00:00:08:06 - 00:00:09:09
CERM estimates are
00:00:09:09 - 00:00:12:01
generally the equivalent of Infigo quotes.
00:00:12:12 - 00:00:15:19
They are the specification
of a currently unplaced piece of work.
00:00:16:15 - 00:00:19:12
CERM estimates are central
to its operation.
00:00:19:24 - 00:00:24:11
They act as the basis for all orders
being put into the system.
00:00:25:05 - 00:00:28:21
Each CERM estimate
must be attached to a CERM contact,
00:00:29:08 - 00:00:31:15
which is also an individual user.
00:00:33:06 - 00:00:36:10
The Connect CERM Integration
gives users the ability
00:00:36:10 - 00:00:40:19
to explore estimates
assigned to the CERM contact entry.
00:00:41:03 - 00:00:44:12
From here, we can perform
additional actions such as re-ordering,
00:00:44:12 - 00:00:46:27
deleting and viewing the order history.
00:00:48:15 - 00:00:50:19
So let's take a look at this capability.
00:00:50:20 - 00:00:50:28
We're going
00:00:50:28 - 00:00:55:00
to start on the actual storefront itself,
and we're viewing our storefront
00:00:55:00 - 00:00:58:08
now as if we were our end user
just navigating the site.
00:00:59:19 - 00:01:03:05
What I'm going to do, first of all, is
go to the my order section.
00:01:03:05 - 00:01:07:09
So this is assuming
that the user is logged in as already done
00:01:07:13 - 00:01:08:24
some work in here.
00:01:08:24 - 00:01:13:15
So they've already placed some orders,
they've already got some estimates.
00:01:13:15 - 00:01:16:00
So they've got
things associated with their
00:01:17:07 - 00:01:18:21
contact accounts.
00:01:18:21 - 00:01:21:14
And Infigo customer account,
00:01:21:14 - 00:01:24:00
we're going to start off
by navigating to my orders.
00:01:24:00 - 00:01:29:17
So go to the my account section
and then my orders.
00:01:29:17 - 00:01:33:24
The CERM estimates can be viewed on the
my orders page
00:01:35:17 - 00:01:38:17
when viewing the storefront frontend
and this will be available
00:01:38:17 - 00:01:41:26
to your Infigo customers
00:01:42:12 - 00:01:43:10
when they connect
00:01:43:10 - 00:01:47:00
CERM plug it in is active
users will have access to additional tabs
00:01:47:09 - 00:01:51:24
on the My accounts page.
00:01:51:24 - 00:01:53:12
So these are the additional tabs.
00:01:53:12 - 00:01:57:20
We have estimates,
we have products and we have orders.
00:01:57:20 - 00:01:59:00
So these tabs are available.
00:01:59:00 - 00:02:02:21
If you've got the plug in activated
00:02:03:03 - 00:02:06:09
and these have an active link
with your CERM system
00:02:06:18 - 00:02:09:10
and will display up to date information
00:02:09:10 - 00:02:16:13
on those three elements.
00:02:16:13 - 00:02:20:29
Now bear in mind that these three tabs
are using CERM terminology.
00:02:20:29 - 00:02:24:11
So CERM estimates
we might call quotes within Infigo.
00:02:24:29 - 00:02:29:08
CERM products we might call
jobs is the closest probably analogy
00:02:29:08 - 00:02:30:18
within Infigo
00:02:30:18 - 00:02:33:09
And then we have orders
which are the actual placed
00:02:35:10 - 00:02:35:22
pieces of
00:02:35:22 - 00:02:40:23
work essentially.
00:02:40:23 - 00:02:41:03
00:02:41:03 - 00:02:48:07
So we're going to begin
by clicking on estimates.
00:02:48:07 - 00:02:51:29
So CERM is very strict that CERM estimates
00:02:51:29 - 00:02:54:26
must always
be assigned to a particular user
00:02:55:15 - 00:02:59:10
when navigating a storefront
and pricing Infigo products
00:02:59:10 - 00:03:03:18
as a non logged in user
all created, CERM estimates
00:03:04:11 - 00:03:08:14
will be assigned to a generic web user
that we've discussed in other tutorials,
00:03:09:09 - 00:03:11:22
the idea of which is specified
in the Connect's
00:03:12:00 - 00:03:14:26
integration settings.
00:03:14:26 - 00:03:18:18
When accessing the estimates page,
the logged in user, CERM
00:03:18:18 - 00:03:22:02
estimates will be displayed
which are assigned to that particular
00:03:22:09 - 00:03:26:12
logged in user, and these may have been
created in several different ways.
00:03:26:23 - 00:03:29:12
So the CERM estimates
could have been created
00:03:29:12 - 00:03:32:22
within CERM themselves
and assigned to this particular user.
00:03:33:17 - 00:03:37:14
CERM estimate it could have been created
as the logged in user.
00:03:37:14 - 00:03:39:26
Browse to the Infigo product catalog.
00:03:41:07 - 00:03:41:29
Or, the CERM
00:03:41:29 - 00:03:45:16
estimates were created and initially
assigned to the generic web user,
00:03:45:23 - 00:03:49:24
but were then duplicated and assigned
to the current and Infigo customer
00:03:50:01 - 00:03:53:25
when they then logged in.
00:03:53:25 - 00:03:56:23
So this page
that we're seeing here is Paginated,
00:03:57:01 - 00:04:01:15
meaning that only a certain number of CERM
estimates are displayed at any one time.
00:04:01:29 - 00:04:05:28
This ensures that we can maintain
a high speed link between the two systems,
00:04:06:06 - 00:04:09:16
as only a limited dataset
is being requested at any one time.
00:04:10:14 - 00:04:13:08
If you want to see more estimates,
you can either change the number
00:04:13:09 - 00:04:18:09
shown per page, or if you scroll down,
you can scroll to different pages
00:04:18:09 - 00:04:22:07
of estimates that are available
on that particular account.
00:04:24:15 - 00:04:27:09
So let's talk about
some of the capabilities we have on here.
00:04:27:09 - 00:04:28:15
We do have the ability
00:04:28:15 - 00:04:32:16
to modify the reference ID,
so this is assigned automatically.
00:04:32:16 - 00:04:35:18
If you want to give it a bit
more of a representative name
00:04:35:18 - 00:04:40:28
to a particular estimate,
you can do so just by clicking on it.
00:04:44:03 - 00:04:46:06
We then have some various bits
of information
00:04:46:06 - 00:04:49:09
associated with the estimate
that will have been drawn from CERM.
00:04:49:18 - 00:04:53:25
So project ID, description,
size, substrate and packaging.
00:04:54:06 - 00:04:58:17
You can show in high different variations
of those columns using the auto gear
00:04:58:17 - 00:05:04:10
icon up there and just selecting
which ones of these are visible.
00:05:08:17 - 00:05:10:02
Now coming over to the products
00:05:10:02 - 00:05:13:09
column here, so just a brief
reminder again on terminology.
00:05:13:20 - 00:05:16:12
So CERM products,
which is what this represents,
00:05:16:19 - 00:05:20:04
is the equivalent
or nearest equivalent of a in job.
00:05:20:14 - 00:05:24:27
So it's an ordered item
generated from the CERM estimate.
00:05:25:25 - 00:05:29:01
So here product
refers to the CERM version of it.
00:05:29:24 - 00:05:33:12
So this link will display
how many CERM products
00:05:33:18 - 00:05:36:18
have been created
from this particular CERM estimate.
00:05:37:05 - 00:05:41:12
So clicking on this link will navigate
to the products tab that we see up here
00:05:42:02 - 00:05:46:15
on the My Accounts page
where individual products can be viewed.
00:05:46:27 - 00:05:49:26
And this particular tab is going
to be covered in a different tutorial
00:05:53:07 - 00:05:54:25
coming a bit further across.
00:05:54:25 - 00:05:58:19
We have some additional actions
that are available
00:05:58:19 - 00:06:00:19
to the view of the estimates page.
00:06:01:10 - 00:06:05:03
So the first thing we have is delete
and this will hide that particular item
00:06:11:26 - 00:06:14:18
Next, we have estimate.
00:06:15:00 - 00:06:20:08
So click this button to see additional
information on that particular estimate
00:06:20:18 - 00:06:23:02
and to investigate associated costs.
00:06:24:04 - 00:06:27:16
So a pop up will display,
as you can see here, primarily showing
00:06:27:16 - 00:06:31:08
specification information related to that
particular set of estimates.
00:06:32:07 - 00:06:36:29
These values can't be changed as the CERM
estimate is fixed in that respect.
00:06:37:06 - 00:06:42:01
And any changes to those values would
require a new CERM estimate to be created.
00:06:43:04 - 00:06:46:11
What we can do on this page as well,
though, is to simulate
00:06:47:15 - 00:06:50:06
a different number of products
in different quantities
00:06:52:04 - 00:06:52:21
so users
00:06:52:21 - 00:06:56:12
can specify a number of CERM products
that they want to simulate.
00:06:56:13 - 00:06:58:09
So let's say
00:06:59:10 - 00:07:03:01
50, for example,
00:07:03:01 - 00:07:06:04
and I can specify
a number of example quantities
00:07:10:07 - 00:07:12:14
which you can put in those boxes there
00:07:13:02 - 00:07:15:18
and then clicking simulate will calculate
00:07:15:18 - 00:07:20:29
the cost of those different quantities.
00:07:20:29 - 00:07:31:19
And those are displayed
at the bottom of the screen here.
00:07:33:28 - 00:07:34:11
00:07:34:11 - 00:07:35:25
So the next option we have available,
00:07:35:25 - 00:07:40:01
they're currently labeled as add
to baskets, but it may be relabeled
00:07:40:01 - 00:07:43:00
sometime in the near future
to reorder or something like that.
00:07:44:12 - 00:07:46:11
The Baskets icon
00:07:46:11 - 00:07:50:02
on the estimates page allows for the CERM
estimate to be reordered.
00:07:50:11 - 00:07:54:07
And CERM products
created from that particular estimate.
00:07:54:27 - 00:07:59:00
So users would reorder from a CERM
estimate in situations
00:07:59:00 - 00:08:02:28
where generic specification
version of the label is the same.
00:08:03:06 - 00:08:06:13
However, the new artwork file is required.
00:08:07:09 - 00:08:11:21
So consider for example, a
a drinks can label.
00:08:11:21 - 00:08:15:24
The size and material of the label
may be identical to the CERM estimate.
00:08:16:03 - 00:08:19:18
However, the artwork might differ
if there's a new offering,
00:08:20:17 - 00:08:21:04
if it's a new
00:08:21:04 - 00:08:23:29
offering from the users, business
00:08:24:06 - 00:08:28:09
users won't be able to change
the main specification of this estimate,
00:08:28:15 - 00:08:31:18
as this would require a new CERM
estimate to be created.
00:08:32:04 - 00:08:37:14
Users can however manually enter
a new CERM product ID and CERM product
00:08:37:14 - 00:08:41:17
description to be sent to the CERM system
when that particular order
00:08:41:17 - 00:08:45:07
is placed.
00:08:45:07 - 00:08:47:27
So let's just click on one of those
just to show you what I mean.
00:08:47:27 - 00:08:52:28
So if I go at to basket,
you'll see I got taken to a version
00:08:52:28 - 00:08:55:28
of the product landing page
00:08:59:07 - 00:09:02:07
where I can't really change
many things in here.
00:09:02:07 - 00:09:05:17
So this particular specification
doesn't have the product ID
00:09:06:02 - 00:09:07:13
or the product description included.
00:09:07:13 - 00:09:09:05
So I can't even change those.
00:09:09:05 - 00:09:12:22
And the rest of that specification,
I can't change either because that's
00:09:12:22 - 00:09:14:13
associated with an estimate.
00:09:14:13 - 00:09:16:13
So those specifications are fixed.
00:09:17:00 - 00:09:19:28
I can, however,
still upload a new piece of artwork.
00:09:19:28 - 00:09:21:21
So if I went to start at this point,
00:09:23:07 - 00:09:24:18
it would give me the option to
00:09:24:18 - 00:09:33:04
to that new artwork.
00:09:33:04 - 00:09:36:25
Now uploading the artwork
at this stage is optional.
00:09:37:02 - 00:09:40:15
This can also be carried out
once the CERM product has been created
00:09:40:22 - 00:09:42:08
from this estimate.
00:09:42:08 - 00:09:52:26
And again, this will be discussed
in a different tutorial.
00:09:52:26 - 00:09:55:27
Now, a note
on reordering from CERM estimates.
00:09:56:09 - 00:10:00:12
This will result in the utilization
of one of the master underscore
00:10:00:12 - 00:10:04:05
Infigo product templates
that we discussed in a previous tutorial.
00:10:04:22 - 00:10:07:08
This allows these estimates to be utilized
00:10:07:08 - 00:10:10:13
in a context of an Infigo
multipart product
00:10:11:19 - 00:10:16:11
as the user is uploading a new artwork,
the Infigo multi-part product
00:10:16:11 - 00:10:19:25
will be utilized
and has to be utilized in order to upload
00:10:19:25 - 00:10:22:07
some new artwork file
00:10:23:10 - 00:10:25:22
uses and adds the CERM estimate
00:10:25:22 - 00:10:28:21
to their basket
as an Infigo multipart product.
00:10:28:28 - 00:10:32:17
And then they can proceed through the
checkout process as they normally would
00:10:33:19 - 00:10:36:07
once place
the CERM estimate will still be visible
00:10:36:07 - 00:10:39:15
within the estimates tab
with the same options available.
00:10:39:24 - 00:10:43:25
However, the number of products
within the products column will increase.
00:10:44:07 - 00:10:47:16
This is because a new product
has been created
00:10:47:23 - 00:10:52:13
from the CERM estimate
and then associated with it.