00:00:09:07 - 00:00:09:24
Managing the
00:00:09:24 - 00:00:14:05
orders you receive through your Infigo
system is an essential part of the process
00:00:14:23 - 00:00:17:21
and Infigo provides
a range of tools to facilitate this,
00:00:17:29 - 00:00:21:09
including integrations
with multiple MIS solutions.
00:00:22:10 - 00:00:25:02
In this tutorial, we'll focus on the order
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capabilities inbuilt into Infigo.,
00:00:28:15 - 00:00:32:00
but also take a very brief
look at what advantages
00:00:32:00 - 00:00:35:04
integrating with your third party
MISs can bring.
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So to begin, I'm
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just in the Infigo admin area logged in
as my storefront administrator
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we’ll start off
by clicking on the sales section
00:00:47:20 - 00:00:50:25
and going to orders.
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Now, any order
00:00:54:02 - 00:00:56:23
taken through the active Infigo storefront
00:00:57:03 - 00:01:00:26
will have a fully detailed entry
within the orders area.
00:01:01:20 - 00:01:04:16
Each order will appear as a separate
row down here,
00:01:04:25 - 00:01:07:23
with search options,
allowing you to filter through large
00:01:07:23 - 00:01:10:26
numbers of orders
to easily identify the one that you want.
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Clicking on view on a particular row
00:01:15:28 - 00:01:19:16
will take you to a more detailed screen
concerning the chosen order.
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We'll take a look at some of the key
pieces of information available
00:01:23:13 - 00:01:29:25
to administrators concerning orders
taken through your Infigo storefronts.
00:01:30:21 - 00:01:32:24
So just picking out
a few of the options in here.
00:01:32:25 - 00:01:36:04
First of all,
we can see that we do have an order status
00:01:36:13 - 00:01:40:29
so that showing us the status as it stands
at the moment of that order,
00:01:41:24 - 00:01:44:21
a combination of all
the jobs contained within the order.
00:01:45:18 - 00:01:49:11
If you want to force change
the order status, you can do that from
00:01:49:11 - 00:01:52:28
within the screen with the dropdown list
over on the right hand side.
00:01:53:12 - 00:01:59:07
And you can see that the default status
changing options that you have available.
00:02:02:04 - 00:02:03:10
Scrolling a bit further down,
00:02:03:10 - 00:02:06:28
you can see financial information
to do with this particular order.
00:02:07:11 - 00:02:10:28
So for example, this will show you
the payment method that's being utilized.
00:02:11:05 - 00:02:13:19
It will show you the amount
that we're expecting.
00:02:14:18 - 00:02:15:24
And we also have the ability
00:02:15:24 - 00:02:19:06
to change those order details
if we wish to do so as well.
00:02:19:20 - 00:02:23:14
So click on edit and then you can update
any of the financial data
00:02:23:14 - 00:02:26:07
within that order.
00:02:26:14 - 00:02:29:24
You've also got the ability in here
to authorize a refund
00:02:30:12 - 00:02:33:13
or a partial refund.
00:02:36:07 - 00:02:37:24
In our sample storefronts here,
00:02:37:24 - 00:02:41:07
the only option that we provided for
payment was via a purchase order.
00:02:41:19 - 00:02:44:09
So this is another location
where you're able to locate
00:02:44:20 - 00:02:47:09
the purchase order number
that's been input.
00:02:48:00 - 00:02:49:18
When the user placed this order
00:02:55:21 - 00:02:57:01
going across to the next tab,
00:02:57:01 - 00:03:00:25
we have the billing information
and the delivery information
00:03:02:11 - 00:03:04:04
at the bottom of the delivery information.
00:03:04:04 - 00:03:06:23
We also have some additional options,
such as the ability
00:03:06:23 - 00:03:09:07
to change the delivery method
if that's applicable.
00:03:09:19 - 00:03:12:26
You can also input information
such as a tracking number,
00:03:13:05 - 00:03:16:20
which will be made available both
to your team in shared print operations
00:03:16:20 - 00:03:19:16
that we'll get to in a moment
and to the user themselves
00:03:19:23 - 00:03:23:16
when they log into their account
on the frontend.
00:03:25:06 - 00:03:29:08
The next tab along shows all of the
products contained within that order.
00:03:29:16 - 00:03:31:21
So each of them
will have their own order line
00:03:32:18 - 00:03:34:23
and inside here we also have
00:03:34:23 - 00:03:38:20
the ability to cancel
any of those particular jobs or edit any
00:03:38:20 - 00:03:42:11
of those particular jobs.
00:03:42:11 - 00:03:45:11
So for example, if I want
to update the price of my stock product,
00:03:45:11 - 00:03:49:09
which is currently reading as zero,
00:03:49:09 - 00:03:52:09
I'd type a new value in here.
00:04:04:08 - 00:04:07:00
The final tab here is in relation
to order notes.
00:04:07:09 - 00:04:08:15
So this will give you an overview
00:04:08:15 - 00:04:11:23
of any action that has been performed
on that particular job.
00:04:12:10 - 00:04:16:17
This might be things
such as the sending of relevant emails.
00:04:16:25 - 00:04:20:01
It could be if the status has been changed
from one thing to another.
00:04:20:13 - 00:04:24:11
And you've also got the ability
to add some additional messages
00:04:24:11 - 00:04:27:17
and additional
entries to these order notes,
00:04:28:18 - 00:04:31:01
also with the
ability to display those to the customer.
00:04:31:01 - 00:04:32:28
If you want to as well.
00:04:33:00 - 00:04:35:05
So if you need to put something
on here, such
00:04:35:05 - 00:04:40:18
as problems with payment information,
or if there's a problem
00:04:40:18 - 00:04:44:15
with the production or the delivery, then
those can be placed in here as a note,
00:04:44:27 - 00:04:47:17
just so it's kept up to date and relevant
00:04:47:17 - 00:04:49:22
to that particular job.
00:04:50:18 - 00:04:54:07
Going back to the sales tab,
00:04:54:07 - 00:04:57:17
also in here,
we have the ability to see currently
00:04:58:19 - 00:05:01:10
unplaced orders in people's baskets.
00:05:01:22 - 00:05:04:15
So in this case we only have one example,
which I think
00:05:04:15 - 00:05:06:10
is my storefront administrator.
00:05:06:10 - 00:05:09:09
But you can see on here
that I've got a customer with
00:05:10:00 - 00:05:13:03
two items currently in their basket.
00:05:14:11 - 00:05:15:17
Next, let's take a look at
00:05:15:17 - 00:05:18:27
shared print operations.
00:05:20:06 - 00:05:22:00
So shared prints operations
00:05:22:00 - 00:05:25:13
is an area of your Infigo admin screen
where orders
00:05:25:13 - 00:05:28:14
from all storefronts
on a platform can be viewed.
00:05:29:26 - 00:05:32:03
So orders are split into jobs
00:05:32:03 - 00:05:34:21
within SPO or shared print operations
00:05:35:12 - 00:05:37:29
with jobs of different product types, such
00:05:37:29 - 00:05:42:10
as stock, mega edit
or static PDF split into the separate tabs
00:05:42:10 - 00:05:45:25
that you can see
across the top of the screen.
00:05:45:25 - 00:05:48:22
So for example,
if I go across to static products,
00:05:49:00 - 00:05:52:20
this will show me all of the static PDF
products that have been placed
00:05:52:20 - 00:05:55:24
on the entire platform.
00:05:57:09 - 00:06:00:29
Underneath those tabs,
you have some additional filtering options
00:06:02:13 - 00:06:06:05
that allows users to locate jobs
by a range of different metrics.
00:06:06:23 - 00:06:11:12
One of those is the ability to refine the
search down to a particular storefront.
00:06:11:25 - 00:06:16:25
So, for example, if I change this down
to a currently active storefront,
00:06:16:25 - 00:06:22:04
We see only the job that's been placed
on our sample storefront.
00:06:26:06 - 00:06:28:16
on the plus icon next to one of these rows
00:06:28:16 - 00:06:31:19
to see some additional information.
00:06:32:15 - 00:06:36:01
Now, the actual row just gives you
some summary information on that
00:06:36:01 - 00:06:40:22
particular job, such as the current status
of that particular job.
00:06:40:22 - 00:06:43:07
So we can see here
that the output has been created.
00:06:45:00 - 00:06:47:07
We can see the delivery type
that's been selected
00:06:47:14 - 00:06:49:29
and we can see a recommended due date.
00:06:51:00 - 00:06:54:11
Now, if we click on that pause icon,
we see a lot more information in here,
00:06:54:11 - 00:06:56:06
a lot more detail.
00:06:56:06 - 00:06:58:01
And we'll go through
00:06:58:07 - 00:07:03:01
the very basic explanation of what
some of these allow you to do.
00:07:03:11 - 00:07:06:01
Some of them may require
additional configuration
00:07:06:01 - 00:07:10:24
in order to function correctly
and information on how to perform those
00:07:10:24 - 00:07:16:22
additional configuration steps can be
found elsewhere in the Infigo Academy.
00:07:17:07 - 00:07:18:09
So first and foremost,
00:07:18:09 - 00:07:21:27
you can see in here that there are product
information details.
00:07:22:18 - 00:07:25:00
So as it suggests,
this is giving you information
00:07:25:00 - 00:07:27:20
on the product
that's been ordered as part of that job.
00:07:28:02 - 00:07:32:22
And if there is a output file
associated with that particular job,
00:07:33:00 - 00:07:35:23
it will also be available
to download from this area.
00:07:36:06 - 00:07:41:14
So for example, if you're utilizing a
static PDF, Mega edit or an upload product
00:07:44:23 - 00:07:45:04
over on the
00:07:45:04 - 00:07:47:29
right hand side, you have the ability
to contact a user.
00:07:48:06 - 00:07:51:11
Now, this is one of those that will
require some additional configuration.
00:07:52:03 - 00:07:55:11
Your primary use case
here is to send emails to the customer
00:07:55:11 - 00:07:58:15
if there's additional information
you require from them, but
00:07:58:15 - 00:08:02:08
you will need to configure email accounts
before that
00:08:02:08 - 00:08:07:27
can proceed.
00:08:07:27 - 00:08:10:06
Coming further down,
we have shipping information.
00:08:10:07 - 00:08:11:06
This will show you things
00:08:11:06 - 00:08:14:11
such as the weight of this particular job,
the weight of the
00:08:15:16 - 00:08:18:25
particular item, shipping method and
00:08:20:14 - 00:08:22:16
dispatch and delivery dates.
00:08:23:05 - 00:08:25:09
you can put a tracking number in here.
00:08:25:24 - 00:08:28:12
A lot of the information that we see
within this particular
00:08:28:12 - 00:08:32:08
table, again, requires
additional configuration information
00:08:32:08 - 00:08:42:25
on which you can find elsewhere
in the Infigo Academy.
00:08:43:00 - 00:08:44:29
In the center we have job notes.
00:08:44:29 - 00:08:48:20
So this is quite similar
to what we saw in the sales screen
00:08:49:04 - 00:08:52:23
where we can see all of the actions
and the notes
00:08:52:23 - 00:08:56:19
that have been placed
on this particular order.
00:08:59:06 - 00:08:59:24
On the right hand
00:08:59:24 - 00:09:02:18
side, we have some peripheral
downloadable documents.
00:09:02:25 - 00:09:06:16
So these are documents which are created
in association with a job.
00:09:06:29 - 00:09:09:11
So you can see it
automatically generates a job ticket,
00:09:09:20 - 00:09:11:29
an invoice and a packaging slip.
00:09:13:14 - 00:09:16:06
Now, by default,
all of these are Infigo branded.
00:09:16:16 - 00:09:21:29
However, we do have the capability
to brand that however you see fit.
00:09:22:08 - 00:09:28:07
And again, that's going to be covered
elsewhere in the academy.
00:09:28:07 - 00:09:32:15
And then on the bottom row here, we have
information related to the wider order.
00:09:32:28 - 00:09:36:07
So this is showing the order
in which this job is contained.
00:09:36:15 - 00:09:39:29
It's showing us the price,
the payment method, the overall weight,
00:09:40:09 - 00:09:43:17
and some additional information.
00:09:45:10 - 00:09:46:23
And then over on the right hand side,
00:09:46:23 - 00:09:50:17
we have the status history
of this particular job.
00:09:51:01 - 00:09:52:24
So this goes into a little more detail
00:09:52:24 - 00:09:56:17
than the order status
that we saw in the sales section.
00:09:56:22 - 00:09:59:17
This is giving us much more detail
on this particular job
00:10:00:04 - 00:10:03:12
we find go to show all for example,
you can see all the stages
00:10:03:12 - 00:10:04:27
that this job is currently been through,
00:10:06:05 - 00:10:08:28
right from output creation pending.
00:10:09:15 - 00:10:11:17
Then the order was completed,
00:10:11:17 - 00:10:14:19
the output creation was started
and the output was created.
00:10:15:22 - 00:10:19:23
If we wanted to manually change the status
from here, such as it had been printed,
00:10:20:19 - 00:10:23:25
we can change the status
and that will be registered
00:10:24:10 - 00:10:27:02
on the status history.
00:10:31:07 - 00:10:33:07
So where next with your orders?
00:10:33:16 - 00:10:36:02
So with our orders placed into Infigo
00:10:36:17 - 00:10:40:24
we now have to decide how to move them
to the next stage of our workflow.
00:10:41:21 - 00:10:44:04
In many cases,
this takes the form of integrating
00:10:44:04 - 00:10:48:16
with a third party MIS software
such as printIQ or Site Flow.
00:10:49:11 - 00:10:53:10
And Infigo maintains plug ins
with many of the major MIS providers
00:10:53:19 - 00:10:57:12
allowing data to be passed to
and fro between it and Infigo.,
00:10:58:23 - 00:11:00:19
the data passed and the form it takes
00:11:00:19 - 00:11:04:04
will differ based on the third
party MIS being utilized
00:11:06:10 - 00:11:07:18
for MIS software.
00:11:07:18 - 00:11:10:28
We do not provide
bespoke plugins for Infigo..
00:11:10:29 - 00:11:13:01
Also offers Connect: Flow.
00:11:13:17 - 00:11:16:20
This is designed as a tool
to push information out of Infigo
00:11:16:20 - 00:11:22:05
in custom formats, which can be read
by a large variety of third party systems.
00:11:23:10 - 00:11:26:05
The Infigo Academy contains
a growing number of resources
00:11:26:05 - 00:11:31:26
dedicated to the various MIS solutions
that we integrate with.
00:11:32:05 - 00:11:35:09
If you're not planning to integrate
with an MIS at this stage,
00:11:35:09 - 00:11:38:01
then we highly recommend
configuring hot folders
00:11:38:14 - 00:11:41:12
on your own Infigo storefronts.
00:11:41:19 - 00:11:45:11
You can see reference to print locations
and hot folders right down here
00:11:46:28 - 00:11:47:15
00:11:47:15 - 00:11:51:17
Hot folder capabilities allow job outputs
along with additional job
00:11:51:17 - 00:11:55:13
files such as packaging slips and invoices
to be routed
00:11:55:13 - 00:11:58:20
directly to specific folders
and locations.
00:11:59:08 - 00:12:01:28
Ensuring a smooth workflow.
00:12:01:28 - 00:12:05:13
Steps on how to configure
and utilize hot folders within Infigo
00:12:05:19 - 00:12:08:07
can be found elsewhere
within the Infigo Academy.
00:12:08:16 - 00:12:11:29
However, we do highly recommend
that this is your immediate next step.
00:12:12:09 - 00:12:16:22
If you're not planning
to set up an MIS plugin.