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switch store font option not showing in the dash board
4 / 5
Hi Guys, i'm currently on the second video and its mentioned the switch store front button. for some reason its not there for me! Dan has set me up as a user but could it be that i'm not a platform admin (just a guess)

From : mike.wray | Date: 13/07/2023 14:15
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Reply to Mike Wray
4 / 5
Hey Mike,

You are correct. If you cannot see the "Switch Storefront" button at this point then you will be viewing the admin area from the perspective of a Storefront Administrator.
Either you are logged in as a Storefront Admin, or you are impersonating one.

You will only see the ability to switch between storefronts when logged in as a Platform Admin, which has the authority to oversee all storefronts on the platform.

Hope this helps!
From : samuel.webster | Date: 13/07/2023 15:49
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