01:57:28
do have the ability to view and edit

00:01:57:28 - 00:02:03:15
these existing blogs in addition
to creating brand new blog entries.

00:02:03:17 - 00:02:05:08
So we'll just create a new

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blog entry by clicking
Add New on the top right.

00:02:11:01 - 00:02:14:04
And now you're just constructing
the content of that blog page.

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Now, this works in a very similar way
to what you have seen

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with product landing page specifications,
category page specifications.

00:02:22:28 - 00:02:25:12
It's just you basically
constructing your content

00:02:25:12 - 00:02:28:12
and you've got numerous different ways
in which you can construct your content.

00:02:28:12 - 00:02:33:11
So for example, as we'll see,
you can use content templates.

00:02:33:13 - 00:02:35:25
So we'll just fill
in a few of these details to begin with.

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We've got title.

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This is a customer facing title,
so choose wisely

00:02:40:00 - 00:02:45:25
for this one.

00:02:45:28 - 00:02:46:08

00:02:46:08 - 00:02:51:04
that, we've got to choose whether or not
the blog is published once we save it.

00:02:51:04 - 00:02:54:17
So if you still working on it
and don't want to publish it immediately,

00:02:54:20 - 00:03:00:01
you can leave that unchecked.

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You'll see in association with that.

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We also have published from
and published to.

00:03:04:15 - 00:03:07:29
So if it's a time specific blog post,
then you can choose

00:03:07:29 - 00:03:13:18
between the dates and times
which that post is available.

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We have the featured checkbox,

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so a featured blog will appear in the blog
module, which you can add

00:03:20:14 - 00:03:23:18
to your storefront pages and again,
we'll cover this in a few minutes

00:03:23:18 - 00:03:28:18

00:03:28:20 - 00:03:29:08
Next down,

00:03:29:08 - 00:03:40:05
we have the input of a short description.

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This is an initial description
for your blog post.

00:03:43:07 - 00:03:48:11
This will be shown on the main
blog page as a teaser for the blog post.

00:03:48:11 - 00:03:51:19
Content so people will see this content
along with the title

00:03:51:25 - 00:03:56:01
before they actually
click on the blog post.

00:03:56:03 - 00:03:56:25
Now, before we go

00:03:56:25 - 00:04:00:19
ahead and modify
any of the sort of main body contents,

00:04:00:19 - 00:04:06:10
we need to go ahead and save this
or just click, save and continue. Edit

00:04:06:13 - 00:04:07:03
And now we got the

00:04:07:03 - 00:04:10:03
ability to modify the body editor content.

00:04:10:09 - 00:04:13:24
So three ways of doing this,
the same as you may have seen on products

00:04:13:24 - 00:04:15:19
and categories and so on.

00:04:15:19 - 00:04:18:03
Rich Editor, Code Mirror Editor.

00:04:18:03 - 00:04:21:09
If you want to write the HTML yourself
or what

00:04:21:09 - 00:04:24:09
we recommend
is the content template editor.

00:04:24:09 - 00:04:27:22
This allows you to construct
well formatted content using our building

00:04:27:22 - 00:04:33:04
block style system where you don't have
to interact with HTML directly.

00:04:33:06 - 00:04:35:24
If you need more information
on how to use content templates,

00:04:35:24 - 00:04:40:16
the Infigo Academy contains
a lot of resources on that topic.

00:04:40:19 - 00:04:43:13
So I'm just going to go ahead and
very quickly create some basic content.

00:04:43:13 - 00:04:46:08
And then once we've done that,
we can scroll down.

00:04:46:08 - 00:04:50:04
We then have the ability
to choose a previous and a next blog post.

00:04:50:04 - 00:04:54:20
So if we want this to be part of a series
and give our users direct access to

00:04:54:22 - 00:05:01:27
all the related blog posts, for example,
then we can specify specific posts

00:05:02:00 - 00:05:03:08
which are related.

00:05:03:08 - 00:05:07:27
So the previous one and the next one.

00:05:08:00 - 00:05:09:07
You don't have to select those.

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Those are completely optional.

00:05:13:15 - 00:05:15:27
Next, we have a featured picture,

00:05:15:27 - 00:05:20:16
so this will be used in several locations,
including a larger sort of hero image

00:05:20:16 - 00:05:25:13
when you're actually viewing the blog post
and you'll see it as a sort of smaller

00:05:25:13 - 00:05:30:21
featured image on the homepage
and wherever else you have that module.

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And then finally, on this page,

00:05:31:26 - 00:05:35:06
we have the ability to apply tags
if they are strictly relevant.

00:05:35:09 - 00:05:45:29
This allows us to note
similar themes between your blog posts.

00:05:46:01 - 00:05:47:05
Okay, with that, don't

00:05:47:05 - 00:05:52:29
want to go ahead and save that page

00:05:53:01 - 00:05:54:15
just before we move away from here.

00:05:54:15 - 00:05:57:01
You also notice that we have an SEO tap.

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So search engine optimization

00:05:59:24 - 00:06:02:18
blog post
can be search engine optimization

00:06:02:18 - 00:06:06:10
optimized with a range of helpful
fields in the SEO tab.

00:06:06:13 - 00:06:09:14
And you recognize this as being very,
very similar to the SEO

00:06:09:14 - 00:06:17:22
capabilities of product pages.

00:06:17:25 - 00:06:18:05

00:06:18:05 - 00:06:21:25
So let's take a quick look at the blogs
on our actual storefront.

00:06:21:27 - 00:06:25:11
If I go to public store
just to take a look at my home page

00:06:25:13 - 00:06:27:08
now, I can put a link up here to blog.

00:06:27:08 - 00:06:31:21
So whatever I need to do for now,
I don't have any direct link to blogs.

00:06:31:21 - 00:06:36:10
One way we can do this is to go straight
to the relevant URL, which I'll try first.

00:06:36:13 - 00:06:45:06
So that's just forward slash blog

00:06:45:08 - 00:06:45:28
and that will give us

00:06:45:28 - 00:06:48:28
information on all of our available blogs.

00:06:48:28 - 00:06:50:17
we can change the layout of that page

00:06:50:17 - 00:06:54:28
if it's not quite what we're after,
but it's quite a nice blog page layout.

00:06:54:28 - 00:06:56:06
Another thing we might want to do

00:06:56:06 - 00:06:59:29
is to actually have the blog available
for selection on the home page

00:06:59:29 - 00:07:04:02
itself, or another critical page
within our storefront.

00:07:04:04 - 00:07:06:29
So by default,
the blog module is not present on

00:07:06:29 - 00:07:10:05
any of the standard page layouts
and it's got to be added

00:07:10:08 - 00:07:14:00
if you want to actually utilize it

00:07:14:03 - 00:07:14:20
on the page.

00:07:14:20 - 00:07:19:04
You wish to display the blog module,
click on Show Layout Administration,

00:07:19:07 - 00:07:21:27
which is this little icon
on the bottom left.

00:07:21:27 - 00:07:24:15
You only be able to see this
if you're actually viewing the storefront

00:07:24:15 - 00:07:32:02
as an administrator
so users won't see this.

00:07:32:05 - 00:07:32:20

00:07:32:20 - 00:07:36:11
the container in which you want to place
that particular module.

00:07:36:11 - 00:07:39:22
So the blog module in this case,
and then choose the blog module

00:07:39:22 - 00:07:43:04
from the module section.

00:07:43:06 - 00:07:45:20
Click on Add module to container.

00:07:45:20 - 00:07:49:11
The page will reload

00:07:49:14 - 00:07:52:02
and then we'll see that
we now have that blog section in

00:07:52:02 - 00:07:55:00
and that can be added to any page
that we wish.

00:07:55:00 - 00:07:58:13
Now obviously that we've not gone through

00:07:58:15 - 00:08:00:18
page layouts in a lot of detail there.

00:08:00:18 - 00:08:10:09
There are other tutorials available in the
Infigo Academy on managing page layouts.

00:08:10:12 - 00:08:12:20
note that only blogs marked as featured

00:08:12:20 - 00:08:17:08
will be displayed in this section

00:08:17:11 - 00:08:17:26
so users

00:08:17:26 - 00:08:22:25
can access any of these blogs
just by clicking on the feature tile that

00:08:22:25 - 00:08:26:21
will take you to that page, This includes
the main hero image at the top.

00:08:26:23 - 00:08:29:23
That's from the uploaded feature
image that you provided.

00:08:29:29 - 00:08:32:29
You've got the main blog content,

00:08:33:04 - 00:08:35:22
you've got the tags
which will take you to associate

00:08:35:22 - 00:08:39:00
blogs with the same tags
if you click on either of those.

00:08:39:02 - 00:08:42:21
And then we've got our navigation
to other blog posts as well.

00:08:42:24 - 00:08:49:13
If we specified them.

00:08:49:15 - 00:08:50:28
Now the blog posts page

00:08:50:28 - 00:08:55:13
layout may require further amendment
using the layout administration panel.

00:08:55:13 - 00:08:59:05
So the one I showed you earlier
on, you may find the default blog page

00:08:59:05 - 00:09:03:20
is missing some critical elements
such as the header bar footer, The Layout

00:09:03:20 - 00:09:07:21
Administration panel can assist in adding
the ease of formatting the page.

00:09:07:23 - 00:09:15:26
The Infigo Academy Content Resources are
managing page layouts using this panel.

00:09:15:28 - 00:09:16:14
Okay, so you

00:09:16:14 - 00:09:19:20
also notice that it's possible
to leave comments on a blog post.

00:09:19:20 - 00:09:21:20
And again, who has the ability to leave?

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Comments will, based on what you specified
in the settings

00:09:24:24 - 00:09:27:21
as to whether or not it can be anybody
or if it's just people

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that are logged in

00:09:34:17 - 00:09:36:24
Now, we can actually keep an eye
on the comments

00:09:36:24 - 00:09:40:07
that we've received on our blog posts
inside Infigo admin.

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if I go back to the admin area,
search for blog yet again

00:09:44:03 - 00:09:47:03
and you'll see
now we have the option for blog comments

00:09:47:08 - 00:09:48:10
and that will give you details

00:09:48:10 - 00:09:51:17
on all of the comments that have been left
on your different blog posts.

