Picture of Connect: CERM | Ordering from the Catalogue | CI_CERM_009

Connect: CERM | Ordering from the Catalogue | CI_CERM_009

In this tutorial, we will investigate the process and back-end tasks associated with ordering from your CERM integrated Infigo storefront. Our scenario is a logged in or non-logged in user accessing your storefront and navigating through your (Infigo) Product catalogue.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:06:26 - 00:00:08:11
In this tutorial we'll look

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at the processes and back end tasks
associated with ordering from your CERM.

00:00:13:11 - 00:00:15:19
Integrated Infigo Storefront.

00:00:16:09 - 00:00:21:14
Our scenario is a logged in or not
logged in user accessing your storefront

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and navigating through your Infigo
product catalog.

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As we're interfacing between CERM
and Infigo, it's important to distinguish

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between some of the different

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used by both pieces of software.

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So first off, in CERM, we have estimates

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and then Infigo
has the equivalent of quotes.

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So this is a specification
of a currently unplaced piece of work.

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They have a fixed specification, but

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variable artwork

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and in CERM.

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We have products and Infigo we have
the more or less equivalent of jobs.

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A piece of work with a fixed specification
and a fixed artwork.

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And that's usually generated from what
we were talking about previously.

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So estimates or quotes.

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And then in CERM we have an order.

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So that's an instance
where the CERM product has been purchased.

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Now the first thing we need to do

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is to access a product
that is actually linked to CERM.

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So whilst navigating your store front,
your users would access

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a new Infigo product
linked with your system.

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So this could be going through the header,
it could be going through

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the catalog, search pages, the search bar.

00:01:37:24 - 00:01:41:15
Or in my case, I'm just going to utilize
one of our featured products

00:01:43:08 - 00:01:44:08
working on this.

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As with any Infigo storefront
will take you to the product landing

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00:01:56:03 - 00:01:59:21
Now, this is an Infigo
multi-part product as it's required.

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The artwork is going to be uploaded

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so we can complete the specification

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of the product by filling out the Infigo
attribute fields.

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So all of these we can see here.

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And we can also

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include a product
ID and a product description.

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These are both
the equivalent of CERM fields

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which are passed to the system

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once the order is placed.

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But we can see that every time
we're changing one of these entries,

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the price is being recalculated.

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That's because it's going through
a different estimate based on what

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we select.

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So this whole process

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due to a live link with the CERM system.

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So each permutation of Infigo attribute combinations

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will have a
some estimate associated with it

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as the specification is altered
on the Infigo product landing page.

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A different CERM
estimate is pulled from your system

00:03:22:04 - 00:03:23:22
so we can update the quantity.

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That will also update the price based on

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pricing rules that you specified.

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And then we can go ahead and click start.

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So clicking start here will prompt the user

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to immediately upload the artwork
associated with this project.

00:03:46:17 - 00:03:48:09
So I'll click that in a moment.

00:03:48:09 - 00:03:51:19
Alternatively, clicking
Add to Basket will skip

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the requirement to upload the artwork
at this particular stage.

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The order can be placed without artwork,
which can be uploaded at a later date.

00:04:01:10 - 00:04:04:10
So I'm going to go ahead and click Start

00:04:04:18 - 00:04:06:26
and then just select our required artwork

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and then going to go to preview

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the updated piece.

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And then if we're happy, I'm
going to add this to Basket.

00:04:23:27 - 00:04:28:15
So the fully specified Infigo multi-part
product is now added to the basket.

00:04:29:03 - 00:04:31:22
Now we don't just immediately
have to go through the checkout

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if there's multiple things that you want
to add to the order before you place it,

00:04:35:26 - 00:04:37:12
you can do so.

00:04:37:12 - 00:04:39:05
So let's go through that process again.

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But this stage,
I will not upload our artwork

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at this stage,

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so I'm just going to go ahead
and add that directly to basket

00:05:06:29 - 00:05:07:10
so we can

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optionally complete our checkout details.

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Now, as we saw in the earlier tutorial,
these are linked.

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These are checkout attributes which are
linked to fields within our system.

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So there are corresponding fields
and this information will be driven

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to those fields within CERM

00:05:39:01 - 00:05:44:28
And then just going to proceed through
the checkout and complete that order.

00:05:48:03 - 00:05:51:23
So that order is now being placed
whilst completing this process.

00:05:51:23 - 00:05:55:05
several items have been created in CERM

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so these include a CERM estimate.

00:05:59:26 - 00:06:02:10
So again,
that's the equivalent of Infigo quote,

00:06:02:21 - 00:06:06:12
these are the completed specification
of a piece of work.

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Whilst the general specifications
such as size and materials are fixed,

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the artwork is variable and users
can directly reorder from a CERM estimate.

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Also created is a CERM product.

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So this is the equivalent,
the equivalent of an Infigo job.

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These are a static piece of work
with a fixed specification

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and a fixed piece of art.

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They are associated with the CERM
estimates that were created as well.

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And then we have a CERM order.

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So this is the actual order placed
based on the CERM product.

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In this example, two orders have been
placed for that single CERM product,

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one of which we all did the artwork for,
one of which is pending artwork.

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so we'll

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investigate these concepts
and how they can be utilized withInfigo

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in future tutorials.

