Show details for Creating a storefront administrator | BG_002

Creating a storefront administrator | BG_002

Each storefront should have at least one Storefront Administrator. This role has the administrative rights to build and amend all elements of the chosen storefront. Note: Infigo does not recommend building your storefront whilst logged in as the Platform Administrator. 

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:14:28 - 00:00:15:07
In this

00:00:15:07 - 00:00:18:16
video, we're going to take a look
at creating a storefront administrator.

00:00:19:03 - 00:00:22:25
So each storefront should have at least
one storefront administrator.

00:00:23:17 - 00:00:26:08
This particular role
has the administrative

00:00:26:08 - 00:00:29:10
rights to build and amend
all elements of the chosen storefront.

00:00:30:09 - 00:00:35:01
You can technically do the same actions
using the platform administrator,

00:00:35:01 - 00:00:38:14
which is the default account
that can control all of the storefronts.

00:00:38:29 - 00:00:43:17
However, I didn't figure we recommend the
for each of the individual storefronts.

00:00:43:26 - 00:00:46:21
You have a separate storefront
administrator, at least one

00:00:46:21 - 00:00:49:19
storefront administrator.

00:00:50:21 - 00:00:52:23
So the first thing we need to do
is to actually check that

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we're on the right storefront that we want
to create the administrator for.

00:00:57:03 - 00:01:00:23
We can either check
which storefront is active up here.

00:01:01:16 - 00:01:04:13
If that's not correct,
then we can go to switch

00:01:04:13 - 00:01:07:01

00:01:07:16 - 00:01:08:10
It'll give us a list

00:01:08:10 - 00:01:11:04
of all of the storefronts
that we have available on our platform,

00:01:11:24 - 00:01:16:25
and I can activate the relevant into what?

00:01:17:09 - 00:01:23:16
here we have selected the 
"Demo Storefront Video" storefront

00:01:23:16 - 00:01:26:13
and just to tie this into the

00:01:26:13 - 00:01:31:14
alias of this storefront that
we set up in the first video of this series

00:01:31:14 - 00:01:34:01
we would access this storefront by

00:01:34:06 - 00:01:39:25
going to our general platform URL
so in my case

00:01:40:12 - 00:01:43:15
forward slash and then the alias of that storefront

00:01:43:15 - 00:01:47:16
so in my case /demoforvideo

00:01:52:16 - 00:01:54:26
Then we need to actually go
to the customer's screen.

00:01:55:11 - 00:01:58:23
This is where we can actually add
new users to the selected storefront.

00:01:59:16 - 00:02:02:04
So if I go to customers,

00:02:02:04 - 00:02:06:25
customer management,
and then if you scroll down,

00:02:06:25 - 00:02:11:14
this is where the list of active users,
the list of users would be populated.

00:02:11:24 - 00:02:19:15
At the moment we have no records in that.

00:02:19:15 - 00:02:21:15
So if you had a new customer

00:02:21:15 - 00:02:25:09
of which the storefront administrator
is one, if we say add new,

00:02:26:12 - 00:02:28:16
that will
bring us to the new customer screen.

00:02:29:03 - 00:02:32:25
And here we put some basic information
for our storefront administrator.

00:02:32:29 - 00:02:36:19
You can put all of it in there
if you like, but at minimum,

00:02:36:19 - 00:02:38:11
you will need a name.

00:02:38:11 - 00:02:41:27
You'll need an email
and you'll need some kind of password.

00:02:42:25 - 00:02:46:01
Now, administrator passwords
need to be a little bit

00:02:46:01 - 00:02:49:01
more complex than basic uses,

00:02:49:25 - 00:02:52:20
but this password box
will give you guidance

00:02:53:14 - 00:02:57:13
when you start
to enter a particular password.

00:02:59:25 - 00:03:02:04
So I can put some names, I can put email

00:03:03:07 - 00:03:06:13
and I'll populate a password.

00:03:10:23 - 00:03:12:23
Now, before we actually save this,

00:03:13:11 - 00:03:17:09
we need to apply some additional roles
to this particular user.

00:03:17:12 - 00:03:21:24
So if I go across to the customer rolls
tab, you'll see a full list of

00:03:22:27 - 00:03:24:13
default roles that we're able

00:03:24:13 - 00:03:26:13
to apply to our particular users.

00:03:28:08 - 00:03:31:19
The descriptions of most of these
will be explained in other videos

00:03:31:28 - 00:03:35:05
at the moment as we're creating
a new storefront administrator.

00:03:35:09 - 00:03:38:03
We need to make sure that we have
that box selected.

00:03:39:18 - 00:03:42:25
Registered is selected by default
and every new user

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and that must remain selected
or the account will be inaccessible

00:03:50:12 - 00:03:53:09
From here we'll just go to save.

00:03:53:09 - 00:03:55:27
That will save the customer
that we've just created

00:03:56:09 - 00:03:58:15
and that will now be added to our main

00:04:00:21 - 00:04:03:05
customer management screen.

00:04:03:05 - 00:04:04:23
And you can see,
if you look in the details

00:04:04:23 - 00:04:10:01
here, that there's roles applied,
including storefront administrators.

00:04:14:21 - 00:04:16:04
Now, before we move forward

00:04:16:04 - 00:04:18:18
and make any changes
to our actual storefront,

00:04:18:18 - 00:04:20:28
we need to make sure that we're logged
into the correct account.

00:04:22:00 - 00:04:25:20
So at the moment when we

00:04:25:20 - 00:04:29:16
created that particular user, we're logged
on to the platform administrator.

00:04:30:00 - 00:04:32:04
All I'm going to do
is walk out of that account

00:04:35:19 - 00:04:37:01
and then on my log in screens

00:04:37:01 - 00:04:41:25
I'm just going to enter the information
for that particular user.

00:04:45:09 - 00:04:46:05
So once I hit log

00:04:46:05 - 00:04:49:20
in, that will now
take me to my actual storefront.

00:04:50:03 - 00:04:52:12
So this is the default store for the
you see,

00:04:53:01 - 00:04:55:14
if someone were to actually view

00:04:55:14 - 00:04:58:06
your website,
this is what they would view by default.

00:04:59:02 - 00:05:01:24
If you want to get back
to the administrator window.

00:05:02:09 - 00:05:05:08
So you can actually start
creating your storefront

00:05:05:21 - 00:05:08:11
and all you need to do is hit forward,

00:05:08:11 - 00:05:10:05
slash admin

00:05:12:17 - 00:05:15:27
at the end of your URL,
and that will take you back to the admin

00:05:15:27 - 00:05:20:25
settings which you are able to access
because of this users status.

00:05:20:25 - 00:05:24:22
As a storefront administrator.

00:05:25:26 - 00:05:26:21
It's worth noting that

00:05:26:21 - 00:05:29:00
if you ever do
want to go back to the public store,

00:05:30:21 - 00:05:32:11
there is an icon here which allows

00:05:32:11 - 00:05:35:08
you to do so.

00:05:35:24 - 00:05:41:19
Platform administrators can't see this option
Storefront administrators can.


Have a question? Tutorial out of date? CLICK HERE to add a comment and let us know 80%
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Reply to Mike Wray
Hey Mike, You are correct. If you cannot see the "Switch Storefront" button at this point then you will be viewing the admin area from the perspective of a Storefront Administrator. Either you are logged in as a Storefront Admin, or you are impersonating one. You will only see the ability to switch between storefronts when logged in as a Platform Admin, which has the authority to oversee a l storefronts on the platform. Hope this helps! Sam
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switch store font option not showing in the dash board
Hi Guys, i'm currently on the second video and its mentioned the switch store front button. for some reason its not there for me! Dan has set me up as a user but could it be that i'm not a platform admin (just a guess) Thanks Mike
( 0 ) | ( 0 )
Step by Step Guide

Create a Storefront Administrator

Each storefront should have at least one Storefront Administrator.

This role has the administrative rights to build and amend all elements of the chosen storefront.

Note: Infigo does not recommend building your storefront whilst logged in as the Platform Administrator.

Creation Date: Sep 12, 2022
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Click on Switch Storefront

First, we need to check that you have the correct storefront activated

Click on Switch Storefront

2. Your currently selected storefront will be highlighted.

Your currently selected storefront will be highlighted.

3. To begin adding a new Storefront Administrator, click on Customers

To begin adding a new Storefront Administrator, click on  Customers

4. Click on Customer Management

This step will take you to the Customer Management screen. Here you will see a list of all customers added to your storefront, including those assigned to administrator roles.

Click on Customer Management

5. Click on Add new

Click on Add new

6. Complete some basic information for your Storefront Administrator

At minimum, you will require a name, email and password.

Storefront Administrator passwords are required to be more complex than basic users. The password input box will give you additional guidance.

Complete some basic information for your Storefront Administrator

7. Click on Customer Roles

We now need to assign this customer with the Storefront Administrator role

Click on Customer Roles

8. Check Storefront Administrators

No need to deselect "Registered", which is checked by default.

Check  Storefront Administrators

9. Click on Save

"Save" will return you to the Customer Management screen.

"Save and Continue Edit" will save the customer details but keep you on the same screen if you wish to make additional edits.

Click on Save

10. Confirm your new customer has a Storefront Administrator role applied.

Confirm your new customer has a Storefront Administrator role applied.

11. Click on Logout?

We need to log in as the Storefront Administrator before making changes to our storefront.

Start by logging out of your Platform Administrator account.

Click on Logout?

12. Enter your login details for the Storefront Administrator and click on Login

Enter your login details for the Storefront Administrator and click on Login

13. You will be brought to your storefront.

add "/admin" to the end of the URL to return to the administrator screen.

For example: "".

You will be brought to your storefront.

14. To return to your storefront at any time, click on Public Store

Individual Search Words:

Admin, User, Role, Permission, Account, Login, Rights, Access, Manage, Setup

Alternate Search Phrases:

Assigning admin roles, Setting up user permissions, Creating user accounts, Managing admin rights, User access setup, Configuring admin accounts, Adding new administrators, Setting user permissions, Admin account creation, Granting admin privileges