Show details for RFQ Editable Content templates | ID: CI_RFQ_003

RFQ Editable Content templates | ID: CI_RFQ_003

In this tutorial, we will discuss the Editable Content blocks that are made available once the Connect : RFQ plugin has been enabled. Several Editable Content blocks are available, each used within different parts of the forms generated as part of the RFQ functionality. Default content for these content blocks are already populated, with administrators able to customise and design the contents.

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00:00:07:21 - 00:00:10:29
In this tutorial,
we'll discuss the editable content blocks

00:00:10:29 - 00:00:14:29
that are made available once
the Connect: RFQ plugin has been enabled.

00:00:15:23 - 00:00:18:16
Several editable
content blocks are available,

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each used within different parts
of the forms generated

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as part of the RFQ functionality.

00:00:26:05 - 00:00:29:19
Default content for these content
blocks is already populated

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with administrators able to customize
and design

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these contents.

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Details on the editable content blocks

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as part of the RFQ
module are provided in the Connect.

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RFQ Settings page.

00:00:46:22 - 00:00:49:01
Just navigate to the relevant editable

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contents section within this page.

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To access these additional details.

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00:00:58:25 - 00:01:03:17
So to go into a little more detail on what
the content blocks actually contain.

00:01:04:05 - 00:01:08:21
So we'll just walk down
this list of content areas

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that are detailed in the RFQ settings

00:01:12:11 - 00:01:15:00
Starting off with the bid form
invalid message,

00:01:15:00 - 00:01:18:03
this is what the supplier will see
if they try

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to access the bid form, but for whatever
reason, they're not able to place a bid.

00:01:21:25 - 00:01:22:18
So maybe

00:01:23:17 - 00:01:26:22
the quotation, the order

00:01:26:22 - 00:01:29:19
has already been given to somebody else,
for example, or is expired.

00:01:30:21 - 00:01:33:22
This block will just show them
an associated message.

00:01:33:29 - 00:01:37:08
It's nice and simple to start off with.

00:01:37:08 - 00:01:38:23
Just saying

00:01:38:23 - 00:01:43:06
that no bids can be placed for this quote,
but as with any editable content block,

00:01:43:06 - 00:01:47:03
you can customize that as necessary,
make it more visually appealing.

00:01:47:03 - 00:01:49:10
For example.

00:01:51:09 - 00:01:53:22
We also have the bid form success

00:01:53:22 - 00:01:56:12
notification message
that's just very, very similar.

00:01:56:27 - 00:01:59:21
It's just showing that your response
has been received and recorded.

00:02:00:00 - 00:02:02:15
Again, it can be customized.

00:02:02:21 - 00:02:04:09
We then have the bid form.

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So this is the main bid form
that the supplier will see.

00:02:09:03 - 00:02:13:07
So they'll receive an email
that will give them a link to the bid form

00:02:13:07 - 00:02:16:12
where they can actually put
in the details of that quote.

00:02:17:02 - 00:02:21:10
And what you're modifying from
the editable content block is the header,

00:02:21:27 - 00:02:24:06
the main body message and the footer.

00:02:24:16 - 00:02:26:08
So what we're looking
at here is the header,

00:02:27:14 - 00:02:27:27
the main

00:02:27:27 - 00:02:31:02
body message, which you can see at
the moment is a lorem ipsum passage.

00:02:31:02 - 00:02:33:19
So we'll need customization.

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And then the footer

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quite similar.

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We have the shipped form.

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So this again, this is once

00:02:40:24 - 00:02:44:01
the order has actually been assigned
to a particular supplier,

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they are sent an email

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where they can register
when that order has actually been shipped

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and they'll be sent to another form
similar to this.

00:02:53:25 - 00:02:55:21
And again, they can modify

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the header as one content book,

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the body

00:03:00:15 - 00:03:02:26
and the footer.

00:03:05:25 - 00:03:07:13
The last two here are already

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notifications and success notifications.

00:03:10:23 - 00:03:13:06
They're just very similar
to what we saw previously

00:03:13:14 - 00:03:15:04
or at the moment in the default.

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You've just got a separate page giving
a simple success or failure message.

00:03:21:19 - 00:03:23:11
And again, they can be customized

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as you see fit.

00:03:32:26 - 00:03:36:11
So as we mentioned,
you can modify the content

00:03:36:11 - 00:03:41:03
of those content blocks
that are displayed to your suppliers.

00:03:41:16 - 00:03:44:09
If I go to the editable content area
within our

00:03:44:09 - 00:03:52:16
in figure admin,
most of you will be familiar

00:03:52:16 - 00:03:57:03
with this section by now in different
areas of the site that you can modify.

00:03:57:03 - 00:04:01:16
Any content blocks associated with the RFQ
module will be located

00:04:01:16 - 00:04:08:02
in the custom section.

00:04:08:02 - 00:04:11:26
You can modify any of those content blocks
by clicking on the edit button

00:04:11:26 - 00:04:14:19
next to the relevant row.

00:04:15:10 - 00:04:18:08
And then whilst a base template
is pre-populated,

00:04:18:15 - 00:04:22:24
the administrator is expected to fully
define the content of these blocks.

00:04:24:29 - 00:04:25:26
we can see on this one,

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for example,
that the default template is populated.

00:04:28:27 - 00:04:33:03
However, the main body of text
as part of that body is a currently

00:04:33:03 - 00:04:36:03
a Lorem ipsum passage
which is awaiting input

00:04:36:11 - 00:04:41:14
from the administrator.

00:04:41:14 - 00:04:45:18
The contents of these blocks
can be generated by any of the three body

00:04:45:18 - 00:04:50:08
text editor setting types, so by default
they'll be set to the Code Mirror editor.

00:04:50:17 - 00:04:55:20
But you can also utilize the rich editor
or the content template editor

00:04:55:28 - 00:04:58:20
to make much more visually appealing

00:04:59:27 - 00:05:01:09

00:05:01:15 - 00:05:05:07
If writing
the actual code is not something

00:05:05:07 - 00:05:10:11
that you're capable of doing, as always,
we do recommend

00:05:10:11 - 00:05:14:17
utilizing the content templates,
allowing you to generate detailed web page

00:05:14:17 - 00:05:19:15
content without having to manually
create the HTML  code.

