00:00:05:15 - 00:00:06:28
Following going from tutorials
00:00:06:28 - 00:00:11:20
IV_028 and IV_027,
00:00:11:28 - 00:00:15:02
which introduced
the concept of advanced groups in Invent.
00:00:15:16 - 00:00:19:10
This tutorial looks at a few examples
of how these can be configured,
00:00:19:18 - 00:00:22:10
and what effect
they have on the final group.
00:00:22:10 - 00:00:25:10
When transferred to a MegaEdit product.
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We'll do this by working our way
00:00:27:17 - 00:00:31:00
through the alignment options
that are provided by Infigo.
00:00:31:03 - 00:00:34:03
So if I just click on one of the groups
I've pre-made.
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You'll see that we have a range
of alignment and distribution
00:00:43:14 - 00:00:44:24
of spacing settings.
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And we'll just use these as a guide.
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Now these are just
00:00:51:11 - 00:00:55:15
examples of how they can be configured
with the margins and the sizing of each
00:00:55:25 - 00:00:59:09
field fully configurable
by the template builder.
00:01:00:16 - 00:01:05:04
So in each of our examples
we have two text fields just side by side.
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Next to those we have an image field.
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And then they are all placed
within an empty image frame,
00:01:12:12 - 00:01:15:12
which is defined
as our boundary of the group.
00:01:15:16 - 00:01:19:10
Now we've explained how to set all this up
in one of the earlier tutorials.
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So we will begin within InDesign itself,
00:01:27:12 - 00:01:30:12
and we'll just select the group
that we want to look at.
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We'll work our way through the alignment,
00:01:32:29 - 00:01:35:29
spacing, and gap options
provided by default.
00:01:36:02 - 00:01:37:28
Now these cover many scenarios.
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However, please do remember,
just as a reminder that the margins
00:01:42:03 - 00:01:45:12
and sizing of each field
are completely customizable
00:01:45:12 - 00:01:48:12
should you want to deviate
from these examples.
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Okay, so
00:01:51:04 - 00:01:54:04
our first example will be left aligned.
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So with our group selected and align left
00:01:57:21 - 00:02:02:05
selected, this will automatically modify
the margin and size
00:02:02:05 - 00:02:05:05
options of the fields
contained within the group.
00:02:06:02 - 00:02:09:02
So I'm going to click on the advanced
00:02:09:15 - 00:02:10:24
with the three fields in the group.
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Just so we can see what has been specified
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00:02:20:12 - 00:02:22:14
So for this first example,
let's take a look
00:02:22:14 - 00:02:25:29
at each of the fields in turn so
we can understand exactly what it's doing.
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And then for later examples
we'll go through it at a much faster pace.
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We'll start
by looking at the left text field.
00:02:32:18 - 00:02:33:29
So this frame here.
00:02:36:08 - 00:02:37:12
Now for the left
00:02:37:12 - 00:02:40:12
margin of that left text field
00:02:41:18 - 00:02:44:18
we have a set value of zero.
00:02:45:03 - 00:02:47:03
And this will ensure that this field sits
00:02:47:03 - 00:02:50:03
right up against the boundary.
00:02:50:22 - 00:02:52:22
As this is,
the field at the top of the list is
00:02:52:22 - 00:02:56:26
considering that to be the leftmost
in our horizontal configuration.
00:02:56:26 - 00:02:57:16
So that.
00:02:57:16 - 00:03:01:08
Left side of the text frame there will sit
right up against the boundary.
00:03:03:29 - 00:03:07:10
Now the right margin of this left
00:03:07:10 - 00:03:10:15
text field is set to self.
00:03:10:15 - 00:03:15:02
Now this will pick up and set the current
margin between this and the next field
00:03:15:10 - 00:03:18:10
as it's currently set inside InDesign.
00:03:18:16 - 00:03:21:03
So what this means
we've got self-selected.
00:03:21:03 - 00:03:23:03
It's saying 4.5mm.
00:03:23:03 - 00:03:27:28
It's calculated that there's a 4.5mm gap
between these two fields.
00:03:28:02 - 00:03:29:11
And that will be maintained.
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And then
finally we have the size option again
00:03:34:07 - 00:03:38:26
that has been automatically set to self,
meaning that the field
00:03:39:01 - 00:03:42:13
will retain its current width
as it's seen in design.
00:03:48:14 - 00:03:51:26
Now let's take a look at our right text
00:03:51:26 - 00:03:54:26
We're still looking at the left alignment.
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Now what we see here.
00:03:58:02 - 00:03:59:24
This field is in the middle of our list,
00:03:59:24 - 00:04:03:14
surrounded by other fields in the group
on either side.
00:04:03:25 - 00:04:07:21
This means that the field has no direct
link to the external boundary.
00:04:08:24 - 00:04:11:24
All margins and size
options are set to self here,
00:04:12:00 - 00:04:16:28
ensuring that the field's current size
and its gap sizes,
00:04:16:28 - 00:04:21:08
its margin sizes are maintained
as they currently are in InDesign.
00:04:22:00 - 00:04:24:19
So what we mean
is that this width of the frame
00:04:24:19 - 00:04:27:20
will be maintained, and then the gap here
00:04:28:05 - 00:04:32:00
and the gap here will also be maintained
as they are in InDesign.
00:04:35:02 - 00:04:35:08
And then
00:04:35:08 - 00:04:38:09
finally our image field that we have here.
00:04:38:18 - 00:04:41:18
So it's expand the option for this one.
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Now our image field
is the last field in our list.
00:04:46:04 - 00:04:49:18
And this means with our horizontal
configurations we have it
00:04:49:28 - 00:04:53:23
that it's the right margin
that will interact with the right
00:04:54:09 - 00:04:57:07
external boundary of the group.
00:04:57:07 - 00:05:02:01
As a result, both the left margin
and the size are set to self
00:05:02:01 - 00:05:05:01
to ensure that the current spacing
and width are maintained.
00:05:06:00 - 00:05:09:00
The right margin, however, is set to auto.
00:05:09:04 - 00:05:11:19
This ensures
that the right margin is adaptable
00:05:11:19 - 00:05:14:19
based on the available space.
00:05:15:10 - 00:05:19:09
As we are left aligning the field
within the group, it makes sense
00:05:19:09 - 00:05:22:09
that the margin to the right of the fields
should be adjustable.
00:05:22:13 - 00:05:24:04
Based on that available space.
00:05:26:19 - 00:05:28:15
So now
let's take a look at that same group
00:05:28:15 - 00:05:31:15
when transferred to a MegaEdit product.
00:05:33:16 - 00:05:35:22
Now I'm going to enable
a debugging mode here,
00:05:35:22 - 00:05:38:22
so we can actually see
the boundaries of those fields.
00:05:40:25 - 00:05:42:05
This makes it a little bit clearer
00:05:42:05 - 00:05:45:05
for the purposes of this example.
00:05:46:19 - 00:05:47:27
So looking at the left alignment
00:05:47:27 - 00:05:51:21
we see that the specification for this
group has been successfully applied.
00:05:52:05 - 00:05:55:19
The left text field
is pushed up against the boundary
00:05:57:15 - 00:06:00:22
with the other fields
moving with it to maintain
00:06:00:22 - 00:06:03:22
the specified gaps between the fields.
00:06:04:20 - 00:06:07:13
The sizing of the fields
has also been maintained
00:06:07:13 - 00:06:10:27
based on the fields
that we've seen in InDesign.
00:06:12:06 - 00:06:14:26
We can also see that the spacing
to the right of the image
00:06:14:26 - 00:06:18:08
field has been allowed
to adapt to use that auto setting.
00:06:24:24 - 00:06:25:01
All right.
00:06:25:01 - 00:06:27:00
So now
we've gone through our first example.
00:06:27:00 - 00:06:30:14
Let's take a more streamlined
look at some of the other examples
00:06:30:14 - 00:06:33:14
of positional and sizing specifications.
00:06:34:12 - 00:06:35:16
We'll work down this list.
00:06:35:16 - 00:06:37:10
Next is right aligned.
00:06:37:10 - 00:06:40:10
That's where we've just click on the align
right setting.
00:06:40:11 - 00:06:41:21
When configuring our group.
00:06:41:21 - 00:06:46:22
So as we can see in these configuration
options, the right aligned option
00:06:46:26 - 00:06:50:26
applies a self constraint to all
but the extreme left
00:06:51:08 - 00:06:54:08
and the extreme right margins,
00:06:54:21 - 00:06:57:21
which both set
against the external boundary.
00:06:58:17 - 00:07:00:17
The left is set to auto
00:07:00:17 - 00:07:03:17
and the right is set
to a defined value of zero.
00:07:03:22 - 00:07:04:11
This ensures
00:07:04:11 - 00:07:08:05
the group's fields always stay pressed
against the right side boundary.
00:07:08:20 - 00:07:12:01
The self constraint
on most of the margins and sizing ensures
00:07:12:01 - 00:07:15:17
the original values
from InDesign are maintained.
00:07:19:11 - 00:07:20:14
So let's switch to our
00:07:20:14 - 00:07:23:14
MegaEdit product to see the result.
00:07:24:08 - 00:07:27:08
We see that the fields have been shifted
to the right side of the boundary.
00:07:27:16 - 00:07:31:01
The spacing between the fields
has been maintained and the space to
00:07:31:01 - 00:07:34:29
the left of the boundary has successfully
adapted based on the available
00:07:34:29 - 00:07:37:29
00:07:41:23 - 00:07:43:27
Next, let's have a look at center aligned.
00:07:43:27 - 00:07:46:16
So this is where we've clicked
the align center option.
00:07:46:16 - 00:07:47:24
00:07:47:24 - 00:07:49:27
Now this option applies a self
00:07:49:27 - 00:07:54:11
constraint to all
but the extreme left and right margins,
00:07:54:11 - 00:07:57:11
which as we know
both sit against the boundary.
00:07:58:18 - 00:08:02:10
Both the extreme left and right
margins are set to auto
00:08:02:17 - 00:08:05:17
with a weighting value of one.
00:08:06:23 - 00:08:09:07
This ensures that the available space
00:08:09:07 - 00:08:13:18
is evenly distributed between
the extreme left and right margins.
00:08:14:15 - 00:08:18:09
The self constraint
on most of the other margins and
00:08:18:09 - 00:08:22:10
sizing ensures that the original values
from InDesign are maintained.
00:08:25:27 - 00:08:27:24
So let's once again go into MegaEdit.
00:08:27:24 - 00:08:30:24
Take a look at that.
00:08:31:00 - 00:08:32:16
So we've got this central alignment
00:08:32:16 - 00:08:35:16
section here.
00:08:38:07 - 00:08:41:12
This centralization is controlled
by the auto spacing
00:08:41:12 - 00:08:44:24
that we've specified on the extreme left
and right margins.
00:08:45:29 - 00:08:49:27
By applying an equal weighting
to both of those external margins.
00:08:50:04 - 00:08:53:08
We ensure the space between each of them
remains the same.
00:08:53:14 - 00:08:56:14
So all of these fields are centralized.
00:09:01:07 - 00:09:01:17
00:09:01:17 - 00:09:04:17
Next up is space between.
00:09:05:14 - 00:09:07:02
So this is this option here.
00:09:07:02 - 00:09:11:22
So this applies a set value of zero
to the extreme margins
00:09:11:22 - 00:09:14:22
at either end.
00:09:15:21 - 00:09:18:21
Each of the interior
margins is set to auto
00:09:20:16 - 00:09:22:24
with a distribution of one.
00:09:22:24 - 00:09:27:04
Ensuring the spacing is equal
for all of the specified auto margins.
00:09:28:07 - 00:09:31:25
This will ensure that the outermost fields
are flush against the boundary,
00:09:32:02 - 00:09:36:00
with the remaining fields being positioned
based on the available space
00:09:36:09 - 00:09:38:07
amongst those internal fields.
00:09:40:25 - 00:09:43:25
Let's once again take a look at this.
00:09:44:22 - 00:09:48:00
The space between we can see the desired
behavior has been achieved,
00:09:48:00 - 00:09:51:03
so the extreme left and right
margins are fixed
00:09:51:07 - 00:09:54:18
against that boundary due
to the set value of zero.
00:09:55:02 - 00:09:57:25
the internal fields have been positioned
00:09:57:25 - 00:10:01:08
based on the available space
to the margins set to auto,
00:10:02:05 - 00:10:05:21
as the weighting of the auto
margins is set to one ensures
00:10:05:21 - 00:10:08:21
equal spacing in each of these.
00:10:14:12 - 00:10:17:12
Next, let's have a look at space around
which is this option.
00:10:17:12 - 00:10:17:21
00:10:17:21 - 00:10:21:17
So this applies auto
spacing to each of the margins.
00:10:21:17 - 00:10:24:17
So we can see a lot of auto spacing.
00:10:27:20 - 00:10:29:07
So this applies auto spacing
00:10:29:07 - 00:10:32:16
to each of the margins
both internal and external.
00:10:33:07 - 00:10:36:07
All of the interior margins
have a weighting of one,
00:10:36:28 - 00:10:39:06
as the gap between
00:10:39:06 - 00:10:42:08
two fields will consist of two times
this weighting.
00:10:42:16 - 00:10:46:17
So that's explained in more detail
in a different tutorial.
00:10:48:09 - 00:10:51:09
The ID IV_028.
00:10:52:05 - 00:10:54:08
The two extreme exterior
00:10:54:08 - 00:10:57:08
margins will have a weighting of two,
00:10:58:04 - 00:11:00:22
as there is only one margin at play
in that gap
00:11:00:22 - 00:11:04:22
instead of the two margins are at play
between the actual fields themselves.
00:11:05:06 - 00:11:10:02
This means the end result, the spacing
in each gap, interior and exterior
00:11:10:09 - 00:11:13:09
will be equal.
00:11:14:03 - 00:11:17:03
Once again,
let's take a look space around.
00:11:17:06 - 00:11:21:05
With this set up, there's an equal spacing
between every field in the group
00:11:21:13 - 00:11:23:00
and the margins.
00:11:23:00 - 00:11:24:24
And the outer boundaries. Okay.
00:11:24:24 - 00:11:27:24
Another option we have here is gap.
00:11:29:04 - 00:11:32:10
So when you click on the gap option,
it asks you to specify a gap
00:11:32:10 - 00:11:35:14
that you want to create based on a unit
00:11:35:14 - 00:11:38:14
that you've got selected.
00:11:38:15 - 00:11:40:27
This is a one size fits all input.
00:11:40:27 - 00:11:43:04
By clicking gap and entering a value.
00:11:43:04 - 00:11:48:15
You will apply this as a statically sized
gap between all of the fields,
00:11:49:18 - 00:11:52:18
so we can see what this does.
00:11:57:21 - 00:11:58:07
We see here
00:11:58:07 - 00:12:01:09
that a value has been applied
to all margins,
00:12:02:15 - 00:12:07:06
always set to zero, except those margins
which meet another field in the group.
00:12:07:16 - 00:12:10:16
those have been set to our specified gap.
00:12:11:00 - 00:12:16:10
So if we look at the gap between left text
field and right text field, for example,
00:12:16:18 - 00:12:19:22
we can see the right
margin of left text field is set to zero
00:12:21:11 - 00:12:25:13
and the left margin
a right text field is set to ten.
00:12:25:14 - 00:12:29:05
And that means the total gap
between those will be ten points.
00:12:29:06 - 00:12:32:05
In this case.
So let's go over and take a look at that.
00:12:32:05 - 00:12:33:25
We can see that
that behavior has been achieved.
00:12:33:25 - 00:12:38:16
We've got a ten point gap in this case
between those fields.
00:12:38:16 - 00:12:42:28
Now the last example to look at here is
a little bit different sized by content.
00:12:43:22 - 00:12:45:19
Now this isn't available to the margins.
00:12:45:19 - 00:12:47:15
This is just the fields themselves.
00:12:47:15 - 00:12:49:26
And it means that we can adjust
the size of the fields
00:12:49:26 - 00:12:52:11
based on the content
that we have contained within them.
00:12:52:11 - 00:12:55:14
And it's both text
fields and image fields.
00:12:56:08 - 00:12:57:16
If I go and.
00:13:00:28 - 00:13:02:05
Expand my options
00:13:02:05 - 00:13:05:05
there, you
can see that each of these size options,
00:13:05:06 - 00:13:08:06
I've gone to the content option.
00:13:11:07 - 00:13:12:00
And what this means
00:13:12:00 - 00:13:16:02
is that if we start resizing
one of those frames, depending on what
00:13:16:02 - 00:13:20:17
we specified as the margin options,
other fields will start to move.
00:13:20:26 - 00:13:24:11
So if we start to put a lot more text
in one of those fields, for example,
00:13:24:11 - 00:13:28:26
and push it size wise to the right,
that gap will be maintained.
00:13:28:26 - 00:13:31:22
So the other fields
are going to move as well.
00:13:31:22 - 00:13:34:22
So let's take a look at this in action.
00:13:35:14 - 00:13:37:03
So we've got this Size by content
00:13:37:03 - 00:13:40:03
section here.
00:13:41:10 - 00:13:44:10
If I start applying more text to the left.
00:13:45:20 - 00:13:48:29
We can see that all the other fields
move out of the way to maintain the gap.