00:00:12:16 - 00:00:13:15
In this tutorial
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we'll investigate the use of clip
art images within your MegaEdit products
00:00:18:03 - 00:00:20:26
whilst having many similarities
with the image galleries.
00:00:20:26 - 00:00:23:17
Clip Art Categories
vary in a few different ways,
00:00:24:03 - 00:00:27:11
so clip art
will not interact with image fields
00:00:27:11 - 00:00:32:10
that you've already added to your canvas,
and customers cannot upload new clip art,
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but they can be allowed access
to predefined clip art categories.
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So clip art categories are defined
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independently from your MegaEdit products to begin with.
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And then we assign those clip
art categories to your products.
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So I'm going to start off
by just going to my general data
00:00:53:27 - 00:00:56:17
for MegaEdit, which can be accessed
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catalog product types
00:01:00:18 - 00:01:06:05
MegaEdit and then MegaEdit general data.
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You'll see here
that we've got a few different tabs
00:01:08:13 - 00:01:11:17
related to a few
different types of resource.
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For now, we're going to be
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sticking with clip art galleries,
click on add new record
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sticking with clip art galleries,
click on add new record
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type name and description.
00:01:32:10 - 00:01:33:23
You have the option to allow this
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to only be accessible by administrators
if you wish to do so.
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So for example, if this is required
by administrators just to generate
00:01:42:14 - 00:01:46:09
templates, then you might not want
to make it accessible by customers.
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However, leaving that unchecked will mean
that end users can access
00:01:50:11 - 00:01:52:25
these clip arts as well
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and go to insert.
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And then we can configure.
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And this is where we actually upload
our clip art from resources.
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You'll see there that it's
expecting the file format of JPEG, PNG
00:02:07:18 - 00:02:10:11
or PDF.
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So you can either drag and drop files
onto the upload or click to launch the
00:02:16:03 - 00:02:17:20
browser window
00:02:17:20 - 00:02:20:17
and you can locate files from there.
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Resources that have been successfully
00:02:26:10 - 00:02:29:26
uploaded will be shown
at the bottom of the screen.
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So with a category generated,
we then need to apply that clip
00:02:34:14 - 00:02:38:29
art category
to one of our MegaEdit products.
00:02:38:29 - 00:02:42:16
So if I go back, which will take me back
to our general data,
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I can get quick access to my mega
00:02:46:05 - 00:02:49:08
edit products by going on this dropdown
and going to products.
00:02:49:22 - 00:02:53:03
Alternatively, we can still access it
from the list on the left hand side
00:02:54:00 - 00:02:57:05
catalog product types MegaEdit
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and then MegaEdit products.
00:03:01:25 - 00:03:05:15
When to identify one of my MegaEdit products and edit
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to get to the resource specification area.
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So this is, for example, where
we've previously specified which canvases
00:03:12:10 - 00:03:17:08
we want to use
stocks, fonts and output types.
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So far
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in this case, we'll go to clip arts.
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You'll see our available clip art category
is now listed and it's just a case
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of specifying the gallery or galleries
that we want to make available
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and clicking save changes
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from here.
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I'm going to access our MegaEdit editor
for this product.
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Now what you'll see is that on the left
hand side of our screen,
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we have an additional tab there
which wasn't present previously,
00:04:15:24 - 00:04:18:14
which is to do with clip arts.
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So as I mentioned,
these are now static imagery.
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The user can’t upload any additional
images to this and they don't interact
00:04:25:26 - 00:04:29:18
with the text or image fields
00:04:29:18 - 00:04:33:02
that we've already defined.
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We can have multiple clip
art galleries available.
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In this case we only have one, and it's
just a case of dragging and dropping
00:04:41:07 - 00:04:42:29
from one of these images
00:04:42:29 - 00:04:50:20
over to our main canvas.
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And you'll see that if I hover over the
00:04:55:06 - 00:04:55:27
image field,
00:04:55:27 - 00:04:58:01
it doesn't try and place it
within the image fields.
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if I try and place another quick part
00:05:02:09 - 00:05:05:11
over the top of this, it won't overwrite.
00:05:05:11 - 00:05:09:07
So it's not doing the same behavior
as our previous image
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00:05:14:02 - 00:05:17:23
So as with Image Fields,
we may get some resolution
00:05:17:23 - 00:05:22:20
and positional issues with clip galleries
as well and clip art frames.
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So if the clip art has been scaled
so that image quality may be poor,
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a warning will appear in you
of resolution issues.
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So you'll see that these frames here,
00:05:34:10 - 00:05:36:18
they have the warning triangle.
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If I click to the bottom right,
which shows me the errors,
00:05:39:12 - 00:05:44:13
it gives me more detail
on those particular issues.
00:05:44:13 - 00:05:47:11
as we've seen with other entities
that we've added to our canvas,
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we can double click on a clip art image
that we've added to our canvas
00:05:51:15 - 00:05:57:21
and get some additional image options
associated with it.
00:05:57:21 - 00:06:00:23
Now there's a few different types
and behaviors available here
00:06:00:23 - 00:06:04:23
and we'll work our way through the first
tab is our image options.
00:06:05:10 - 00:06:09:05
So this allows us some basic
transformation, such as flipping the image
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and arrangement so we can change the
00:06:14:02 - 00:06:17:13
z-axis arrangement of
00:06:18:15 - 00:06:20:18
our clip art.
00:06:20:21 - 00:06:23:22
And then you can delete
and you can duplicate
00:06:27:22 - 00:06:28:09
the next tab.
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Along is the effect options tab.
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So this is very similar
to what you will have seen
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on the
00:06:36:11 - 00:06:38:16
the image fields such as we've got up here
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where you can modify
things such as brightness, contrast, tint
00:06:45:00 - 00:06:50:17
and so on.
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We have border and background options.
00:06:53:26 - 00:06:55:29
So that allows us to assign
a border to our clip art,
00:06:56:01 - 00:06:58:23
which you can modify as we see fit.
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And to apply a background cover,
we deem it
00:07:02:23 - 00:07:06:11
00:07:06:11 - 00:07:17:09
We have our shadow options
so we can apply a shadow to the field.
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And then finally we have the details tab.
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So from an administrator and a template
designer perspective, the details tab
00:07:25:18 - 00:07:27:23
is the most critical option on here.
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So within this particular tab,
you can control the clip
00:07:32:04 - 00:07:35:14
art customization options
that a customer is able to access.
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Now there are a lot of options
on this tab, essentially enabling
00:07:40:02 - 00:07:43:25
or disabling
the individual customization options
00:07:44:20 - 00:07:48:24
which we've discussed in these previous
tabs and the transformation behavior
00:07:49:27 - 00:07:50:27
that we get
00:07:50:27 - 00:07:58:18
when we're operating within the canvas
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In addition
to disabling those individual settings,
00:08:01:13 - 00:08:06:17
which you'll find somewhere in this list,
there are some regularly used options
00:08:06:17 - 00:08:08:18
in this list as well,
which might have a more
00:08:10:09 - 00:08:13:18
global control in terms
of this particular piece of clip art.
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So for example,
we can set a restriction on movement.
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So I can say, for example,
that this has gone from free to fixed.
00:08:23:01 - 00:08:29:14
So that means it can no longer be moved
by our end user.
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We can also disable the ability
to change the size
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and disable the ability
00:08:35:28 - 00:08:40:26
for rotation.
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We have got the ability to control this
on a a bit of a wider level though.
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So let's say, for example,
that we don't want our customers
00:08:48:01 - 00:08:50:11
to be able to interact with this clip
art at all.
00:08:50:19 - 00:08:53:05
going to be a fixed piece of clip art.
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If we scroll down,
then we've got these options
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here, which are probably quite useful
for this purpose.
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So we've got do not open pop up.
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That completely eliminates the ability
to get this whole pop up window
00:09:06:08 - 00:09:09:03
so none of these options can be accessed.
00:09:09:03 - 00:09:12:21
We've got do not delete
so the customer can't delete the image
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and we also have do not select.
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Now this is particularly useful
00:09:17:12 - 00:09:19:25
if you have multiple layers,
one on top of the other.
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And what it means is that regardless
of the the z-axis position
00:09:25:07 - 00:09:28:27
of that particular clip frame,
that can never be selected.
00:09:29:00 - 00:09:32:22
So anything else
that overlays it or sits behind
00:09:32:22 - 00:09:43:22
it will be selected by default.
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Now, if we want to check that
this behavior is actually
00:09:47:14 - 00:09:51:06
as we expect, then we're going
to need to put on our emulate use mode
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If we're in our current mode,
which is the administrator mode,
00:09:54:21 - 00:10:00:28
then we can still access
all of these individual options.
00:10:00:28 - 00:10:06:16
So if I go to menu and then emulate user
mode, this will now show me the canvas
00:10:06:24 - 00:10:10:08
as the user would see it and allow me
to interact as the user would see it.
00:10:12:00 - 00:10:13:01
So these two clip
00:10:13:01 - 00:10:15:19
art frames here
I've not put any restrictions on.
00:10:16:04 - 00:10:19:05
So you can still I can see
I can still access a lot of these
00:10:19:05 - 00:10:20:28
different properties.
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Even as a customer,
I'm able to make these changes.
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However, this one on the top left
where we did apply some restrictions,
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you can see that I'm no longer able
to interact with that at all.
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So that is now a fixed piece of artwork
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on this particular product.
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If a clip art gallery
00:10:42:02 - 00:10:45:16
is accessible to your customers
and it is not set to admin only
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and that was done for a member
in the admin area,
00:10:50:17 - 00:10:53:20
then they will be able to add
additional images
00:10:53:20 - 00:10:56:27
from that category by dragging
and dropping from the clip art.
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So if you've set to
00:10:59:23 - 00:11:02:27
admin only and you're working
from a user perspective,
00:11:02:28 - 00:11:06:23
so you emulating a user,
you won't see this clip art category.
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However, if it is not set to happen,
only then the user will also be able
00:11:13:01 - 00:11:16:05
to make changes
by dragging clip art onto the canvas
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So just to reiterate, clip art
will not interact with the image frames.
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So unlike the images
which are shown in the images tab
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where you can drop, drag
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and drop images into an existing image
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the same
behavior is not true of clip arts.
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So if I drag from the clip art category,
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it does not put that inside
our image field.
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It is completely independent.