Picture of Connect: Site Flow

Connect: Site Flow

Connect: Site Flow


Connect: Site Flow is an end-to-end workflow and production automation solution offered as part of the PrintOS suite.  Learn more about the software here.

We have built our own integration between Infigo and HP Site Flow using our Site Flow Connect Plugin that is market leading and offers our customers great flexibility when pushing orders into their Site Flow instance.

So the plan for this article is to cover the following areas of our plugin:

  • Plug in and go. Simple setup.
  • Mapping Products
    • Simple products
    • Attribute combinations
  • Mapping Attributes
  • Components
  • SLA Days (through checkout attributes)
  • Shipping Mapping
  • Stock items support

Enabling the plugin

Our Site Flow module is a paid plugin so if you do not currently have this as part of your package but would like to add then please either raise a ticket with our Support Team or email our sales team.

Once purchased and activated on your platform, you need to enable it on each of your storefronts individually. To do this simply search for 'Connect Settings' in the admin (if you do not have permissions then please raise a support ticket) and then check the Connect: SiteFlow option under Enabled Connect plugins.


Simple setup

To configure the plugin simply search for 'Connect plugins' in the admin.

This will return a list of all your activated plugins on your platform, locate the Connect: SiteFlow plugin and click 'Configure'.



It is a very simple process to get you setup and pushing orders into Site Flow quickly.
In its simplest form, you need to just obtain some authentication details from Site Flow and enter them into the API Configuration section of the plugin.

These details include:

  • API Key
  • API Secret Password
  • Destination Code

The rest can generally be left as defaults.

Enter in these details into the plugin and then click Save. Now, navigate back to the plugin list page and click on the 'Check Connection' button next to the Connect: Site Flow plugin and, if all is configured correctly, you should receive a 'Successful Connection' status back. If you don't, and are confident that the credentials you entered are correct, please raise a ticket with our Support Team


Mapping products

Now you are up and running and have a successful connection with your Site Flow instance, the next step is to map our Infigo products to a Site Flow SKU.

Please ensure that the values you input into the External IDs for the product match exactly as the SKUs are in Site Flow.

Following these simple steps means you are now ready to start sending jobs into Site Flow immediately. 

You can now place a test order for one of the products you have setup the mapping for.



Site Flow allows for products to have multi parts/components and each component can then have different manufacturing processes or workflows applied to it. The concept of components in Infigo however doesn't really exist, however we do allow for jobs to be split using our 'Page split rules'
By default we send a single component and this, depending on what products you are producing, should suffice and usually does for 90% of the integrations we have in place today.
To allow support for multiple components to be sent and for the artwork to be split once the customer has ordered it from Infigo we allow for you to setup split rules.


Prioritising work (SLA Days)

There are many different ways to prioritise and batch work in Site Flow - one way is to use SLA Days. Every SKU will have an SLA Day value set against it in Site Flow and in our integration you have the ability to override this value in the information we pass when an order is placed.
We allow setting a default as part of the Site Flow configuration page which can be sent for ALL jobs, but we also allow customers to determine the SLA Day value we pass with the order through the use of Checkout Attributes.

Once you have created your checkout attributes we can map the values you want to pass for your SLA Days for each of your checkout attribute values. If you would like more information on setting up the SLA Days mapping please raise a support ticket.


Shipping mapping

If you offer just one delivery method, or you do not have the option for your customers to choose their delivery method, then we can simply pass a default value with every order, no problem. This is made up of either a Carrier Code and Service Code combination or a Shipping Alias. All is configured directly within the Connect: Site Flow plugin configuration page in Infigo admin.

If you want to offer shipping options as part of the ordering process then we allow for these to be setup and mapped as part of the plugin configuration.




The mapping table allows you to add in the Infigo Delivery method system name, and as mentioned above either map it to the Carrier Code and Service OR the Alias.

The two examples in the Screenshot above will map an Infigo Delivery Method called 'Standard' to a Site Flow Shipping Method of courier code = UPS, service code = Ground. And the second entry will map an Infigo Delivery Method called 'Premium' with a Site Flow Shipping Method of alias = UPSPremium. Both are valid approaches but depends on how you have configured your shipping methods in Site Flow as to which is suitable to your setup.

NOTE: Make sure the values you enter in here, either for the defaults or as part of the mapping, exist in Site Flow, otherwise the order will fail.


Stock Items

Site Flow, as a print production workflow tool also supports stock items and so do we. Whether they are ordered on their own or with other print products we have all the bases covered so it can all seamlessly flow into Site flow.

Those stock products are mapped in exactly the same way in Infigo, just you would use Site Flows stock product code here rather then your typical Print SKU code. When ordered on its own, we will pass into Site Flow a blank PDF file as Site Flow always requires a print file with every order. So when it comes into Site Flow you will see two jobs - the first will be a dummy print job containing a blank PDF file and the second will be the stock item the customer ordered. This is only applicable when someone orders just a stock item on its own with no print products.


Include an additional stock item mapping to a Print product

It is possible in Infigo to map a single variable product, product group or attribute combination to not just a print product but also a stock item as well.

For example, if you were selling labels and wanted to offer the bottle as a stock item as part of the sale to the customer then in Infigo you can setup a mapping so that when ordered a print product SKU and a stock item code will be sent to Site Flow for that order.

In order to set this up you would map your Site Flow SKUs in the same way as explained above. In the popup where you enter your Site Flow mapping there is a button 'Add stock product mapping.'




Click on this and then in the subsequent Code field enter in your Site Flow stock item code.




Now, when this product or attribute combination is ordered, both a print item SKU of CODE123 and stock code of STOCK-123 will be shown in the order in Site Flow. But, to the customer in the front end, this additional stock item will not visually appear as an addition to their basket or order in the front end.


Setting up postbacks

It is possible for Site Flow to communicate back to Infigo at various points in the production journey, the status updates of a specific job. Within Site Flow they have the concept of Triggers and Templates and both are used to customise the sending of data from Site Flow to third party systems based on an event.

A trigger is an event in Site Flow that can 'trigger' something to be sent somewhere. 

A template is what the trigger will send, when that event occurs.

To understand more about Site Flow's triggers and templates we suggest reaching out to your HP account manager or Site Flow's support desk.

Below we have listed all the events that are supported and the payloads that you need to configure in Site Flow in order to establish the communication back from Site Flow to your Infigo storefront.



To create a new Template in Site Flow navigate to Setup in the top menu and then down the left menu select 



To create a new Trigger in Site Flow navigate to Setup in the top menu and then down the left menu select 'Triggers'.

Then click 'Add New'.


Order Submission Error Template

This template is used in conjunction with the Order Submission Error trigger and will be the payload of what Site Flow sends with that trigger.


Name: Give the Template a meaningful name

Extension: Type in 'json'

Type: Select 'JSON'

MIME Content Type: Type in 'application/json'

Template: Copy and paste in the following content:


{"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}", "OrderId": "{{data.body}}","status": "Order submission error","errorsClean":[{{#each data.errorList}}"{{#if name}}{{ name }}: {{/if}}{{#if message}}{{ message }}{{else}}Unknown error{{/if}}{{#if path}} - At path {{ path }}{{/if}}"{{/each}}]} 


Order Cancelled Template

This template is used in conjunction with the Order Cancelled Trigger when the order is cancelled in Site Flow.


All of the information should be the same as the above template but in the Template field paste in the following content:


"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.sourceOrderId}}",
"Status": "cancelled"


Order Shipped Template

This template is used in conjunction with the Order Shipped Trigger when the order marked as dispatched in Site Flow.


All of the information should be the same as the above template but in the Template field paste in the following content:


"TimeStamp": "{{timestamp}}",
"SourceOrderId": "{{data.sourceOrderId}}",
"TrackingNumber": "{{data.trackingNumber}}",
"Status": "shipmentdispatched"


Order Submission Error Trigger

When is this used? This trigger is used if you are using Site Flow's Asynchronous Order API end point only. Not sure if you are using this or not? Then you can ask your HP account manager or their support team but there are a few tells that will help you to find out.

1) If you are using calculated attribute values based on a formula that is worked out when the job is submitted then this is only support through the Asynchronous Order API end point.

2) You are expecting a large amount of orders continuously and potentially from multiple sources? HP would have recommended you to use the Asynchronous Order API end point.

If you are using that API endpoint then you need to setup a trigger for the Order Submission Error, as without it Infigo will not know if the order has failed or not. 



Name: Give the Trigger a meaningful name

Event: Select 'Order Submission Error'

Type: Select HTTP

Template: Select your template you have created for this trigger (see Order Submission Error Template)

Linked Account: Select from here the account you want this trigger to be applied to - this is important as it will ensure the correct triggers are used for the correct sources.

Address: Paste in here the URL that you can find on the bottom of the Site Flow plugin configuration page in Infigo (it will look something like:




Method: Select 'Post'

Header/Value: You need to create one entry here that has a Header of 'ContentType' and a Value of 'application/json'.

Click Save.


Order Cancelled Trigger

When is this used? This trigger is used in Site Flow when you mark an order as cancelled from anywhere in the system. This will then send a notification back to Infigo using the Order Cancelled Template to update the status of the Infigo order to cancelled.


Name: Give the Trigger a meaningful name

Event: Select 'Order Cancelled'

Type: Select HTTP

Template: Select your template you have created for this trigger (see Order Cancelled Template)

Linked Account: Select from here the account you want this trigger to be applied to - this is important as it will ensure the correct triggers are used for the correct sources.

Address: Paste in here the URL that you can find on the bottom of the Site Flow plugin configuration page in Infigo (it will look something like:




NOTE: This is a different URL from the Order Submission Error Trigger

Method: Select 'Post'

Header/Value: You need to create one entry here that has a Header of 'ContentType' and a Value of 'application/json'.

Click Save.


Order Shipped Trigger

When is this used? This trigger is used in Site Flow when you mark an order as dispatched. This will then send a notification back to Infigo using the Order Shipped Template to update the status of the Infigo order to shipped.


Name: Give the Trigger a meaningful name

Event: Select 'Order Shipped'

Type: Select HTTP

Template: Select your template you have created for this trigger (see Order Shipped Template)

Linked Account: Select from here the account you want this trigger to be applied to - this is important as it will ensure the correct triggers are used for the correct sources.

Address: Paste in here the URL that you can find on the bottom of the Site Flow plugin configuration page in Infigo (it will look something like:



NOTE: This is a different URL from the Order Submission Error Trigger

Method: Select 'Post'

Header/Value: You need to create one entry here that has a Header of 'ContentType' and a Value of 'application/json'.

Click Save.



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