Show details for Batch data in MegaEdit | ID:ME_022

Batch data in MegaEdit | ID:ME_022

MegaEdit has the functionality to allow batch uploads using variable placeholders in a template that users can upload their batch data against. Here we look at the Standard Batch Script and how to apply to a product.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:13:12 - 00:00:14:07
MegaEdit has the

00:00:14:07 - 00:00:18:08
functionality to allow batch uploads
using variable placeholders

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in a template that users can load
the batch data against.

00:00:22:29 - 00:00:25:06
Here we look at the standard batch script

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and how to apply it to a product.

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So essentially what this allows us to do

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so we can create several placeholders
on a MegaEdit product

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which we want to link to a data file.

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So let's say things like name or address.

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We can then feed a data file.

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So a CSV, for example,
into our MegaEdit product.

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And wherever
those placeholders are located,

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we can create numerous different versions
of that particular product.

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Let's say a business card, for example,
with those different entries from that

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data file.

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So we'll show you how to do that here.

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The first thing we need to actually do
is to specify that we want to use

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a batch source

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option on our MegaEdit product.

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So I've navigated to one of my MegaEdit

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00:01:22:13 - 00:01:25:15
I'm going to edit over
on the right hand side

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and then on the Product Properties tab.

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I'm just going to scroll all the way down

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and we have this batch source option

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by default that set to no batch source.

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In this example,
I'm going to change that to CSV plugin,

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which allows me to import CSV file

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next to actually activate

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the particular script that we want to use.

00:01:53:00 - 00:01:55:26
So we stay on MegaEdit product,
but we're going to go over

00:01:55:26 - 00:01:58:12
to these scripts, tab, going to search
for the standard batch script,

00:01:58:12 - 00:02:02:04
to these scripts, tap, going to search
for the standard batch script,

00:02:02:18 - 00:02:05:26
make sure that's selected,
which it probably won't be by default,

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and then click save.

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So the standard batch script

00:02:14:09 - 00:02:18:23
gives us access
to uploading txt and CSV files.

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You also have the ability to select
the standard batch upload options,

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which allows for .xls and .xlsx files

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to be used on the dynamic CSV product.

00:02:32:14 - 00:02:34:13
So with those specified and saved, I'm

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going to launch my MegaEdit product.

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What you'll see is a new place
holder section

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appearing on the top
bar of the MegaEdit editor.

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And what we need to do is to add
a few placeholders onto our canvas.

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We start by clicking add.

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It’s asking us to define a name
for the particular placeholder

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that we want to use.

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There's a couple of examples we'll use
on this particular piece of artwork.

00:03:03:11 - 00:03:08:12
So we'll do the name, we'll do the company
address and we'll do the phone number.

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So that's three different placeholders.

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So, so I can click, add,

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type and name

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and click, okay.

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Now by

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that creates a separate text field.

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I can utilize that text field if I wish,
but if I've already

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formatted the existing text field
and I want to reuse this one,

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I can just place that place, hold a name.

00:03:34:09 - 00:03:36:16
So the whole thing,
including the plus symbols

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and the square brackets

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into my other text field

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and then delete the original.

00:03:54:03 - 00:03:57:27
Now if I want to add more instances
of this name, then I can do so.

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I just need to select it
from the existing placeholder list

00:04:01:04 - 00:04:04:02
and say use
and that will create a new text box for me

00:04:05:19 - 00:04:09:16
with that placeholder utilized.

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I'm going to follow the same process

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with company address and phone.

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So now we can begin to add our input data.

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I do have an example file
which I’ll load up for

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you. Now.

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So this is the data we're going to import.

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What you can see
is that I have three columns of data.

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You can have more complex data than this,
but they are named

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the same as the placeholders
that we have specified

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on our MegaEdit template.

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Now, this isn't a necessity.

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We can still link columns
and fields together without the names

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being identical.

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It just makes the process
slightly easier for us.

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So you can see that they have a list
of around 30 names, just slightly more

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associated addresses
and associated phone numbers.

00:05:08:20 - 00:05:12:08
We want to get all of this information
into our business

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card design.

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So I'm going to click Upload CSV

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and select the relevant data file.

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So this will give you a pop up

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where you can match your batch data
to your placeholders.

00:05:37:24 - 00:05:42:09
So MegaEdit will try and auto map
the placeholder names to a column name.

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So you can see in my case
because the column names

00:05:45:14 - 00:05:48:08
matched the place holder names,
it has been successful.

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However, if this wasn't the case,
you could simply click the checkbox here

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and type your

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own data.

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Click okay to confirm.

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And then if we hit the preview button up
on the top, right will be able to verify

00:06:05:14 - 00:06:10:04
if this information
has been successfully utilized.

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So we can see that

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we have a name
populated, an address and a phone number.

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And I can look at the next few records
to verify that they

00:06:21:08 - 00:06:23:23
have been successful.


Step by Step Guide
WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get" which means that the styling choices made in this editor will be reflected on the front end.

Batch data in MegaEdit

MegaEdit has the functionality to allow batch uploads using variable placeholders in a template that users can upload their batch data against. Here we look at the Standard Batch Script and how to apply to a product.

Creation Date: Jan 10, 2023
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Navigate to your MegaEdit products and edit a product

Navigate to your MegaEdit products and edit a product

2. Change the Batch Source option to CSVPlugin

This script is to used in conjunction with a dynamic product that is using the CSV Plugin option.  It enables the dynamic product to read a CSV or TXT upload file.  You can also tick the script for "Standard Batch Upload options" which allows for .xls and .xlsx files to be used on a dynamic CSV product.

Change the Batch Source option to CSVPlugin

3. Click on Save and Continue Edit

Click on Save and Continue Edit

4. Click on Scripts

Next, enable the script against your chosen dynamic product under the Scripts tab within your MegaEdit product setup

Click on Scripts

5. Check Standard Batch Script

The Standard Batch Script allows for the upload of txt and csv files.

You can also tick the script for "Standard Batch Upload options" which allows for .xls and .xlsx files to be used on a dynamic CSV product.

Check Standard Batch Script

6. Click on Save changes

Click on Save changes

7. Launch your MegaEdit product

You will see a new Placeholders section in the top bar of the MegaEdit editor.

Launch your MegaEdit product

8. Click Add to create a new placeholder

Once you click on the 'Add' button, it will give you a pop up that allows you to create your own placeholder.

Click Add to create a new placeholder

9. Type a name for the placeholder

Ideally, this should represent the information to be used with this placeholder, such as "Name", "Phone" or "Address". However, this is not a strict requirement.

In our example, we will create a "Name" placeholder.

Type a name for the placeholder

10. Click on Ok

Click on Ok

11. A placeholder text field is created

A placeholder will be added to the canvas with this format: [++Name++].... this enables the user to match their data with the placeholder using the mapping option when the batch data is submitted.

The newly created text field does not have to be used. If you wish to use a placeholder in an existing text field, simply replicate the placeholder text format [++Name++].

A placeholder text field is created

12. Add and position any additional placeholders

In our example, we have created a "Address" and "Phone" placeholders.

As you add in placeholders a dropdown list will be created - this is so you can re-use the placeholders on other text fields and pages of a template.  You click the button 'Use' to apply the placeholder selected to the canvas. 

Add and position any additional placeholders

13. Check your input data

We are going to upload a set of data in one of several formats.

The screenshot below shows an example of how this data should be laid out. We are going to link our Placeholders to each of the column headers to populate the relevant data to the relevant area of the canvas.

Check your input data

14. Click Upload CSV and select the data file

This will give you a pop up where you can map your batch data to the placeholders.

Click Upload CSV and select the data file

15. Match placeholders to their associated columns

MegaEdit will try to auto map the placeholder name to a column name from the batch data.  Or you can uncheck the the blue tick and manually map the placeholders to the batch column data.

Match placeholders to their associated columns

16. To verify the data import on your product, click on Preview

To verify the data import on your product, click on Preview

17. Populated records will be shown

You will be able to search through the first 5 records by default - and then add to basket to order your job.

Populated records will be shown

18. Record example

Record example
Alternate Search Terms

Individual Search Words
batch, upload, placeholders, template, CSV, personalization, serialization, dynamic, script, Excel

Alternate Search Phrases
mailing list upload, CSV batch personalization, placeholder mapping, MegaEdit script options, Excel data upload, serialized printing setup, dynamic data templates, batch file integration, personalization via CSV, upload mailing lists