Show details for Layouts in MegaEdit | ID:ME_021

Layouts in MegaEdit | ID:ME_021

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create pre-configured page layouts. MegaEdit editor allows you to Add/Edit Layouts to your product. There are unlimited variations of layouts to create since they can be made exactly for your needs. You can modify the layouts and make multiple images per page or single image per page.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:12:11 - 00:00:13:15
In this tutorial will

00:00:13:15 - 00:00:16:22
how to create Pre-Configured page layouts.

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MegaEdit Editor allows you to add or edit
layouts to your product.

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There are unlimited
variations of layouts to create

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since they can be made
exactly as you need them.

00:00:29:15 - 00:00:31:24
Now layouts are actually specified

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on a canvas basis, very similar to the way
background categories are done.

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So we need to begin by actually navigating
to our canvas specifications.

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Easiest way to do
this is just to search, canvas

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and go to MegaEdit canvas.

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We can either create a new canvas
or just modify

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one of our existing canvases
and go to edit.

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The tab we are looking at in

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Here is the layout categories and all that
we're actually doing in the admin

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side of go here is creating the category.

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The layouts themselves are created within

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the MegaEdit editor itself.

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If I go to add new record,

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it creates a new category.

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I can choose whether or not
the administrator only and click insert

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and then going to go and launch

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my MegaEdit product.

00:01:39:15 - 00:01:42:08
allow you to save the design and position

00:01:42:08 - 00:01:49:05
of different MegaEdit elements
into a single selectable option.

00:01:49:05 - 00:01:52:12
So I'm going to create some basic layouts
on this page here.

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Just to show as an example

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one the example we've got on the screen
now, we've got a couple of pages

00:01:58:29 - 00:02:01:17
which contain
a few different types of elements.

00:02:02:08 - 00:02:05:15
So you can see that on the left hand
page, we've got a text field,

00:02:05:15 - 00:02:08:14
an image field,
a clip art and a background.

00:02:09:02 - 00:02:11:02
And on the right hand page
we've got a background

00:02:11:14 - 00:02:15:00
and an image field.

00:02:15:08 - 00:02:17:27
These can all be saved as a single layout

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for simple replication into other pages

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or in other products using

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the same canvas specification.

00:02:27:24 - 00:02:30:09
Saving a new layout is very simple.

00:02:30:09 - 00:02:32:17
By activating a layout category,

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we now have this layout section
over on the left hand side of the screen.

00:02:36:20 - 00:02:39:02
It's just a case of

00:02:39:06 - 00:02:41:08
clicking add/edit layout.

00:02:42:13 - 00:02:45:20
It'll give you a pop up box
where if you've got a two page spread,

00:02:45:20 - 00:02:48:24
it will be asking you if you want
the left, right, or both pages.

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You can specify whether you want to retain
any of the images

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that have been placed in your image

00:02:57:22 - 00:03:00:05
You can give the layout a name

00:03:00:27 - 00:03:02:28
and then assign it
to one of your categories

00:03:05:10 - 00:03:06:23
and click okay.

00:03:07:03 - 00:03:10:12
And that layout is now available.

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I can repeat the process for the right,

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and we could do that as many times
as we want with different layouts.

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If you want to actually utilize
those layouts

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we find, go to a different set of pages.

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It is simply a case of dragging
and dropping from the thumbnail

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on the left hand
side onto the main canvas page.

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For example,

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if I take one onto the right hand page,
it will overwrite all the existing content

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and just replicate all of those elements
from the original page.

00:03:50:06 - 00:03:53:11
And I can do the
same with the opposite page.
