Picture of Discounts | Example - Create discounts in batch | BG_DISC_004

Discounts | Example - Create discounts in batch | BG_DISC_004

In this tutorial, we will take a look at how to create (clone) discounts in batch. This allows you to create multiple discount codes in a single operation

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:05:15 - 00:00:06:15
This tutorial will

00:00:06:15 - 00:00:10:07
take a look at how to create
or clone discounts in batch.

00:00:10:10 - 00:00:16:04
This allows you to create multiple
discount codes in a single operation.

00:00:16:06 - 00:00:17:19
So start off by navigating

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to the discount screen.

00:00:21:02 - 00:00:23:25
Then you can either create a new discount
at the top

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that you're going to use
as the base for our clones discounts.

00:00:27:22 - 00:00:30:09
Or you can find another one
that's already been created,

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which you can again use just to clone.

00:00:33:27 - 00:00:36:19
I'm going to pick this one
here. For example,

00:00:36:19 - 00:00:39:20
which already has a discount
coupon code applied.

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Now, from this screen, we can go ahead
and clone this particular discount.

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So this is on the top right
click on the clone button.

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This takes you to a separate screen
with two available tabs.

00:00:51:27 - 00:00:56:13
We have the custom code uploader,
which is a manual code input.

00:00:56:16 - 00:01:00:02
So if desired,
you can manually input the codes to create

00:01:00:05 - 00:01:03:06
an All you've got to do
is enter one value per line for the codes

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that you want to create.

00:01:06:04 - 00:01:06:24
Probably the more

00:01:06:24 - 00:01:11:05
user friendly
version is the batch discount generator.

00:01:11:08 - 00:01:18:11
This allows you to generate a set
number of codes with a common prefix.

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So we'll work through an example of this.

00:01:20:18 - 00:01:24:10
We will type the number of codes
that we require.

00:01:24:13 - 00:01:27:05
We'll type in a common prefix

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between all of our new codes,

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and then we'll specify

00:01:32:11 - 00:01:35:11
the total length of our discount
and voucher code.

00:01:35:12 - 00:01:38:04
And remember that
this includes the prefix.

00:01:38:04 - 00:01:41:06
So, for example, if I put ten in here,
it's going to include

00:01:41:06 - 00:01:45:16
our six character prefix
and then is going to be additional

00:01:45:16 - 00:01:51:04
four characters on the end
to make it up to ten in total.

00:01:51:07 - 00:01:53:05
And to create those,

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we can see a newly created codes

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are now available.

00:02:00:24 - 00:02:02:28
Now let's take a look at one of these
in a bit more detail.

00:02:02:28 - 00:02:06:20
So I'm just going to select one of those
newly created codes and click edit,

00:02:06:23 - 00:02:09:04
or we can see that
it's copied a lot of the information

00:02:09:04 - 00:02:12:12
from the discount that we copied from.

00:02:12:15 - 00:02:15:27
So the discount amounts,
the fact that it's using a

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specific value and not a percentage.

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Any requirements
would be copied over as well.

00:02:21:05 - 00:02:25:28
However, you'll see that our coupon code
has been updated to match

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the updated name,

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so the

00:02:29:00 - 00:02:33:13
original coupon code and name have both
been overridden by the updated name.

