Show details for Adding basic product navigation to your storefront | ID:BG_018

Adding basic product navigation to your storefront | ID:BG_018

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add basic product navigation to your storefront front-end.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:13:29 - 00:00:14:10
In this

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tutorial we're going to learn
how to add basic product navigation

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to your storefront frontend.

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So what I mean by this, if I come to

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a more complete version of our storefront
is if you from your home page,

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you want to be able to sort of
maybe hit a button

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from the home page
or hit this product link here.

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And that will take you to a navigable list
of your categories

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and your associated products.

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So firstly, we must establish

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the new URL for the category page
that we want to display.

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So coming again to our completed one,
you can see that when I clicked

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on the product page,
which is going to my category list,

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it's actually taking me
to one specific category.

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And that's this section of the
you are out here.

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So we have /c/2,
which is the category number.

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And before
we can link to a specific category

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or a specific product, whatever
we need to do, we need to establish

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what this additional portion of the URL

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is going to be.

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So we're going to start off
by navigating to the desired category

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within the backend
of our Infigo administration.

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So if I go to catalog

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categories and manage categories

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here, we'll see a list

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of all the categories that we have
available on this particular storefront.

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In our case, it's just one.

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So if I then go to the edit section
on the right hand side

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if I go to view the product page,
which you actually showed me that category

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on the storefront,
you can see that it's /c for category.

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And then /3.

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So we've kept that number in mind.

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What we're also going to do is get it
to show this category on the homepage.

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And by clicking this
it will essentially add a link

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directly to those category products
on a sort of featured

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category section or feature product
section of our homepage.

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And as always,
if we want to control the order

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in which
those featured items are displaying,

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then we can do that
with this display order option here.

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I'm going to save.

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And what we're going to do
next is create a direct link

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to this category page
from the page header.

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So what I mean by this,
just to come back to one of our

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more complete storefronts here,

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is that when we click on
one of these links within the header,

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we wanted to take
us to this category page.

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So if I start off by going to

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content management, editable content,

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and then what we want to
change is the header section.

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So the links within the actual header
of our web page.

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So if I navigate to the header

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field within section one,
which is general,

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I'm going to edit on the right hand side.

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Now, as we've seen in previous videos,
this header section

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here is already pre-populated
with a whole range of code

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which is setting up the buttons
that we have available on the header,

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what they're linking to,

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what logo is being used, various
bits of information.

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What we're going to do in this example
is we're going to use the product button

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which is already present in this
in this code here.

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And so if I navigate
down to where it says product

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and we'll
see at the moment if I look at the URL,

00:04:23:02 - 00:04:26:19
that product is using it
saying just

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Now that's a token
which is being utilized there.

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So a token is,
as we've discussed in previous tutorials,

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that's sort of a bit of information
which is drawn from elsewhere in Infigo

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or set somewhere else in Infigo.

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And what we're going to do is just amend

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the URL that's being utilized
so we can retain the storefront URL,

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that's the actual URL of our storefront,
which we set in a a different tutorial.

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However, we can place an amendment
on the end of this just to make sure

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that we're going to the correct page
with within that storefront.

00:05:07:23 - 00:05:11:03
So our category number
that we want was category number three.

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So I can say

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/c for category

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and then three

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if we if we save

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and then I'm going to go
and view my public store

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and then I'm going to test
what we've just done there

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by clicking on the product
icon on our header.

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And you can see that takes us directly

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to that category page.

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So the eagle eyed among you

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might notice that our URL in the address
bar has a double forward slash.

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Now we're still able to reach the page
that we want, but it's not quite ideal.

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And the reason that's happened is it's
just the way I've formatted the URL

00:06:02:29 - 00:06:05:21
that we constructed in the Editable

00:06:05:21 - 00:06:08:16
Content tab.

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So if we navigate back to that step
and show you how to fix it.

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So the reason this has happened is down

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to this token
that I've utilized elsewhere

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in that URL specification.

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Now the token is utilizing

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information that we've specified
elsewhere in Infigo, and it's a setting

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which is within the configuration section
settings and general settings.

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I've opened this up on a separate tab

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within the general settings,

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we have a storefront URL section

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and that's the information
it's going to be retrieving

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if we're using that token

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as part of generating our URLs.

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So you'll see that there's a
a forward slash on the end of

00:07:01:21 - 00:07:03:28
the URL of entered here.

00:07:03:28 - 00:07:06:19
And then if I go back to my editable

00:07:06:19 - 00:07:10:19
content for my header, you'll see that
I've added an extra forward slash.

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And that's how we ended up
with the double forward slash.

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So I could either
remove the forward slash from here

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or I could remove it from our

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our header details.

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Either one is fine.

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I'll just remove it from the setting here.

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Now what you'll notice in the main
difference between the other storefront

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that I've been comparing
this against is the one we've just made.

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Doesn't have any additional navigation
over on the left hand side.

00:07:52:01 - 00:07:56:04
So that product that we've created is just
going straight to that categories page.

00:07:56:26 - 00:08:01:02
However, if we have multiple categories
products in different categories

00:08:01:20 - 00:08:04:13
at present,
we can't easily navigate between these.

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Whereas with the other site
that I keep referencing,

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we do have different
category selections available.

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So what we

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might want to do next is change
some of our settings to get these kind

00:08:17:10 - 00:08:21:26
of capabilities, to get these visuals
where we can switch between categories.

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So adjustments can be made to
how category pages are displayed

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within the Infigo admin area.

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If I click on catalog

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00:08:36:02 - 00:08:41:25
and managed categories, I'm again
going to go in edit

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the category that we've been working up

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and then the last tab
that we have available on

00:08:50:07 - 00:08:52:21
this screen is display settings.

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So I'm going to come over to that
one there.

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Now, there's numerous settings
available to change the visual appearance

00:08:59:18 - 00:09:02:21
of the categories, pages
like we have here.

00:09:02:23 - 00:09:05:22
This is one of our categories pages.

00:09:05:22 - 00:09:09:17
So these include settings
such as let's take a look down.

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We've got page size.

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So that will control

00:09:12:11 - 00:09:15:16
the number of products that are displayed
when you're viewing a category.

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So maybe I'll turn that
if I want to view more products.

00:09:19:29 - 00:09:21:20
We've got breadcrumbs.

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So breadcrumbs are

00:09:23:29 - 00:09:26:06
things that allow you to show a path

00:09:26:06 - 00:09:30:02
through the category tree from your home
page to your current position.

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So go into our more complete storefronts.

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Again, as an example.

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You can see that
when I'm on my category page,

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I have this top and in my first category, that's our breadcrumbs.

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Quite short at this stage.

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But if we started having subcategories,
you see how that would build up.

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So I might say that we want to show

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Now, I'm not going to go through
every single option.

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A lot of them are quite self-explanatory.

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However, I am going to go show
subcategories as sections and show.

00:10:06:25 - 00:10:09:11
Subcategory navigation.

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So subcategory navigation that displays
the additional navigation list

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that we've seen in the normal complete
version of the storefront.

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So allows us to navigate
between categories

00:10:19:20 - 00:10:28:12
from within the categories page itself,
save and continue to apply those updates.

00:10:28:27 - 00:10:35:01
And then I'm going to go
and refresh my storefront.

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And you can see

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now that we have the category navigation
appearing over the left

00:10:38:28 - 00:10:42:02
hand side, there's only one category
on this particular storefront.

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Hence the lack of options.

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We have our breadcrumbs in place
and we can't see it based on the amount of

00:10:51:04 - 00:10:52:06
products that we have.

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But we now will see
eight products appearing on this page.

