Token | Description | Condition | Output | Example Output | | Gets the email address from the "Message template settings - Storefront owner Email Address" | N/a | Storefront owner Email Address | |
Infigo Academy | Gets the storefront name from "General settings - | N/a | Storefront name | Example Store | | Gets the storefront URL from "General Settings - Storefront URL" | N/a | Storefront URL | |
Login | Displays "log out" or "login" hyperlinked text | If logged in will display "Log out" text and link, if logged out will display "login" text and link | Markup containing a hyper link and text based on the logged in state of the user | <a class="link-logout" href="/logout?returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A85%2F"> Log out</a> |
/login? | Predefined url for logging in | N/a | URL to be used in a hyperlink for logging in | /login?returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A85%2F |
/logout? | Predefined url for logging out of | N/a | URL to be used in a hyperlink for logging out | /logout?returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A85%2F |
Progress (Value is not created.) | Shows the word "Basket" alongside the number of items in the basket in brackets | N/a | Predefined markup with basket hyperlink and number of items in cart | <a class="link-shoppingcart" href="/cart">Basket <span>(0)</span></a> |
/cart | Gets the storefront basket URL | N/a | Outputs the Basket URL | /cart |
0 | Gets the number of items in the basket | N/a | Outputs the number of items in the cart | 0 |
/customer/info | Gets the "My account" URL | N/a | Outputs the My account URL | /customer/info |
/customer/info | Gets the "Customer info" URL | N/a | Outputs the Customer info URL | /customer/info |
/customer/addresses | Gets the "Customer addresses" URL | N/a | Outputs the Customer addresses URL | /customer/addresses |
| Gets the "Customer albums" URL | Customer albums must not be hidden in "Customer Settings" | Outputs the Customer albums URL | /customer/albums |
/customer/orders | Gets the "Customer orders" URL | N/a | Outputs the Customer orders URL | /customer/orders |
/customer/returnrequests | Gets the "Customer return requests" URL | N/a | Outputs the Customer return Requests URL | /customer/returnrequests |
/customer/downloadableproducts | Gets the "Customer downloadable products" URL | N/a | Outputs the Customer downloadable products URL | /customer/downloadableproducts |
/customer/backinstocksubscriptions | Gets the "Customer back in stock products" URL | Back in stock tab must not be hidden in "Customer Settings" | Outputs the Customer back in stock products URL | /customer/backinstocksubscriptions |
/customer/rewardpoints | Gets the "Customer reward points" URL | Rewards points enabled in "Reward Points" | Outputs the Customer reward points URL | /customer/rewardpoints |
/customer/changepassword | Gets the "Customer change password" URL | N/a | Outputs the Customer change password URL | /customer/changepassword |
/customer/avatar | Gets the "Customer avatar" URL | Allow customer avatar must be enabled in "Customer settings" | Outputs the Customer avatar URL | /customer/avatar |
/customer/forumsubscriptions | Gets the "Customer forum subscriptions" URL | *** review this *** | *** review this *** | /customer/forumsubscriptions |
/CF/Reminder/Reminders | Gets the "Customer reminder" URL | Reminders need to be enabled in "Customer settings" | Outputs the Customer reminder URL | /CF/Reminder/Reminders *(may output "/Reminder/Reminders" check the CF is there) |
/customer/prepay | Gets the "Customer prepay" URL | Enable customer prepay tab in "Customer settings" | Outputs the Customer prepay URL | /customer/prepay |
/Customer/SavedProjects | Gets the "Customer saved projects" URL | Enable the saved project tab in "Customer settings" | Outputs the saved project URL | /Customer/SavedProjects |
/Customer/BoundOrders | Gets the "Customer relevant orders" URL | Enable bound orders by department in "Customer settings" | Outputs the bound orders URL | /Customer/BoundOrders |
/Customer/SavedBaskets | Gets the "Customer saved basket" URL | N/a | Outputs the saved basket URL | /Customer/SavedBaskets |
/Customer/OrderLine | Gets the "Customer order line" URL | Enable Customer Order Lines in "Customer settings" | Outputs the order line URL | /Customer/OrderLine |
/Customer/SavedQuotes | Gets the "Customer saved quotes" URL | Enable allow save quotes in "Quote settings" | Outputs the saved quotes URL | /Customer/SavedQuotes |
/Customer/OpenCampaigns | Gets the "Customer my open campaigns" URL | Enable show Symphony campaigns in "Customer settings" | Outputs the my campaigns URL | /Customer/OpenCampaigns | | Gets the "Work in progress" URL | N/a | Outputs the work in progress and store URL | http://localhost:85/workinprogress | | Gets the "Approval jobs" URL | N/a | Outputs the approval URL and the store URL | http://localhost:85/approval | | Gets the "Approval history" URL | N/a | Outputs the approval history URL | http://localhost:85/CF/Approval/History |
0 | Gets the number of items awaiting approval | N/a | Outputs the number of items awaiting approval as an integer | 0 |
0 | Gets the number of work in progress items | N/a | Outputs the number of work in progress items as an integer | 0 |
is-shown | Gets a class based on the logged in status of the user | N/a | Output changes based on logged in state of user. | "is-shown" will be output if the user is not logged in. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on the logged in status of the user | N/a | Output changes based on logged in state of user. | "is-shown" will be output if the user is logged in. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on the impersonation status of the user | N/a | Output changes based on impersonation state of user. | "is-shown" will be output if the user is impersonating. |
is-shown | TODO | TODO | TODO | TODO |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on the role of the user | N/a | Output changes based on user role. | "is-shown" will be output if the user has the role "Admin". |
is-hidden | Will return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 4 conditions. | Workflow must be enabled in "workflow settings", must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve and reject workflow jobs in ACL | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is returned if the 4 conditions are met "is-hidden" is retuned if they are not. |
is-hidden | Will return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions. | Workflow and "show workflow history" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is returned if the 5 conditions are met "is-hidden" is retuned if they are not. |
is-hidden | Will return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions. | Workflow must be enabled in "workflow settings", must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve, reject and, edit rejected jobs in ACL | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is returned if the 5 conditions are met "is-hidden" is retuned if they are not. |
is-hidden | Will return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions. | Workflow must be enabled in "workflow settings", must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve, reject and, edit rejected jobs in ACL | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is returned if the conditions are met and there is greater than 0 jobs in approval. "is-hidden" is returned if the conditions are met and there is less than 0 jobs in approval. |
is-hidden | Will return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions. | Workflow must be enabled in "workflow settings", must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve, reject and, edit rejected jobs in ACL | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is returned if the conditions are met and there is greater than 0 jobs in work in progress. "is-hidden" is returned if the conditions are met and there is less than 0 jobs in work in progress.. |
is-shown | Will return "is-shown" always due to solution having it hard coded | do not use | do not use | Under review don't use |
is-hidden | Gets a class if a setting is enabled / disabled | N/a | Output changes based on disabled / enabled state of the "hide albums" setting in customer settings | "is-shown" will be output if the "hide albums tab" is enabled in customer settings. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | "" in "customer settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-hidden | TODO | TODO | TODO | TODO | | | |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | " | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | " | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | " | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-shown | Will return "is-shown" always due to solution having it hard coded | do not use | do not use | Under review don't use |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | "Allow customers to upload avatars | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on one of two conditions | Either "forumsettings.forumsenabled" or "forumsettings.AllowCustomersToManageSubscriptions" must be enabled to use this token. *Currently these settings are only accessible via All settings so I would recommend not using this* | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if one of the two settings is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if both settings are disabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | "customersettings.hidereminders | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is disabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is enabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | "" in "customer settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is disabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is enabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | "Savedprojectsenabled" in "infigo settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | "" in "customer settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on condition | "Savedbasketsenabled" in "infigo settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-shown | Gets a class based on condition | "" in "customer settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-shown | Gets a class based on condition | "" in "customer settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
%Account.HideShowClass.MyAccount.SymphonyCampaigns% | Gets a class based on condition | "Show my open symphony campaigns" in "customer settings" | Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden" | "is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled. "is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled. |
is-guest | Gets a class based on logged in state of the user | N/a | Outputs either "is-authenticated" or "is-guest" |
| Gets a class based on the impersonation state of the user | N/a | Outputs "is-impersonated" or nothing | "is-impersonated" is shown if the user is impersonated. |
is-shoppingcartenabled | TODO | TODO | TODO | TODO |
| Gets a class based on the role of user | Any role that as access to admin panel | Outputs "is-admin" or nothing | "is-admin" is shown if the user is logged into an account with a role capable of accessing admin panel. |
| Gets a class based on URL | Be on the approval page | Outputs "is-active" | "is-active" is output if on the /approval page |
| Gets a class based on URL | Be on the work in progress page | Outputs "is-active" | "is-active" is output if on the /WorkInProgress page |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Album manager" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Approver" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "BudgetManager" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Editors" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Guests" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "PlatformAdministrators" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "PrintLocationDownloader" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "PrintOperator" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Registered" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Administrators" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Students" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "SuperAdministrators" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "AlbumAdmin" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Approver" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "BudgetManager" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Editors" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "ForumModerators" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
is-hidden | Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Guests" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "PlatformAdministrators" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "PrintLocationDownloader" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "PrintOperator" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Registered" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Administrators" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "Students" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets a class based on role | Have the role "SuperAdministrators" | Outputs "is-hidden" based on role | "is-hidden" is output if the user has the role. |
| Gets the account activation link | N/a | Outputs account activation link | http://localhost:85/customer/activation?token=& |
| Gets customer address entry line one | N/a | Outputs the customer address line one | |
| Gets customer address entry line two | N/a | Outputs the customer address line two | |
| Gets customer city | N/a | Outputscustomer city | |
| Gets customer Company name | "company enabled" in "customer settings" needs to be enabled | Outputs customer Company name | |
| Gets customer custom field one | "display custom field 1" in "customer settings" needs to be enabled | Outputs customer custom field one | |
| Gets customer custom field two | "display custom field 2" in "customer settings" needs to be enabled | Outputs customer custom field two | |
| Gets customer custom field three | "display custom field 3" in "customer settings" needs to be enabled | Outputs customer custom field three | |
| Gets customer Email address | N/a | Outputs customer Email address | |
| TODO | TODO | TODO | |
| Gets customer FAX number | "Fax number" in "customer settings" needs to be enabled | Outputs customer fax number | |
| Gets customer full name | N/a | Outputs customer first and second name as full name | |
| Gets customer first name | N/a | Outputs customer first name | |
| Gets customer last name | N/a | Outputs customer second name | |
| Gets customer password recovery URL | N/a | Outputs the password recovery URL | http://localhost:85/passwordrecovery/confirm?token=c408a69f-94a0-4d86-9fba-3acf24266e40& |
| Gets customer phone number | "Phone number enabled" in "customer settings" needs to be enabled | Outputs customer phone number | |
| Gets customer post code | N/a | Outputs the customer post code | |
| Gets customer username | N/a | Outputs customer username | |
| Gets the customer VAT number | N/a | Outputs customer VAT number | |
| Gets the customer VAT status | N/a | Outputs customer VAT status | |
| Gets the customer Title | N/a | Outputs the customer Title | |
| Gets the customer State/Province | N/a | Outputs the customer State/Province | |
| Gets the customer Country | N/a | Outputs the customer Country | |
| Gets the customer Gender | N/a | Outputs the customer gender | |
| Gets the customer Date of birth | N/a | Outputs customer date of birth | |
2025 | Gets current year | N/a | Outputs current year | |