Picture of Connect: CERM | Customer sync | CI_CERM_005

Connect: CERM | Customer sync | CI_CERM_005

Here, we will learn how to configure the Connect: CERM integration, focusing primarily on it's Connect Settings screen. This screen allows you to define the majority of the critical settings for setting up this integration, however we will also briefly discuss peripheral areas of Infigo which may need to be set up in tandem.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:07:03 - 00:00:07:15
We're going to

00:00:07:15 - 00:00:10:13
continue with
the configuration of our connect CERM

00:00:11:18 - 00:00:14:19
So now we're going to look at the customer

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sync section
of the plugin integration screen.

00:00:20:21 - 00:00:24:02
So these settings generally control
what actions are taken

00:00:24:02 - 00:00:27:16
with newly registered users
on the Infigo system.

00:00:28:04 - 00:00:32:08
So multiple of these settings
utilize a fields named Custom One,

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which we'll discuss a little bit later on,
which is repurposed within CERM

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as a cost code.

00:00:42:15 - 00:00:43:29
So let's start just by going through

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a few of the settings
and explaining what they are.

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So first off,
we have automatically link to department.

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So this is an optional process.

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This allows automatic placing of newly
registered Infigo customers

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into the relevant Infigo department.

00:01:00:25 - 00:01:06:00
So if enabled on the storefront, users
can register in Infigo

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and input their CERM cost code number
as part of the registration process.

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If the CERM cost code matches

00:01:13:14 - 00:01:16:18
with a CERM customer that's already created

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with an Infigo Department,
the new Infigo customer

00:01:21:15 - 00:01:25:03
can automatically be placed
within that Infigo department.

00:01:26:03 - 00:01:26:17
This is

00:01:26:17 - 00:01:30:26
useful as depending
on the Infigo department, a customer

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could receive access to specific products
or could

00:01:33:28 - 00:01:37:06
obtain preferential pricing.

00:01:37:06 - 00:01:40:04
Please do note
the registration will need to be enabled

00:01:40:04 - 00:01:42:29
and configured
in order to utilize this feature.

00:01:43:15 - 00:01:45:29
The custom one field is found

00:01:45:29 - 00:01:48:22
within the Infigo customer
settings screen.

00:01:49:11 - 00:01:50:20
So navigate to that now.

00:01:50:20 - 00:01:52:20
So customer settings

00:01:57:19 - 00:01:58:13
are scroll

00:01:58:13 - 00:02:01:29
quite far down this page
to the registration form section.

00:02:02:19 - 00:02:05:24
You'll see that we have close
to the bottom of that section

00:02:05:24 - 00:02:09:24
display custom one field
so I can activate this

00:02:09:24 - 00:02:18:22
and click on save.

00:02:19:06 - 00:02:22:22
Now what can get the little tool
tip for the custom one field?

00:02:23:07 - 00:02:25:24
We can see that
it gives us some additional information.

00:02:27:10 - 00:02:28:18
the language string of custom.

00:02:28:18 - 00:02:32:03
One can be amended to show
a more applicable phrase

00:02:32:11 - 00:02:37:16
to your registrants
rather than just showing custom one.

00:02:37:25 - 00:02:41:18
So next in the customer sync section,
we have automatically

00:02:41:18 - 00:02:44:19
a link department is required.

00:02:45:06 - 00:02:48:19
So this ensures that the custom one
registration field

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is mandatory on the registration form.

00:02:56:10 - 00:02:57:23
We have auto create

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new registered customers in CERM

00:03:00:24 - 00:03:04:16
so any Infigo customer created
via registration

00:03:04:24 - 00:03:08:18
can automatically be registered
within the CERM system itself.

00:03:09:06 - 00:03:13:10
So this setting only applies
to registrants not automatically linked

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via the custom one Infigo department link

00:03:16:13 - 00:03:20:04
feature discussed previously.

00:03:23:16 - 00:03:26:09
We have sync address from CERM to Infigo.

00:03:26:20 - 00:03:32:08
So if an Infigo customer has addresses
associated with their linked CERM account,

00:03:32:18 - 00:03:35:28
these addresses are automatically
synched with Infigo ..

00:03:37:23 - 00:03:39:03
And then we have download

00:03:39:03 - 00:03:42:23
customers from CERM,
which is a an associated button here.

00:03:43:05 - 00:03:48:14
So this downloads
CERM customer data from within Infigo.

00:03:48:24 - 00:03:53:21
So this is a useful validation tool
as the resulting downloaded file shows.

00:03:53:21 - 00:03:58:22
The response
that Infigo gets from the CERM system.

00:04:00:13 - 00:04:03:07
So you can see here
the information that is retrieved.

00:04:03:18 - 00:04:07:00
It's all of the information on the

00:04:07:16 - 00:04:09:15
CERM customers.

