Picture of Connect: CERM | Department sync | CI_CERM_004

Connect: CERM | Department sync | CI_CERM_004

Here, we will learn how to configure the Connect: CERM integration, focusing primarily on it's Connect Settings screen. This screen allows you to define the majority of the critical settings for setting up this integration, however we will also briefly discuss peripheral areas of Infigo which may need to be set up in tandem.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:07:28 - 00:00:09:27
In this tutorial, we're going to continue

00:00:09:27 - 00:00:13:29
with the configuration of our Connect CERM
integration plugin.

00:00:14:26 - 00:00:18:09
The first thing I'm going to do
is to navigate to my Connect

00:00:19:19 - 00:00:21:09
plugins screen,

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and this will allow me to actually access
that configuration page.

00:00:24:13 - 00:00:27:07
So I identify the Connect CERM row

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and then click on Configure.

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Now scrolling down a little,
we've already entered

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the authentication details
and tested the connection

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to our CERM instance, and in my case
that's all been done successfully.

00:00:47:19 - 00:00:51:16
So now we're going to continue with some
of the settings on this particular page

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and get an understanding
for what it is that they do.

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So the first thing we're going to start
with is the completion

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of the department sync settings.

00:01:02:10 - 00:01:07:25
So this section controls the integrations
capability to automatically create

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Infigo departments
by pulling in CERM customer

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information for each customer.

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And Infigo departments will be created.

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So please note that
this is an optional step.

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Should you wish to not automate
this process, you don't have to.

00:01:25:25 - 00:01:28:06
So talking
briefly through some of the settings,

00:01:29:05 - 00:01:32:15
first thing we have is sync departments

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So a background task will initiate
to create a new Infigo department

00:01:37:05 - 00:01:38:10
for each CERM

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00:01:42:08 - 00:01:44:14
So next down is filter
for department sync.

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So this option allows
filtering of department creation

00:01:49:01 - 00:01:51:09
utilizing CERM API methods.

00:01:51:26 - 00:01:55:12
A wink to those methods has been included
in the field description,

00:01:55:12 - 00:01:58:18
so you can just copy and paste
that link into your web browser.

00:01:59:21 - 00:02:03:13
So what this does
by entering a specific filter

00:02:03:13 - 00:02:05:26
string search
is what we see in the example there.

00:02:05:26 - 00:02:08:20
So name e queue

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department one.

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In this case, we can ensure that

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we're only creating Infigo departments

00:02:21:15 - 00:02:24:09
which are required in our particular case.

00:02:24:18 - 00:02:28:03
So in this case,
if we had this string of text here, we'd

00:02:28:03 - 00:02:40:02
only create where the CERM customer equals
the name of department one.

00:02:40:02 - 00:02:42:27
Next down
we have sync contacts automatically.

00:02:43:06 - 00:02:47:29
So this enables an automatic process
where each CERM contact.

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And it's quite important here.

00:02:49:14 - 00:02:53:03
This is when they have a valid
email address.

00:02:53:17 - 00:02:56:26
So for each CERM contact,
we will create an Infigo customer

00:02:57:05 - 00:03:02:15
and place it
within the relevant Infigo department.

00:03:06:00 - 00:03:08:10
And then
finally, here we have a link customer

00:03:08:10 - 00:03:12:13
to link customer
to department for new customers.

00:03:12:29 - 00:03:16:02
So this automatically creates
a new Infigo department

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when a new CERM customer is created.

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So these are automatically linked
between the two systems.

00:03:29:04 - 00:03:32:07
Now let's take a look at the department
sync in action.

00:03:32:19 - 00:03:37:24
So if I go to my couple
different screens on my system,

00:03:37:24 - 00:03:40:25
so I'll go to customer management,
open that in the new tab

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and I'll go to my department screen.

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And what I should see in my case,
because I've not got these syncs enabled.

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Both of these should be empty
at the moment.

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However, I'm going to go ahead
and automate those processes.

00:03:57:28 - 00:04:00:28
So I'm going to say that we want to
sync departments automatically

00:04:01:10 - 00:04:03:21
and we want to
sync contacts automatically.

00:04:05:07 - 00:04:08:04
Not going to save this and a background
task should initiate

00:04:08:13 - 00:04:13:05
may take a little bit of time
to draw in all the information, but we'll

00:04:13:05 - 00:04:16:05
skip forward a little bit in time
and see the result of this

00:04:16:05 - 00:04:18:21

00:04:24:21 - 00:04:25:03

00:04:25:03 - 00:04:28:08
So taking a look at those two screens,

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again, we've got our department list.

00:04:31:16 - 00:04:34:05
We can see that's now
being automatically populated.

00:04:34:05 - 00:04:38:20
So every single customer
that we have registered within

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CERM, which is the equivalent

00:04:42:16 - 00:04:45:18
of a Infigo department,
has now being created.

00:04:46:15 - 00:04:51:03
We can also see that all of the customers
have been drawn in as well

00:04:51:11 - 00:04:54:14
and they've been placed into
their relevant

00:04:54:14 - 00:05:03:04

