Picture of Connect: CERM | Additional configuration | CI_CERM_006

Connect: CERM | Additional configuration | CI_CERM_006

Here, we will learn how to configure the Connect: CERM integration, focusing primarily on it's Connect Settings screen. This screen allows you to define the majority of the critical settings for setting up this integration, however we will also briefly discuss peripheral areas of Infigo which may need to be set up in tandem.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:07:00 - 00:00:07:07

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We're going to continue and finalize

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the configuration of our Connect CERM

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So I'm on the configuration screen
at this point, access

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the same as we have in previous tutorials.

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We're going to start off
with the check out section.

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So this section primarily involves
the passing of additional information

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between Infigo and CERM
when an order is placed.

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Delivery comment order comments and order

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reference can be passed
between the two systems.

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So configuring these within Infigo

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the creation of three check out

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The names of these checkout attributes
must then be placed

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within these checkout fields.

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So you can see here
we've got attribute name, attribute,

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name and attribute name.

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Now, we're not going to specifically cover
checkout attributes here.

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That's for a different tutorial.

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But just as a brief overview, we can go
to the checkout attributes screen

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and all we need to do is

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create the relevant checkout attributes.

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We do some additional configuration

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as necessary, save that,
and then all we need to do

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is take the name of that checkout
attribute we've created

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and place that into the relevant box here.

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Now that will appear on the
the checkout pages

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as your customer is going through
the checkout process of their order.

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And if populated into here,
that information will be passed

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into CERM

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I'm coming down a little bit further.

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We have the inclusion of expected date.

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So this allows the inclusion
of the calculated due date.

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This metric is a combination
of your production and delivery

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or shipping restrictions and is normally
otherwise seen in shared print operations.

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so what this checkbox does is specifies

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whether this information
is also sent over to CERM

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and then we have

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exclude payment methods, system names.

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So this excludes particular payment
methods from the list of available

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methods during the checkout process.

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So these payment method names are obtained

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from within Infigo itself.

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So if I search for payment

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and I'll go for payment methods,

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you can see here the system name

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and all of the associated payment
methods that we have available.

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So if you want to make any of those

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excluded not available,

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you just need to copy
the system name column entry.

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So for example, payment,
stock, purchase order.

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And then paste that into here.

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If you want multiple entries,
the just comma separated.

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Now scrolling down a bit further,

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we have the mapping section.

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So we're going to start off
by clicking on add new item.

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So this allows a mapping to be created
between CERM payment manner ID

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options and Infigo

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payment method system name options.

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So this mapping ensures
that the system knows

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how the two sets of payment
methods relate to one another.

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By mapping all of the available payment

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we can ensure that Infigo departments
are set up with CERM customers

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with the correct payment
options available.

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So what we need to do to begin with

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is this key section here.

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So this is the CERM payment manner ID.

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So for example,
this is I think it's a number.

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So let's say 101 for example, we would work this up from our CERM system itself.

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Payment manner ID

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and then we need to type

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in the corresponding payment
method system name.

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And this goes into the value field.

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Now, again,
this is the same place as we just saw.

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So we go to our payment methods, screen,

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take the relevant system, name

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and then paste it into the value section.

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Click on Save.

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And that now creates a mapping
between those two.

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So we know exactly how one relates
to the other in both systems.

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And you can have multiple mappings,
so you can put as many mappings here

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as you like.

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Coming down a bit
further to the product section.

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So we're going to start off
with inputting the product attribute names

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for the CERM product ID and product

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description values

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so the Infigo product attributes

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are added to Infigo products
to allow for detailed specification.

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Basic examples of this are things
such as size and color.

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There's a lots of other tutorial content
around product attributes.

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CERM contains two fields

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which are named product
ID and product description.

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And as a reminder, a CERM product
is the equivalent of an Infigo job.

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So the

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CERM product ID and product
description can be transferred

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during the ordering process
by creating two Infigo product attributes.

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The names of those Infigo attributes are
then to be input into these

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two fields here.

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So, for example,
if I go ahead and work for product

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attributes, two product

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attributes have been created automatically
as part of the setup process.

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If they haven't, for whatever reason,
you can create them manually quite easily,

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and it's just a case
of taking those attribute names.

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Now the attributes would be assigned
to products that you want them to be on.

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these are the names you would use,

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and I just want to put those bits
of information, the attribute names

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into the connect CERM configuration page

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So next

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we want to link those master products.

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Now we created these or checked
for that creation in an earlier tutorial.

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And what we did here was ensuring
that we had two template

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created with the prefix underscore master.

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So let's take a look.

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If I still have the relevant page open,
I don't think I do. So

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let's go to product management.

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And then just as a reminder,
we have two template master

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underscore products available.

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Now we created these to assist
in the reordering of CERM products

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or CERM estimates should no
related Infigo page be available.

00:07:31:20 - 00:07:35:25
These two settings
in the product section of the connect

00:07:35:25 - 00:07:39:15
CERM configuration screen defined
which of your products

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you wish to assign
to those two important positions?

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So we have the stock master product
and then we want to select from the list.

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Now in this case, we only have one stock
product with the prefix master underscore.

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So it's an easy selection
and then the relevant

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multipart product as well.

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Now next down, we have

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a show live info section.

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Now we start off with a checkbox
and then some

00:08:10:24 - 00:08:13:04
there is some associated
settings underneath.

00:08:13:22 - 00:08:18:10
So the checkbox enables functionality,
allowing live information from CERM

00:08:18:23 - 00:08:21:24
to be displayed
on the Infigo product page.

00:08:22:21 - 00:08:27:00
So additional configuration is required
to full utilize these capabilities.

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The CERM administrator
will need to create a packing info.

00:08:31:24 - 00:08:35:20
URL end point
which would then be placed into here

00:08:36:04 - 00:08:40:18
and that fetches the packing information
from the CERM system.

00:08:40:18 - 00:08:44:04
This URL endpoint
is then copied into this particular field.

00:08:45:29 - 00:08:47:28
Administrators can also define

00:08:47:28 - 00:08:50:23
the format of the packing information

00:08:51:02 - 00:08:54:11
using the packing info pattern field.

00:08:55:03 - 00:08:57:18
So this is a combination of static text.

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So we've got a couple
of examples of that here

00:09:01:12 - 00:09:04:00
and a selection of placeholders

00:09:04:09 - 00:09:07:09
we can see here,

00:09:07:09 - 00:09:09:25
and that will display dynamic information.

00:09:10:17 - 00:09:14:12
The format of those patterns is up to you,
but it could be written, for example,

00:09:14:12 - 00:09:15:24
as we can see here.

00:09:15:24 - 00:09:18:14
So we've got row width,
which is a static string of text.

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Then the place hold a roll width which
will extract the information from CERM

00:09:23:10 - 00:09:26:05
and then the relevant unit
which will also loops,

00:09:26:06 - 00:09:30:13
which will also bring that information
from CERM

00:09:32:11 - 00:09:34:10
Now the place holders
which need to be made

00:09:34:10 - 00:09:37:18
available to Infigo are listed below.

00:09:38:09 - 00:09:39:24
So the final option

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we have within the product section
of the configuration screen

00:09:43:29 - 00:09:49:20
is to download the CERM calculation
or estimate data from within.

00:09:49:20 - 00:09:51:27
Infigo itself.

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So this is a useful validation tool
as the resulting downloaded file shows.

00:09:57:07 - 00:10:01:03
The response
that Infigo gets from CERM via the Connect

00:10:01:03 - 00:10:07:27
CERM integration

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Now the final

00:10:13:01 - 00:10:15:26
sets of options we have here
are the UI options.

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So this allows the administrator
to control the additional tabs

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that are displayed to end users in the
my account section.

00:10:26:11 - 00:10:30:17
So these tabs allow users
to quickly reorder CERM estimates

00:10:30:17 - 00:10:34:01
and certain products
without navigating through the main

00:10:34:27 - 00:10:37:06
body of the Infigo storefront.

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So these features are discussed
in much more detail in the tutorials.

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Just note at this point
that we have three options available.

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We have an estimates page, a products page

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and an orders page,
and these can be disabled

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if you don't want to allow your end users
to access those pages.

