Picture of Editable content tokens

Editable content tokens

Below is a table breaking down all the tokens available when creating editable content sections or CMS+ Content templates. 


Context Tokens





Example Output

academy@infigomail.netGets the email address from the "Message template settings - Storefront owner Email Address" N/aStorefront owner Email Addresstechsupportuk@infigoprintshop.co.uk
Infigo Academy Gets the storefront name from "General settings - N/aStorefront nameExample Store
https://academy.infigo.net/Gets the storefront URL from "General Settings - Storefront URL"N/aStorefront URLhttps://www.examplestore.com
Displays "log out" or "login" hyperlinked textIf logged in will display "Log out" text and link, if logged out will display "login" text and linkMarkup containing a hyper link and text based on the logged in state of the user<a class="link-logout" href="/logout?returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A85%2F"> Log out</a>
/login?returnUrl=https%3A%2F%2Facademy.infigo.net%2Fp%2F1731%2Feditable-content-tokensPredefined url for logging inN/aURL to be used in a hyperlink for logging in/login?returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A85%2F
/logout?returnUrl=https%3A%2F%2Facademy.infigo.net%2Fp%2F1731%2Feditable-content-tokensPredefined url for logging out ofN/aURL to be used in a hyperlink for logging out/logout?returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A85%2F
Progress (Value is not created.)Shows the word "Basket" alongside the number of items in the basket in bracketsN/aPredefined markup with basket hyperlink and number of items in cart<a class="link-shoppingcart" href="/cart">Basket <span>(0)</span></a>
/cartGets the storefront basket URLN/aOutputs the Basket URL/cart
0Gets the number of items in the basketN/aOutputs the number of items in the cart0
/customer/infoGets the "My account" URLN/aOutputs the My account URL/customer/info
/customer/infoGets the "Customer info" URLN/aOutputs the Customer info URL/customer/info
/customer/addressesGets the "Customer addresses" URLN/aOutputs the Customer addresses URL/customer/addresses
Gets the "Customer albums" URLCustomer albums must not be hidden in "Customer Settings"Outputs the Customer albums URL/customer/albums
/customer/ordersGets the "Customer orders" URLN/aOutputs the Customer orders URL/customer/orders
/customer/returnrequestsGets the "Customer return requests" URLN/aOutputs the Customer return Requests URL/customer/returnrequests
/customer/downloadableproductsGets the "Customer downloadable products" URLN/aOutputs the Customer downloadable products URL/customer/downloadableproducts
/customer/backinstocksubscriptionsGets the "Customer back in stock products" URLBack in stock tab must not be hidden in "Customer Settings"Outputs the Customer back in stock products URL/customer/backinstocksubscriptions
/customer/rewardpointsGets the "Customer reward points" URLRewards points enabled in "Reward Points"Outputs the Customer reward points URL/customer/rewardpoints
/customer/changepasswordGets the "Customer change password" URLN/aOutputs the Customer change password URL/customer/changepassword
/customer/avatarGets the "Customer avatar" URLAllow customer avatar must be enabled in "Customer settings"Outputs the Customer avatar URL/customer/avatar
/customer/forumsubscriptionsGets the "Customer forum subscriptions" URL*** review this ****** review this ***/customer/forumsubscriptions
/CF/Reminder/RemindersGets the "Customer reminder" URLReminders need to be enabled in "Customer settings"Outputs the  Customer reminder URL


*(may output "/Reminder/Reminders" check the CF is there)

/customer/prepayGets the "Customer prepay" URLEnable customer prepay tab in "Customer settings"Outputs the Customer prepay URL/customer/prepay
/Customer/SavedProjectsGets the "Customer saved projects" URLEnable the saved project tab in "Customer settings"Outputs the saved project URL/Customer/SavedProjects
/Customer/BoundOrdersGets the "Customer relevant orders" URLEnable bound orders by department in "Customer settings"Outputs the bound orders URL/Customer/BoundOrders
/Customer/SavedBasketsGets the "Customer saved basket" URLN/aOutputs the saved basket URL/Customer/SavedBaskets
/Customer/OrderLineGets the "Customer order line" URLEnable Customer Order Lines in "Customer settings"Outputs the order line URL/Customer/OrderLine
/Customer/SavedQuotesGets the "Customer saved quotes" URLEnable allow save quotes in "Quote settings"Outputs the saved quotes URL /Customer/SavedQuotes
/Customer/OpenCampaignsGets the "Customer my open campaigns" URLEnable show Symphony campaigns in "Customer settings"Outputs the my campaigns URL/Customer/OpenCampaigns
https://academy.infigo.net/workinprogressGets the "Work in progress" URLN/aOutputs the work in progress and store URLhttp://localhost:85/workinprogress
https://academy.infigo.net/approvalGets the "Approval jobs" URLN/aOutputs the approval URL and the store URLhttp://localhost:85/approval
https://academy.infigo.net/CF/Approval/HistoryGets the "Approval history" URLN/aOutputs the approval history URLhttp://localhost:85/CF/Approval/History
0Gets the number of items awaiting approvalN/aOutputs the number of items awaiting approval as an integer0
0Gets the number of work in progress itemsN/aOutputs the number of work in progress items as an integer0
is-shownGets a class based on the logged in status of the userN/aOutput changes based on logged in state of user."is-shown" will be output if the user is not logged in.
is-hiddenGets a class based on the logged in status of the userN/aOutput changes based on logged in state of user."is-shown" will be output if the user is logged in.
is-hiddenGets a class based on the impersonation status of the userN/aOutput changes based on impersonation state of user."is-shown" will be output if the user is impersonating.
is-hiddenGets a class based on the role of the userN/aOutput changes based on user role."is-shown" will be output if the user has the role "Admin".
is-hiddenWill return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 4 conditions.Workflow must be enabled in "workflow settings", must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve and reject workflow jobs in ACLOutputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is returned if the 4 conditions are met

"is-hidden" is retuned if they are not.

is-hiddenWill return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions.

Workflow and "show workflow history"

Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is returned if the 5 conditions are met

"is-hidden" is retuned if they are not.

is-hiddenWill return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions. 

Workflow must be enabled in  "workflow settings",  must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve, reject and, edit rejected  jobs in ACL

Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is returned if the 5 conditions are met

"is-hidden" is retuned if they are not. 

is-hiddenWill return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions. 

Workflow must be enabled in  "workflow settings",  must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve, reject and, edit rejected  jobs in ACL

Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is returned if the conditions are met and there is greater than 0 jobs in approval.

"is-hidden" is returned if the conditions are met and there is less than 0 jobs in approval.

is-hiddenWill return "is-shown" or "is-hidden" based on 5 conditions. 

Workflow must be enabled in  "workflow settings",  must be logged in, the account logged into must have the permission to approve, reject and, edit rejected  jobs in ACL

Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is returned if the conditions are met and there is greater than 0 jobs in work in progress.

"is-hidden" is returned if the conditions are met and there is less than 0 jobs in work in progress..

is-shownWill return "is-shown" always due to solution having it hard codeddo not usedo not useUnder review don't use
is-hiddenGets a class if a setting is enabled / disabledN/aOutput changes based on disabled / enabled state of the "hide albums" setting in customer settings"is-shown" will be output if the "hide albums tab" is enabled in customer settings.
is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"" in "customer settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-shownWill return "is-shown" always due to solution having it hard codeddo not usedo not useUnder review don't use
is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"Allow customers to upload avatarsOutputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on one of two conditions

Either "forumsettings.forumsenabled" or "forumsettings.AllowCustomersToManageSubscriptions"

must be enabled to use this token. *Currently these settings are only accessible via All settings so I would recommend not using this*

Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if one of the two settings is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if both settings are disabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"customersettings.hideremindersOutputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is disabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is enabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"" in "customer settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is disabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is enabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"Savedprojectsenabled" in "infigo settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"" in "customer settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-hiddenGets a class based on condition"Savedbasketsenabled" in "infigo settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-shownGets a class based on condition"" in "customer settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-shownGets a class based on condition"" in "customer settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

%Account.HideShowClass.MyAccount.SymphonyCampaigns%Gets a class based on condition"Show my open symphony campaigns" in "customer settings" Outputs either "is-shown" or "is-hidden"

"is-shown" is output if the setting is enabled.

"is-hidden" is output if the setting is disabled.

is-guestGets a class based on logged in state of the userN/aOutputs either "is-authenticated" or "is-guest"

Gets a class based on the impersonation state of the userN/aOutputs "is-impersonated" or nothing"is-impersonated" is shown if the user is impersonated.
Gets a class based on the role of userAny role that as access to admin panelOutputs "is-admin" or nothing"is-admin" is shown if the user is logged into an account with a role capable of accessing admin panel.
Gets a class based on URLBe on the approval pageOutputs "is-active""is-active" is output if on the /approval page
Gets a class based on URLBe on the work in progress pageOutputs "is-active""is-active" is output if on the /WorkInProgress page
is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "Album manager"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "Approver"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "BudgetManager"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "Editors"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

Gets a class based on roleHave the role "Guests"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "PlatformAdministrators"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "PrintLocationDownloader"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "PrintOperator"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "Registered"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "Administrators"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "Students"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "SuperAdministrators"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role

"is-hidden" is output if the user does not have the role.

Gets a class based on roleHave the role "AlbumAdmin"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "Approver"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "BudgetManager"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "Editors"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "ForumModerators"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
is-hiddenGets a class based on roleHave the role "Guests"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "PlatformAdministrators"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "PrintLocationDownloader"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "PrintOperator"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "Registered"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "Administrators"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "Students"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets a class based on roleHave the role "SuperAdministrators"Outputs "is-hidden" based on role"is-hidden" is output if the user has the role.
Gets the account activation linkN/aOutputs account activation linkhttp://localhost:85/customer/activation?token=&email=hector.occomore@infigo.net
Gets customer address entry line one N/aOutputs the customer address line one 
Gets customer address entry line twoN/aOutputs the customer address line two 
Gets customer cityN/aOutputscustomer city 
Gets customer Company name"company enabled" in "customer settings" needs to be enabledOutputs customer Company name 
Gets customer custom field one"display custom field 1" in "customer settings" needs to be enabledOutputs customer custom field one 
Gets customer custom field two"display custom field 2" in "customer settings" needs to be enabledOutputs customer custom field two 
Gets customer custom field three"display custom field 3" in "customer settings" needs to be enabledOutputs customer custom field three 
Gets customer  Email addressN/aOutputs customer  Email address 
Gets customer FAX number"Fax number" in "customer settings" needs to be enabledOutputs customer fax number 
Gets customer full nameN/aOutputs customer first and second name as full name 
Gets customer first nameN/aOutputs customer first name 
Gets customer last nameN/aOutputs customer second name 
Gets customer password recovery URLN/aOutputs the password recovery URLhttp://localhost:85/passwordrecovery/confirm?token=c408a69f-94a0-4d86-9fba-3acf24266e40&email=hector.occomore@infigo.net
Gets customer phone number"Phone number enabled" in "customer settings" needs to be enabledOutputs customer phone number 
Gets customer post codeN/aOutputs the customer post code 
Gets customer usernameN/aOutputs customer username 
Gets the customer VAT numberN/aOutputs customer VAT number 
Gets the customer VAT statusN/aOutputs customer VAT status 
Gets the customer TitleN/aOutputs the customer Title 
Gets the customer State/ProvinceN/aOutputs the customer State/Province 
Gets the customer CountryN/aOutputs the customer Country 
Gets the customer GenderN/aOutputs the customer gender 
Gets the customer Date of birthN/aOutputs customer date of birth 
2025Gets current yearN/aOutputs current year 



Layout Tokens





Example Output

Gets the prebuilt HTML of the account links moduleN/aOutputs HTML

<div class="header-links-wrapper">

<div class="adminlinks">

<ul class="adminmenu clearfix">

Gets the prebuilt HTML of the account navigation moduleN/aOutputs HTML

<div class="module--account-navigation">

Gets the prebuilt HTML of the advanced navigation moduleN/aOutputs HTML

<div class="advanced-nav-parentcontainer">

Gets a list of active CategoriesN/aOutputs HTML

<div class="navigationmenu">

Gets the currency selector moduleMore than  once currency must be activeOutputs HTML<span class="currency-selector">
Gets customer avatarAvatar upload must be enabled in customer settingsOutputs HTML

<div class="customer-avatar-parentcontainer">

Gets the prebuilt HTML of the header link moduleN/aOutputs HTML

<div class="header-links-wrapper">


<div class="adminlinks">

<ul class="adminmenu clearfix">

Gets the account header links no wrapperN/aOutputs HTML



<li class="headerlink__workinprogress navbar-list-item">

Gets the HTML for the language selector moduleMore than one language must be enabledOutputs HTML<span class="language-list-container">
Gets the HTML for the mini shopping cartN/aOutputs HTML

Gets the HTML for the newsletterOutputs HTML

<div class="newsLetterSmallWrapper__section">

Recently Viewed
Recently Viewed Products
Gets the HTML for the recently viewed popups"Recently viewed products" must be enabled in "catalog settings"Outputs HTML<div id="recentlyViewedItems" class="recentlyViewed recentlyViewed_closed" style="">
Gets the HTML for the search box moduleN/aOutputs HTML

<div class="search-box">

<div class="searchbox_wrapper">

Gets the HTML for the Tax selector module""cmust be enabled in tax settingsOutputs HTML

<div class="tax-selector">

Gets the HTML for the workflow navigator module Outputs HTML

<div class="headermenu headermenu--workflownav">




Theme Tokens





Example Output

/-1809837766/Handler/Picture/GU/F/ThemeImages/Infigo Academy.pngGets the URL for the theme logo colour variant set in appearance settingsN/aImage urlhttp://www.infigosoftware.com/sites/default/files/Infigo-Software-Logo-New.png
/1580273950/Handler/Picture/GU/F/ThemeImages/Infigo Academy single colour white.pngGets the URL for the theme logo colour variant set in appearance settingsN/aImage urlhttp://www.infigosoftware.com/sites/default/files/Infigo-Software-Logo-New.png
#CADFEBGets the Hex code for the Primary Colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#002E47Gets the Hex code for the Secondary Colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#000000Gets the Hex code for the Text Primary Colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FF6867Gets the Hex code for the Button Primary Colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FF6867Gets the Hex code for the Link Colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#4344A2Gets the Hex code for the Link Visited Colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FFFFFFGets the Hex code for the Background Colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
PTSansGets the name of the Primary font set in appearance settingsN/aFont nameRaleway
PTSansGets the name of the Secondary font set in appearance settingsN/aFont nameRoboto
https://source.unsplash.com/featured/1920x1080/?color,background,abstractGets the URL of the login background image set in appearance settingsN/aImage urlhttps://source.unsplash.com/featured/1920x1080/?color,background,abstract
Gets the URL of the global background image set in appearance settingsN/aImage urlhttps://source.unsplash.com/featured/1920x1080/?color,background,abstract
Gets the URL of the editor loading background image set in appearance settingsN/aImage urlhttps://source.unsplash.com/featured/1920x1080/?color,background,abstract
#FF6867Gets the Hex code for the editor top bar set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#002E47Gets the Hex code for the editor side bar set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#CADFEBGets the Hex code for the editor button set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FF6867Gets the Hex code for the editor primary colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#CADFEBGets the Hex code for the editor preview background colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#CADFEBGets the Hex code for the editor loading colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FF6867Gets the Hex code for the editor top bar colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FF6867Gets the Hex code for the editor side bar colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#F5F5F5Gets the Hex code for the editor bottom bar colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
15pxGets the Font size set in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit14px
14pxGets the Font size for mobile view set in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit14px
PTSansGets the name of the editor font set in appearance settingsN/aFont nameRoboto
16pxGets the editor font size set in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit14px
14pxGets the editor font size for mobile view set in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit14px
1Gets the number that corresponds to the option selected in appearance settingsN/aNumber1
1Gets the number that corresponds to the option selected in appearance settingsN/aNumber1
1Gets the number that corresponds to the option selected in appearance settingsN/aNumber1
1Gets the number that corresponds to the option selected in appearance settingsN/aNumber1
2Gets the number that corresponds to the option selected in appearance settingsN/aNumber1
1Gets the number that corresponds to the option selected in appearance settingsN/aNumber1
#3483ACGets the Hex code for "info" colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#B4DC82Gets the Hex code for "success" colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FAE351Gets the Hex code for "warning" colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#CF4646Gets the Hex code for "danger" colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#F5F9FBGets the Hex code for "light" colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#3D4D57Gets the Hex code for "dark" colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
300Gets the font weight for light set in appearance settingsN/aNumber300
400Gets the font weight for normal set in appearance settingsN/aNumber300
500Gets the font weight for medium set in appearance settingsN/aNumber300
600Gets the font weight for semi bold set in appearance settingsN/aNumber300
700Gets the font weight for bold set in appearance settingsN/aNumber300
64pxGets the value set for the gap between containers in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit64px
0.75remGets the value set for the gap between columns in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0.75rem
768pxGets the value set for tablet breakpoint in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit768px
960pxGets the value set for desktop breakpoint in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit960px
1152pxGets the value set for widescreen breakpoint in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit1152px
1344pxGets the value set for full HD breakpoint in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit1344px
1440pxGets the value for the largest breakpoint in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit1440px
0.5remGets the value set for the small general spacing in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0.5rem
0.75remGets the value set for the small general spacing in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0.5rem
1.5remGets the value set for the normal general spacing in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0.5rem
3remGets the value set for the medium general spacing in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0.5rem
6remGets the value set for the large general spacing in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0.5rem
#F5F9FBGets the hex code for the general background colour of the website set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#CADFEBGets the hex code for the border colour set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
#FF6867Gets the hex code for the border colour on hover set in appearance settingsN/aHEX code#002E47
1pxGets the value of the thickness of the border set in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit1px
1Gets the yes or no value expressed as 1 or 2 of the show or hide border radius option set in appearance settingsN/aNumber

1 if show

2 if hide

0pxGets the value set for border radius small in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0px
0pxGets the value set for border radius normal in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0px
0pxGets the value set for border radius large in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0px
290486pxGets the value set for border radius rounding in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0px
2Gets the yes or no value expressed as 1 or 2 of the show or hide box shadow option set in appearance settingsN/aNumber

1 if show

2 if hide

0pxGets the value set for box shadow horizontal offset in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0px
2pxGets the value set for box shadow vertical offset in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit2px
6pxGets the value set for box shadow blur in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit6px
0pxGets the value set for box shadow spread in appearance settingsN/aNumber and unit0px
1Gets the crop or no crop value expressed as 1 or 2 for crop product thumbnail image option set in appearance settingsN/aNumber

1 if show

2 if hide

2Gets the crop or no crop value expressed as 1 or 2 for crop category thumbnail image option set in appearance settingsN/aNumber

1 if show

2 if hide

1Gets the crop or no crop value expressed as 1 or 2 for crop blog thumbnail image option set in appearance settingsN/aNumber

1 if show

2 if hide



Page Context Tokens





Example Output

Gets the blog IDN/aNumber16
Gets the blog titleN/aTextLoreum Ipsum
Gets the blog URLN/aTexthttps://testsetup.pp.infigosoftware.rocks/tokens/blog/16
Gets the short descriptionN/aTextLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lacus feugiat, justo vestibulum augue tortor ultricies consequat arcu orci quis
Gets the blog tagsN/aTextone two three four five
Gets the blog featured image URLN/aURL/50082078/Handler/Picture/PI/T/0014256.jpeg
Gets the featured flag for the blogN/aTextTrue or false depending on checked state of the option
Gets the published time from in millisecondsN/aNumber1690475658000
Gets the blog published from dateN/aText and numbers27 July 2023
Gets the blog creation dateN/aText and numbers27 July 2023
Gets the category IDN/aNumber12
Gets the category titleN/aTextLoreum Ipsum
Gets the category IDN/aURLhttps://testsetup.pp.infigosoftware.rocks/c/222
Gets the news post IDN/aNumber11
Gets the news post titleN/aTextLoreum Ipsum
Gets the news post URLN/aURLhttps://testsetup.pp.infigosoftware.rocks/news/3
Gets the short description of the news postN/aTextLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit lacus feugiat, justo vestibulum augue tortor ultricies consequat arcu orci quis
1731Gets the product IDN/aNumber45
Editable content tokensGets the product titleN/aTextLoreum Ipsum
https://academy.infigo.net/p/1731/editable-content-tokensGets the product URLN/aURLhttps://testsetup.pp.infigosoftware.rocks/p/11
Gets the topic page IDN/aNumber11
Gets the topic page titleN/aTextLoreum Ipsum


Email Tokens





Example Output

academy@infigomail.netGets the email address from the "Message template settings - Storefront owner Email Address" N/aStorefront owner Email Addresstechsupportuk@infigoprintshop.co.uk
Infigo AcademyGets the storefront name from "General settings - N/aStorefront nameExample Store
https://academy.infigo.net/Gets the storefront URL from "General Settings - Storefront URL"N/aStorefront URLhttps://www.examplestore.com
%Order.BillingAddress1%Get Order Billing Address 1 from Registered Billing DetailsA Billing Address 1 must be RegisteredText and NumbersApt. 123
%Order.BillingAddress2%Get Order Billing Address 2 from Registered Billing DetailsA Billing Address 2 must be RegisteredRegister Billing DetailsText and Numbers321 Main Street
%Order.BillingCity%Get Order Billing City from Registered Billing DetailsA Billing City must be RegisteredTextLondon
%Order.BillingCompany%Get Order Billing Company From Registered Billing DetailsA Billing Company must be RegisteredTextOpen Company Org
%Order.BillingCountry%Get Order Billing Country From Registered Billing DetailsA Billing Country must be RegisteredTextUnited Kingdom
%Order.BillingEmail%Get Order Billing Email From Customer Information Registration DetailsA Billing Email address must be RegisteredText and Numberstechsupportuk@infigoprintshop.co.uk
%Order.BillingFaxNumber%Get Order Billing Fax Number From Customer Information Registration DetailsA Billing Fax Number address must be RegisteredNumbers+44-20-1224-3456
%Order.BillingFirstName%Get Order Billing First Name From Registered Billing DetailsA Billing First Name must be RegisteredTextJohn
%Order.BillingLastName%Get Order Billing Last Name From Registered Billing DetailsA Billing Last Name must be RegisteredTextDoe
%Order.BillingPhoneNumber%Get Order Billing Phone Number From Customer Information Registration DetailsA Billing Phone Number address must be RegisteredNumber+44 7911 123456
%Order.BillingStateProvince%Get Order Billing State/Province From Registered Billing DetailsA Billing State/Provice must be RegisteredTextNew York
%Order.BillingZipPostalCode%Get Order Zip Postal Code From Registered Billing DetailsA Billing Zip/ Postal Code must be RegisteredText and NumbersPO16 7GZ
%Order.CreatedOn%Get Order Created On From Customer Order DetailsAn Order must be CreatedDate and Time2023-08-01 12:12:30
%Order.CustomerEmail%Get Customer Email from Customer Registered DetailsA Customer Email must be RegisteredText and Numberstechsupportuk@infigoprintshop.co.uk
%Order.CustomerFullName%Get Customer Full Name from Customer Registered DetailsA Customer First name and Last Name must be RegisteredTextJohn Doe
%Order.DiscountCode%Get Order Discount CodeA Discount Code mus be applied during Basket CheckoutText and Number 
%Order.DispatchBy%Get Order Dispatch By From Customer Order DetailsAn Order must be CreatedDate and Time2023-08-01 12:12:30
%Order.DownloadableProductLink(s)%Get Downloable Product Link From Downloadable Product   
%Order.DownloadableProductWebVersionLink(s)%Get Downloadable Product Web Version Link From Product Web Version Link   
%Order.OrderNumber%Get Created Order Number From Order ID in Order DetailsAn order must be createdNumber7997
%Order.PaymentMethodName%Get Payment Method Name From Order DetailsAn order must be Purchased selecting a Payment methodText 
%Order.PONumber%Get PO Number From Order DetailsA Payment method must be selected when going through the Payment ProcessText or Number123ABC
%Order.ShippingAddress1%Get Shipping Address 1 from Registered Delivery DetailsShipping Address 1 Detail must be RegisteredText and NumberApt. 123
%Order.ShippingAddress2%Get Shipping Address 2 from Registered Delivery DetailsShipping Address 2 Detail must be RegisteredText and Number321 Main Street
%Order.ShippingCity%Get Shipping City from Registered Delivery DetailsShipping City Detail must be RegisteredTextLondon
%Order.ShippingCompany%Get Shipping Company from Registered Delivery DetailsShipping Company Detail must be RegisteredTextOpen Company Org
%Order.ShippingCountry%Get Shipping Country from Registered Delivery DetailsShipping Country Detail must be RegisteredTextEngland
%Order.ShippingEmail%Get Shipping Email from Customer Registered DetailsA Customer Email must be RegisteredText and Numbertechsupportuk@infigoprintshop.co.uk
%Order.ShippingFaxNumber%Get Shipping Fax from Customer Registered DetailsA Customer Fax Number must be RegisteredNumber+44-20-1224-3456
%Order.ShippingFirstName%Get Shipping First Name from Customer Registered DetailsA Shipping First Name must be RegisteredTextJohn
%Order.ShippingLastName%Get Shipping First Name from Customer Registered DetailsA Shipping Last Name must be RegisteredTextDoe
%Order.ShippingMethod%Get Shipping Method From Order DetailsA Shipping Method must be chosenText And Number1st
%Order.ShippingPhoneNumber%Get Shipping Phone Number From Order DetailsShipping Phone Number must be RegisteredNumber+44 7911 123456
%Order.ShippingStateProvince%Get Shipping State/ Provice From Order DetailsA Shipping State/ Province must be RegisteredTextNew York
%Order.ShippingZipPostalCode%Get Shipping Zip/Postal Code From Order DetailsA Shipping ZIP/ Postal Code must be RegisteredText and NumberPO16 7GZ
%Order.TrackingNumber%Get Tracking Number From Order DetailsA tracking Number will be issued once the item has been shippedNumber 
%Order.VatNumber%Gets the Order VAT numberN/a  
Get Customer Activation Key Url 
Gets customer address entry line one N/aText and Number 
Gets customer address entry line twoN/aText and Number 
Gets customer City entryN/aText 
Gets customer Company NameN/aText 
Get customer CountryN/aText 
Gets the customer Date of birthN/aDate 
Gets Custome EmailN/aText 
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